The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible, also known as the Life with God Bible, is a study Bible created by Renovaré, an interdenominational Christian nonprofit organization focused on spiritual renewal and formation. The Bible was first published in 2005 and features extensive study notes and resources to help readers grow in their relationship with God through spiritual practices and disciplines.
Renovaré is an organization founded in 1988 by Richard Foster, author of the bestselling Christian book Celebration of Discipline. The name “Renovaré” comes from the Latin word meaning “to renew.” The mission of Renovaré is to apply the life-giving practices of Christian spiritual formation in every follower of Jesus Christ and in every church in order to promote personal and spiritual renewal.
Some key facts about Renovaré:
- Interdenominational Christian nonprofit organization
- Founded in 1988 by Richard Foster
- Based in Englewood, Colorado
- Seeks to resource the church through events, publications, training programs and online resources
- Best known for teachings on spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation
In addition to publishing the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible, Renovaré offers spiritual formation resources such as books, Bible studies, curricula, and free content on spiritual practices. The goal is to equip churches and individuals to grow in their faith through spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, service, simplicity, etc.
Overview of the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible
The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible was created to help readers engage with the text of Scripture in transformative ways. Features include:
- Full text of the New Revised Standard Version Bible
- Introductions to each book of the Bible
- Hundreds of sidebar notes and articles on spiritual disciplines and practices
- Profiles of important figures in Christian spiritual formation
- Reflection questions for personal application
- Prayers, songs, poetry, and quotations throughout
- Single-column format
- Additional reference materials in the back
The extensive study notes and resources are the unique element of this Bible. The notes focus on spiritual formation practices found in Scripture and how readers can integrate them into their own spiritual journey. There are over 400 notes and articles scattered throughout the biblical text.
Features and Content of the Study Notes
Here are some examples of the types of study notes included in the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible:
- Spiritual Discipline Profiles – These give an overview of disciplines like prayer, fasting, celebration, service, confession, etc.
- Spiritual Masters from Church History – Short biographies of figures like Brother Lawrence, Thomas Merton, John Wesley, and many others.
- “Life with God” Notes – Notes tied to particular passages that illustrate how spiritual disciplines can be lived out.
- Spiritual Practices – Notes on specific practices within the disciplines like lectio divina, centering prayer, observing the Sabbath, hospitality, etc.
- Living the Christian Year – Articles on liturgical seasons like Advent and Lent.
- Prayers, Poems, and Songs – Additional content for reflection and worship.
- Study Questions – Questions on passages to prompt personal application.
- Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times – Quotations from saints throughout church history.
- “Alone with God” Sections – Passages with space for journaling.
The notes vary from full-length articles to shorter annotations tied to specific verses. The overall goal is to illuminate the biblical foundations for spiritual disciplines and provide practical examples of how to live them out in connection with Scripture.
How the Study Notes are Organized
There are a few key organizational elements for the study notes in the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible:
- The notes are interspersed throughout the biblical text, placed next to relevant passages.
- Special symbols identify the different types of notes:
- Fire – Spiritual Discipline Profile
- Praying Hands – Life with God Note
- Lamp – Spiritual Master Profile
- Question Mark – Study Question
- Notes are grouped thematically. For example, notes on “Solitude” are placed together in relevant passages.
- Book introductions summarize key formation themes for each book.
- The notes are designed to illuminate the current biblical text, not replace it.
- There are topical indices in the back to help locate notes on various disciplines and topics.
This organizational system allows readers to easily navigate the notes either by reading straight through or by looking up particular subjects using the indices. The notes enhance engagement with Scripture itself as the primary text.
Theological Perspective of the Study Notes
The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible has an evangelical Protestant theological perspective. Here are some of its key theological elements:
- Centrality of Scripture – The notes equip readers to immerse themselves in God’s Word and allow it to transform them.
- Focus on spiritual disciplines – The notes highlight the biblical foundations for practices like prayer, worship, service, etc. as means of grace.
