The end times refer to the period leading up to the second coming of Jesus Christ. It will be a time of great tribulation and suffering before Jesus returns to defeat evil and establish his eternal kingdom. The Bible provides many details about the end times to help Christians understand what will happen and how to prepare.
Signs of the End Times
Jesus said in Matthew 24:4-8 that before his return there will be an increase in false messiahs, wars, famines, earthquakes, persecution of believers, and spiritual decline. We already see many of these signs unfolding today. While we cannot know the exact timing, these signs indicate we are living in the season of Christ’s return (Matthew 24:36).
The Rise of False Teachers
Many people will claim to be the Messiah and mislead believers. We must test their teachings against Scripture to avoid deception (1 John 4:1-3). Cult leaders today who claim divinity show this prophecy being fulfilled.
Wars and Violence
Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other as unrest spreads globally. We continually hear of wars and uprisings happening around the world just as Jesus foretold (Matthew 24:6-7).
Famines and Earthquakes
There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. Recent years have seen food shortages, new disease outbreaks, and increased seismic activity, matching Christ’s warnings (Matthew 24:7).
Persecution of Christians
Followers of Jesus will be delivered up, killed, and hated by all nations for His name’s sake. Martyrdom remains common today as over 340 million Christians live in places with high persecution levels (Matthew 24:9).
The Gospel Preached Globally
Before the end, the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations. Advances in technology have enabled the message of Christ to reach people globally like never before (Matthew 24:14).
A Great Falling Away
Some who professed faith will turn away from sound doctrine and the truth of God’s Word. Church attendance has declined among Christians in recent decades indicating a growing falling away (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
The Tribulation
The end times will culminate in a seven-year period called the Tribulation where God’s wrath will be poured out on the earth (Revelation 6-19). Some key events include:
The Antichrist’s Rise
The antichrist, an evil world ruler empowered by Satan, will take over and dominate the world with lies and deception. There is currently a decline in morals that could pave the way for this (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12).
Natural Disasters
Environmental catastrophes and plagues will wreak havoc as divine judgment unfolds. These disasters will wreck the ecology on an apocalyptic scale (Revelation 6:5-6; 8:7-11).
Worldwide Persecution
Faith in Christ will likely become outlawed globally. Christians must stand firm if faced with imprisonment or death for not worshipping the beast (Revelation 13:5-10).
Cosmic Signs and Celestial Changes
Strange signs in the sun, moon, stars and planets will occur. Massive meteor strikes are also possible as creation convulses under judgment (Matthew 24:29; Revelation 8:10-12).
The Mark of the Beast
No one will be able to buy or sell without the beast’s mark, name, or number on their right hand or forehead. Resist taking this mark that represents allegiance to the antichrist (Revelation 13:16-17).
Seven Bowl Judgments
The most intense tribulation judgments come from the seven bowls of God’s wrath, including widespread disease, fire, darkness, drought and a colossal earthquake (Revelation 15-16).
Marriage Feast of the Lamb
After defeating the forces of evil at Armageddon, Christ will hold a great wedding feast and celebrate with his church, the bride of Christ (Revelation 19:1-10).
Satan Bound
An angel binds Satan in the Abyss so he cannot deceive people during the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth, known as the Millennium (Revelation 20:1-3).
The Second Coming
At the end of the Tribulation, Jesus will return in power and glory to conquer His enemies, revive the righteous, and establish His worldwide kingdom (Revelation 19:11-21). Key events include:
The Resurrection of the Saints
At Christ’s return, believers who died will be resurrected and given glorified bodies to reign with Him in the Millennium (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).
Armaggedon: Evil Defeated
Jesus will utterly destroy the antichrist’s armies who wage war against Him at His coming. Evil will finally be vanquished by the King of Kings (Revelation 19:19-21).
Satan Bound
With Satan restrained, his ability to deceive and influence humanity will be completely curtailed during Christ’s Millennial rule (Revelation 20:1-3).
Judgment of the Nations
Jesus will judge all those who survived the Tribulation based on how they treated Israel and believers. Their eternal destiny will be determined (Matthew 25:31-46).
