Sexuality is a complex and multifaceted topic that the Bible addresses in various ways. At a fundamental level, the Bible affirms that sex and sexuality are part of God’s good creation, given for human flourishing and enjoyment within certain boundaries. However, due to human sinfulness, sexuality has been distorted and often misused. A biblical view seeks to recover an understanding of healthy sexuality according to God’s original creative intent and design.
Marriage and Sexuality
The Bible reserves sexual intimacy for marriage between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). Marriage reflects God’s larger purpose of bringing unity and fruition out of the joining of two different yet complementary beings. As such, sex within marriage is portrayed as a profoundly relational act, involving mutual love, care, service, intimacy and delight. It serves not only as an act of procreation but also as a means to nurture companionship and oneness (Proverbs 5:18-19; Song of Solomon).
Sexuality finds its proper home within the committed, exclusive, lifelong covenant of marriage. This provides the protective context for the flourishing of sexual intimacy and pleasure. Outside of this bond, the Bible condemns sexual immorality such as premarital sex, adultery, homosexuality, and other forms of sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:18-20; Galatians 5:19). However, with repentance and faith in Christ, there is always hope of redemption and renewal.
The Purposes of Sex
The Bible highlights a few key purposes for sex within marriage:
Procreation – The biblical mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) establishes sex as the means for conceiving children and filling the earth. Children are seen as a blessing from God, and raising them is a sacred responsibility.
Unity – Sex fosters a profound “one flesh” union between husband and wife (Genesis 2:24), bonding them together in physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy. It serves as the consummation of their covenant commitment.
Knowledge – The phrase “knowing” one another indicates the depth of intimacy and self-giving inherent in sex (Genesis 4:1). More than just a physical act, it involves mutual understanding, care and openness between husband and wife.
Pleasure – The Bible presents marital sex, including physical pleasure, as a good gift to be celebrated and enjoyed (Song of Solomon; 1 Corinthians 7:3-5). It is given by God for delight and satisfaction within marriage.
Service and Duty – Out of reverence for Christ, husbands and wives are called to fulfill their marital obligations to each other, including sexual, as a form of service (1 Corinthians 7:3-5). Selfless attentiveness to the other’s needs takes priority over selfishness.
Right and Wrong Expressions
The Bible names certain sexual acts or behaviors as expressly prohibited. These include:
Adultery – Extramarital relations are strictly forbidden and constitute a grievous violation of the marriage covenant (Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 22:22). Adultery attacks trust, compromises one’s witness, and destroys families.
Fornication – Premarital sex is repeatedly condemned as morally wrong (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:18; Galatians 5:19). It constitutes sexual immorality that tarnishes the sanctity of marriage.
Homosexual Relations – Scripture unambiguously prohibits same-sex romantic/sexual activity, labeling it as sinful, unnatural, contrary to God’s design (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9).
Incest – Sexual relations with close family members are categorized as wicked and forbidden (Leviticus 18:6-18). These boundaries honor proper family structure.
Rape – Forced non-consensual sex is denounced (Deuteronomy 22:25-27) as a gross violation of personhood requiring justice. It inflicts profound damage.
Bestiality – Having sexual relations with animals is described as a degrading, unnatural, horrendous perversion of God’s intent for sexuality (Leviticus 18:23; 20:15-16).
Lust – Entertaining sexual desire/fantasy disconnected from its proper context (Matthew 5:28) is spiritually destructive, reducing people to objects.
Sexual Immorality – Any inappropriate sexual activity outside of marriage is impure, harmful and places one under God’s judgment (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8).
Prostitution – Commercializing sex is incompatible with God’s design for sexuality and human dignity. It preys on the vulnerable and contributes to moral decay in society.
Obscenity – Filthiness, crude joking, pornography and other degrading treatment of sexuality is unfitting for believers (Ephesians 5:3-4). It cheapens the beauty of sex and personhood.
