Determining the age of Moses at his death requires piecing together information from different parts of the Bible. Moses lived to be 120 years old according to Deuteronomy 34:7 which says, “Moses was 120 years old when he died.” However, to understand how old Moses was when he died, we need to look at key events earlier in his life that are documented in Scripture.
Moses was born in Egypt during the time when the Israelites were slaves there. He was born to Levite parents (Exodus 2:1-2) and passed off as an Egyptian after being adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter who named him Moses (Exodus 2:10). Moses lived in the royal courts for 40 years (Acts 7:23) before fleeing Egypt after killing an Egyptian slave master (Exodus 2:11-15).
After fleeing Egypt, Moses lived in Midian as a shepherd for 40 years (Acts 7:30). At 80 years old, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and commissioned him to go back to Egypt to lead the Israelites out of slavery (Exodus 3:1-4:17).
Moses then led the Israelites out of Egypt in what is known as the Exodus. He subsequently led them through the wilderness for 40 years (Deuteronomy 8:2, 29:5) before bringing them to the border of the Promised Land. It was at this point, when Moses was 120 years old, that God told him he would not enter into the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 34:4). Soon after, Moses died and God buried him in Moab (Deuteronomy 34:5-6).
So in summary, the key ages and timelines are:
- 40 years – Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s court in Egypt
- 40 years – Moses lived in Midian as a shepherd before God appeared to him
- 40 years – Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness
Adding up these numbers equates to Moses being 120 years old when he died, as Deuteronomy 34:7 records. The Bible provides us with these details so by combining the information we can determine Moses’ age at death.
Some additional details help provide clarity on the timing of these phases of Moses’ life:
- Moses was born while the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt, before the Exodus (Exodus 2:1-10)
- Moses was 80 years old when God spoke to him from the burning bush to go back to Egypt (Exodus 7:7)
- The Israelites then wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before coming to the border of Canaan (Deuteronomy 29:5)
By assembling this chronology, we can determine that Moses died at the age of 120, sometime after leading the Israelites out of Egypt but before they entered the Promised Land of Canaan.
In conclusion, although the Bible does not outright state Moses’ age at death in one place, it provides enough details to allow us to come to the conclusion he was 120 years old when he died. This illustrates how various passages come together to give us insights that might not be immediately obvious from just a cursory reading. Careful study and cross-referencing of Scripture allows us to build a complete picture in our understanding of biblical details like the lifespan of Moses.
The Bible does not usually provide extraneous information for no reason. Even small details like numbers and ages generally serve a purpose in the larger story being told. Moses living to 120 years old was extremely long for that time period, and indicates God’s favor and blessing on his life. Through all the trials and rebellions Moses faced, God sustained him through a remarkably long life of service. Moses’ age of 120 years reflects God’s faithfulness to him despite the ups and downs until it was time for Moses to turn over the reins to Joshua.
As with all numbers in the Bible, Moses’ age carries significance and allows us to see God’s hand at work through the progression of biblical history. By putting the clues together, we gain insight into how God patiently worked out His purposes over long periods of time. The ages shed light on the passage of time and move the story forward in God’s timing. Moses’ lifespan is just one example of how God uses details like ages and numbers to teach us important truths and direct the narrative of Scripture according to His perfect timing and purposes.
Though we do not have a simple verse that tells us plainly how old Moses was when he died, the Scriptures contain everything we need to draw an accurate conclusion. God provided each piece of information for a reason, and we can have confidence in piecing them together properly to determine Moses’ age. It requires digging deeper, but Scripture has supplied the clues for those who look carefully. Assembling key details takes effort, but serves to deepen our knowledge and appreciation of the biblical account.
Studying the Scriptures in this way equips us to better understand not just individual details, but the bigger picture of God’s plans. Too often we focus only on the surface, when careful examination can shed light on deeper truths just waiting to be uncovered. Moses’ age at death reminds us that numbers in the Bible often signify deeper meanings if we take the time to explore and put the pieces together. Scripture can reward those who look closer and helps strengthen our overall understanding of God’s Word.
The Bible is a deep well of insight that gives up its treasures to those who probe further. Taking time to cross-reference and combine details provides a more three-dimensional picture compared to skimming the surface. Let Moses’ age at death be an example of how the Spirit uses many biblical means to point to truth. If we want to correctly handle God’s word and grow in knowledge, we must be like the faithful Bereans who “searched the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11).
Understanding how long Moses lived also allows us to appreciate the sweeping scope of biblical history. Moses’ life spanned key eras – Egyptian slavery, the Exodus, and Israel’s wilderness wanderings. God used him greatly over this entire 120-year period. Considering this long view can help us see how God patiently works His plans over generations and centuries.
