The Bible teaches that there are absolute moral truths that come from God. As the Creator of the universe and the ultimate Lawgiver, God determines what is good and evil, right and wrong. Moral truth is grounded in God’s holy and righteous character. The Bible reveals God’s moral will and gives us a standard for morality that does not change.
There are several key aspects to understanding moral truth from a biblical perspective:
1. Moral truth comes from God
The Bible is clear that God is the source of moral truth. Passages like Psalm 25:8-10 state that God instructs us in moral truth: “Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.” God’s laws and precepts define what is good, right, just and holy.
As James 1:17 states, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” Moral truth, along with everything good in the universe, has its source in God. Since God’s character does not change, the moral truth He ordains is perfect, eternal and unchanging.
The unchanging God who is holy, just, good and righteous establishes the absolute moral order for humanity. Moral truth is grounded in who God is and what He has revealed to us.
2. Moral truth is objective and universal
Since moral truth comes from God, it is objective and universal. It is not subjective, culturally-conditioned or dependent on individual opinion. Moral truth applies at all times, in all cultures and circumstances. The Bible presents God’s moral commands as timeless guidelines for upright living.
For example, the Ten Commandments given in Exodus 20 maintain their relevance in all ages and cultures. Laws against idolatry, theft, murder, adultery, and false witness reflect God’s ethical standards for people of all nations. Although cultures deviate in moral practice, God’s moral truth remains the plumb line.
The objectivity of moral truth rules out moral relativism, which asserts that morality is not absolute but determined by social or cultural norms. Relativism wrongly asserts that there are no fixed universals in ethics. By contrast, the Bible presents moral truth as an unchanging reality established by God for humanity’s benefit.
3. Moral truth is revealed through God’s Word
How do we gain access to God’s moral will? Primarily through His revealed truth in Scripture. Passages like Psalm 119:160 state it clearly: “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.” Through the Bible, God discloses His moral law and gives us insight into His character.
Although general moral principles (like justice, mercy, love) can be intuitively grasped, Scripture gives us a comprehensive moral framework. God’s “righteous rules” in the Bible clarify moral details that we could not know on our own. Through Scripture, we gain wisdom on ethical issues like sexual ethics, the sanctity of life, social justice, family relationships, and care for the poor.
God’s Word equips humanity with a trustworthy guide to moral truth. The Psalmist declares, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105). Scripture lights the way to moral understanding.
4. Moral truth is grounded in God’s nature
At the heart of moral truth is the very character of God. God’s moral law flows from His attributes of perfect holiness, justice, goodness, faithfulness, and love. What God commands is rooted in His righteous character.
1 John 1:5 succinctly states, “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” There is no sin, evil, or moral impurity in God. He is morally flawless, and His commandments reflect His purity.
We can have confidence that God’s moral decrees are always right and reliable, because they stem from His holy character. Since God cannot contradict Himself, His moral truth remains consistent. What conforms to God’s nature is morally right.
5. Moral truth is fulfilled in Jesus Christ
God’s greatest demonstration of moral truth was embodied in Jesus Christ. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the ethical requirements of God’s law and manifested God’s righteousness in human flesh.
As Hebrews 1:3 declares of Christ, “He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” In His life and teachings, Jesus both revealed and fulfilled the moral will of God.
Through His sinless obedience, atoning death on the cross, and triumphant resurrection, Jesus accomplished God’s redemptive moral purposes. Salvation through Christ demonstrates God’s unwavering commitment to moral truth and ethical holiness. The gospel affirms that God’s mercy never compromises His moral excellence.
Moreover, believers are empowered to obey moral truth because of Christ’s transforming work. Titus 2:11-14 explains that the grace of God instructs us “to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” Redemption establishes moral truth within us by the Spirit.
6. Moral truth requires faith and discernment
Though moral truth is clear in Scripture, applying it well requires spiritual wisdom, discernment, prayer, and sensitivity to the Spirit. Due to human sinfulness and finitude, moral issues are not always black and white. Principles may come into tension and ethical dilemmas arise.
This is why dependence on the Spirit, maturity, discernment, counsel, and humility are needed to walk in moral truth. Scripture gives ethical guidelines, but wise application often involves discretion and faith.
As Romans 12:2 teaches, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Moral transformation renews our ethical thinking to apply truth rightly.
7. Obeying moral truth leads to blessing
Conforming our lives to God’s moral truth brings great reward and human flourishing. As Jesus said in John 8:31-32, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Living by ethical truth liberates us into the fullness of life God intends.
God created the moral order to protect human welfare. Upholding moral truth fosters a just, benevolent, and uplifting society. It creates trust, social cohesion, and mutual care. As Proverbs 14:34 states, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Obedience to moral truth also honors God and stores up eternal treasure (1 Timothy 6:18-19). When truth is obeyed, blessings follow.
8. Immoral behavior has consequences
Since God is just and moral truth is real, immorality has consequences both temporally and eternally. Choosing sin and evil brings harm, brokenness, and ruin. As Proverbs 13:15 teaches, “the way of the transgressor is hard.”
God allows people to suffer the consequences of immoral choices as a way to steer humanity towards righteousness. Rejecting the moral order embedded in creation brings calamity and judgment.
Wickedness may prosper for a season, but ultimately reaps corruption. Psalms 73 wrestles with how the wicked often prosper in this life. Yet their end is destruction. God’s justice ensures immorality does not go unpunished in the universe.
9. Promoting moral truth is an act of love
Living by and proclaiming moral truth is an act of love. Keeping silent about moral issues because of fear of offense shows lack of moral courage and care for others. Boldly declaring moral truth keeps human society from harm.
As Proverbs 27:5-6 teaches, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Speaking truth, though difficult, expresses love.
Jesus exemplified this by compassionately confronting moral error and turning people to God’s ethical truth. He called all to repentance and the abundant life found in following Him.
10. Moral truth will triumph in the end
The Bible assures us that in the end, God’s moral truth will be victorious. Despite humanity’s rebellion and moral confusion, righteousness will ultimately defeat wickedness.
As Psalm 37:28 declares of the righteous, “For the Lord loves justice; he will not forsake his saints. They are preserved forever.” In the end, the ethical standards of God’s kingdom will prevail throughout the new heavens and new earth.
The final chapters of Revelation depict the fulfillment of moral truth on earth, flowing from the throne of God. Revelation 22:1-2 pictures, “the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city.”
The moral vision of Scripture climaxes with the Tree of Life, the blessing of God’s lasting presence, and the radiance of eternal light (Revelation 22:3-5). Sin, falsehood and immorality will be no more. God’s moral truth will triumph forever.