Sexual sin originates in the heart (Matthew 15:19). But through confessing and repenting of wrong desires and actions, we can experience forgiveness and liberation in Christ. His grace is bigger than any sin, including sexual.
Biblical Principles on Sexuality and Sexual Sin
– God created sex as something good and beautiful when used as intended within marriage between husband and wife. It is meant for intimacy, procreation and marital delight.
– Sexuality is a core part of human identity, both in biology and relationships. When expressed properly, it reflects the image of God in human beings.
– The Fall corrupted human sexuality, as with all things. Sexual immorality stems from an sinful heart in rebellion against God’s design.
– Sex has profound spiritual and emotional repercussions. Misusing it causes universal damage – to individuals, marriages, families, communities, society.
– Unmarried people are called to live in abstinence, keeping themselves sexually pure in mind and body for their future spouse.
– Married couples must nurture fidelity, open communication, understanding and sacrifice to protect their sexual bond and intimacy.
– All alternative sexual practices outside of heterosexual marriage are unequivocally prohibited as distortions of God’s intent.
– Sexual brokenness requires redemption through Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers can walk in sexual purity and wholeness.
– The church should uphold Scriptural standards of sexual behavior while also extending compassion and care to those hurt by sexual sin.
– One day all sexual corruption will cease and redeemed humanity will enjoy sexuality as God designed it – holy, beautiful, fulfilling.
A Redemptive Approach to Sexual Sin
Because we live in a fallen world, sexual temptation and struggles are universal human experiences. How should Christians approach issues of sexual sin and immorality? The Bible offers wisdom on responding in a faith-filled, redemptive manner:
– Condemn the sin, not the sinner. Promote understanding, not judgment of people.
– Sexual sin should elicit sorrow leading to repentance, not shame leading to despair. God forgives and restores.
– Model compassion. Correct with gentleness, not self-righteousness. Reflect God’s mercy and grace.
– Treat people with same-sex attraction with dignity, not condemnation. Distinguish between identity and behavior.
– Focus on character and holiness, not just external behavior modification. Inner transformation matters most.
– Restore people caught in sexual sin lovingly (Galatians 6:1). Partner with them on their journey toward healing.
– Promote accountability and moral sobriety, not license or loose standards. Offer support in fighting temptation.
– Make the gospel message of forgiveness and new life central. Real change comes through relationship with Christ.
– Rely on prayer. Only the Spirit can produce lasting change by purifying minds and empowering obedience.
The church is called to humbly uphold God’s standards of sexual purity while also extending compassion like Jesus to those who have been harmed by sexual brokenness. This requires grace, wisdom, courage and sacrificial love.
Honoring God with Our Sexuality
How should Christians glorify God in the arena of sexuality today? Here are some guiding principles:
– Reserve sex for heterosexual marriage. Unmarried singles should live celibately and keep romances pure.
– Husbands and wives, regularly enjoy sexual intimacy, valuing it as God’s good gift. Avoid denial or abstinence unless mutually agreed upon.
– Let love, respect and sacrifice—not selfishness—motivate sexual behavior in marriage. Seek to serve your spouse.
– Reject any sexual activity or entanglement outside of marriage. Flee from sources of temptation.
– Monitor your heart. Don’t indulge lustful thoughts. Take wrong desires captive and make no provision for the flesh.
– Treat your body and that of others as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Honor God with your body.
– Cultivate Christ-like attitudes on gender, sex and human dignity. Reject misogyny, discrimination, exploitation and abuse.
– Do not partake in or support the pornography industry, which commodifies people. Be careful what you view or read.
– Set an example of moral purity in speech, lifestyle and relationships. Avoid hinting at sin.
– Extend compassion to those battling sexual sin and brokenness. Hate the sin; love the sinner.
– Rely on the Spirit to produce self-control, holiness and proper love for others. Make prayer a priority.
As we submit all aspects of our sexuality—mind, heart, body—to the lordship of Jesus Christ, we can experience wholeness and joy in Christ’s redemptive power.