In our hurry-up world, it is easy lose sight of God’s grand timeline. But Moses lived fully to advanced old age because God had work for him to do the entire time. Appreciating the length of Moses’ life reminds us that God’s plans extend beyond our limited human perspectives. As God told Abraham about the promise of inheriting the land, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years… and they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” (Genesis 15:13,16).
God works patiently over centuries to accomplish His purposes. Moses’ long life testifies to this truth. At a time when most people died at far younger ages, Moses was specially sustained to carry out God’s plans and lead Israel from slavery to freedom to the doorstep of Canaan over 120 years. His unusual longevity reveals a God who transcends time constraints as He sovereignly directs history.
Studying Moses’ age opens up many illuminating Scriptural insights. At first glance it may seem a minor detail. But understanding how old Moses lived to be sheds light on God’s faithfulness, His wise use of numbers, the sweeping arc of biblical history, and His patient working out of His redemptive plan. Digging deeper into Scripture always enriches our understanding and worship of God.
Moses’ long life is also a testimony to God’s mercy and grace. Despite Moses’ mistakes and sins along the way, God remained patient with him and kept the promise that he would lead the Israelites into the Promised Land (even though Moses could not enter it himself). Moses serves as an example that while our own lives are limited and fleeting, God’s plans and purposes extend far beyond any one person or generation. Moses was a tool in God’s hand, called for a purpose during that specific time.
There are several important lessons we can take away from Moses’ unusually long life:
- God is patient – He is able to work out His perfect will over centuries and millennia, not constrained by human timetables.
- God is faithful – As with Moses, He remains faithful to His servants even when they stumble and fall short.
- God is purposeful – Details like ages and dates have significance in Scripture as part of the grand story of redemption.
- God is transcendent – His plans supersede any one person or group, and He remains in control throughout history.
- God is gracious – He sustained Moses’ life and ministry despite his flaws and shortcomings.
Moses’ remarkable life of 120 years testifies to the depth of biblical history and the meticulous detail with which God inspired Scripture. When we probe beneath the surface, we discover wondrous truths about who God is and how He works. May the longevity of Moses inspire us to live faithfully in light of God’s eternal purposes.
Moses was able to accomplish all that God put before him in his 120 years of life – writing the first five books of the Bible, leading Israel out of Egypt and acting as their mediator before God, communicating God’s laws and instructions for right living, and preparing the next generation to finally enter into the Promised Land. It was Moses’ intimate relationship with God during this time that enabled him to carry out everything required of him. As Exodus 33:11 (ESV) says, “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.”
Despite Moses’ mistakes and occasional anger or frustration, God in His mercy and longsuffering remained committed to using Moses. God protected him and enabled Moses to complete the work God had called him to do. Moses stands as a testimony that when God commissions someone for a purpose, He enables that person to carry out that purpose to the end in God’s strength and wisdom.
It is also important to remember that Moses was a man – imperfect, prone to sin like all of us. He grappled with anger, self-doubt and fatigue at the constant complaining of Israel. Yet through it all, Moses remained dedicated to leading Israel according to God’s will. His life shows us that God uses fallible human instruments for His holy purposes. The call of God does not depend on human perfection or flawlessness. Despite our weaknesses, God’s strength finds a way to shine through yielded hearts.
Moses also foreshadowed Christ – he was a mediator between God and man, he communicated God’s Law, he interceded for Israel when they sinned. Moses delivered Israel out of slavery just as Christ delivers humanity out of bondage to sin and death. The parallels are strong between the life and ministry of Moses and the later coming of the Messiah. Moses’ life, when carefully studied, points us to learn more of who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish for us.
Studying the 120 years of Moses’ life enriches our understanding of how God works patiently through generations. It reveals His faithfulness and longsuffering toward imperfect servants. It highlights how God brings about His plans in His perfect timing. The longevity of Moses provides another window into appreciating how the Old Testament lays the groundwork for the coming of Christ. Just as Moses trusted and obeyed God for 120 years until his work was completed, we are called to remain faithful to our Lord until He calls us home. The steadfast, lifelong dedication of Moses sets an example for all who desire to walk with God.
In summary, while Scripture does not explicitly tell us in one verse how old Moses was when he died, it provides sufficient details for us to conclude with confidence he was 120 years old at the time of his death. Studying this more closely opens up edifying lessons about God’s faithfulness, the scope of biblical history, God’s generous grace toward imperfect servants, and the biblical foreshadowings that point to Christ. Let Moses’ long life of service encourage us to persevere in following God’s calling, whatever our age or stage of life.