The Millennium
After Jesus returns, He will set up His Kingdom and reign from Jerusalem over the whole earth for 1000 years. Some key aspects include:
Perfect Government
Jesus will rule the world with justice and righteousness. His perfect government will unify humanity in peace and prosperity (Isaiah 9:6-7).
Renewal of Nature
The creation will be liberated from its bondage and decay to exist in harmony and balance. Predators and prey will coexist peacefully (Romans 8:18-23).
Longevity and Health
Lifespans will be expanded and death rare. Sickness and disease will also become uncommon during this age of divine blessing (Isaiah 65:20-22).
Cities and infrastructure wrecked by judgments will be rebuilt. Society will flourish and function at an optimal level (Amos 9:13-15).
Removal of Curse
The curse on creation will be removed. Physical labor will be much easier and abundant harvests will bless the earth (Isaiah 11:4-9).
The Final Rebellion
After 1000 years, Satan will be released to deceive people again. Many will rebel against Jesus with Satan but be swiftly judged (Revelation 20:7-10). Key points include:
Satan Freed
After the Millennium, Satan will be loosed from the Abyss to mislead people again. With no outside influence, sin still festered in human hearts (Revelation 20:7).
Deceiving the Nations
Despite experiencing Christ’s perfect government, many people will choose to follow Satan’s lies and rebel against Jesus’ rule (Revelation 20:8).
Judgment by Fire
God will send down fire from heaven to devour those who rebelled with Satan, showing wickedness will not be tolerated (Revelation 20:9).
Satan Defeated
After this brief last rebellion, Satan will be thrown into hell forever where he will be tormented without reprieve for leading people astray (Revelation 20:10).
The Great White Throne Judgment
All the dead who did not take part in the first resurrection will face their final judgment before God’s throne. Key details include:
The Judge: Jesus
Jesus will judge all the wicked dead according to what they have done. Everyone will finally bow before Him (Philippians 2:10-11).
Judging the Wicked
Both death and Hades gives up the dead to be judged. Anyone not found in the Book of Life is cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15).
Degree of Punishment
The unsaved will be judged according to their deeds. Their punishment in hell will reflect the depths of their wickedness (Matthew 11:20-24).
Death and Hell Destroyed
Death and Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire after surrendering the dead for judgment. There will be no more death (Revelation 20:14).
The New Heavens and Earth
After the Millennium and judgments, God will purge the old creation and usher in the new eternal state. Key truths include:
A Renewed Creation
God will recreate the heavens and earth to be perfect and complete, free from all corrosion of sin forever (2 Peter 3:10-13).
The End of Sin
With Satan, his angels, and all the wicked confined eternally in hell, sin will have no presence or influence in the new creation (Revelation 20:10).
No More Suffering
The curse of the fall will be done away with completely. There will be no more pain, sickness, or death for believers (Revelation 21:4).
The Source of Life and Light
The glory of God will illuminate the holy city with His presence. He will dwell with men and be their God (Revelation 21:3, 22:5).
How to Prepare for the End Times
No one knows when Christ will return. But as end time signs increase, believers should make spiritual readiness top priority. Here are some practical ways to prepare:
Repent and Believe
Make sure your soul is saved by repenting of sin and putting faith in Christ. Don’t risk facing end times events without being born again (John 3:16).
Abide in Christ
Stay close to Jesus through prayer, studying the Bible, church fellowship, praise, and worship. Don’t drift from your first love (Revelation 2:4-5).
Seek Holiness
Purify your life by removing anything displeasing to God. Be holy as He is holy by relying on the Spirit’s empowerment (1 Peter 1:14-16).
Store God’s Word
Memorize and meditate on Scripture. God’s timeless truth will guide you through dark times of deception (Psalm 119:105).
Share the Gospel
Tell others about Jesus and make disciples while you still can. The harvest is plentiful before night comes (Matthew 28:19-20).
Watch and Pray
Stay alert to spiritual deception through prayer and discernment. Don’t be caught off guard when end time events occur (Luke 21:36).
Have Hope
Remember God’s promises of eternal life and Christ’s return. Suffering won’t last long before His kingdom comes (Romans 8:18).
The end times will be an unprecedented season of hardship and deception. But God promises to sustain and strengthen the faithful who trust in Him. While aware of end time signs, focus on purifying your faith and being a bold witness. The Lord is coming soon to make all things new!