- Devotional stance – The Bible is approached with a devotional tone for personal spiritual nourishment.
- Inward transformation – There is emphasis on spiritual renewal coming through Scripture engagement.
- Ecumenical outlook – Wisdom is drawn from Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox sources across church history.
- Practical orientation – The goal is to inspire practical life application, not just information.
The Renovaré notes are written from an evangelical framework while seeking wisdom from the whole church for spiritual growth. Academic criticism is not the focus – personal formation through Scripture is the passion of this study Bible.
How the Renovaré Bible Approaches Spiritual Formation
The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible reflects Richard Foster’s teachings on spiritual formation. Here are some key elements of its approach:
- Wholistic spirituality – Engaging the whole person – mind, heart, body, social dimension.
- Practices over knowledge – Emphasis on active engagement in spiritual disciplines rather than mastering information.
- Biblical basis – Grounding in biblical patterns and examples, especially Christ’s life.
- Balance – Integrating contemplation and action, grace and discipline, faith and works.
- Process overperfection – Spiritual growth as a lifelong journey rather than perfectionistic striving.
- Ecumenical learning – Learning from masters across times, traditions, and denominations.
- Life integration – Applying spirituality in everyday circumstances, not just religious settings.
The Renovaré Bible reflects this holistic, engaged, lifelong approach to spiritual formation through its study notes aimed at life change more than information transfer.
The Use of Spiritual Disciplines in the Renovaré Bible
The Renovaré Bible gives significant attention to spiritual disciplines as means of grace and connection points between Scripture reading and life change. Here’s an overview:
- Notes define spiritual disciplines and give biblical examples.
- Disciplines are tied directly to relevant Scripture passages.
- Practical guidance is given for practicing disciplines personally.
- Key disciplines covered include celebration, prayer, fasting, study, solitude, submission, service, confession, simplicity, silence, and guidance.
- Disciplines are portrayed as habits and skills to train, not just concepts to know.
- Readers are encouraged to experiment with disciplines that draw them closer to God.
- Engaging disciplines opens Scripture to shape character and actions.
- Variety and balance of disciplines provides wholistic engagement with God.
The Renovaré Bible connects Scriptural truth to everyday life through training in time-honored spiritual disciplines tailored to individual temperaments and circumstances.
Intended Audience of the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible
This Bible is designed for several main audiences interested in going deeper in their faith:
- New believers wanting to build spiritual foundations through practices.
- Seasoned Christians desiring renewal in their spiritual journey.
- Small groups engaging together in formation studies.
- Ministry leaders – pastors, Christian educators – equipping others in formation.
- Cross-denominational – relevant across Protestant traditions.
- Evangelicals committed to enriching biblically-grounded spirituality.
- Contemplatives wanting to integrate disciplines like meditation, silence, simplicity.
- Activists needing reminders of inward reflection.
- Lifelong learners seeking wisdom from church history and spiritual masters.
With its practical orientation, the Renovaré Bible has wide appeal for any Christian desiring to become a more devoted follower of Jesus in all aspects of life through time-tested spiritual practices.
Benefits of Using the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible
There are many benefits to be gained from the unique approach of the Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible, including:
- Deepened understanding and love for Scripture by reading with a listening spirit attuned to God’s invitation.
- Acquiring spiritual disciplines as skills for opening oneself to God’s transforming grace.
- Connecting spiritual practices directly to relevant biblical texts and examples.
- Extended support through rich devotional commentary integrated into Scripture.
- Exposure to wisdom from centuries of Christian spiritual masters.
- Practical guidance and coaching for growth in spiritual maturity.
- Formation of habits and virtues to put faith into action.
- Learning to apply the Bible to actual life situations and decisions.
- Cultivating diverse aspects of discipleship – being, knowing, doing, belonging.
- Embarking on the lifelong adventure of spiritual transformation through Christ.
Studying Scripture through the lens of classic spiritual disciplines can enrich bible reading with life-impacting power leading to deepening intimacy with God.
Criticisms and Concerns Regarding the Renovaré Bible
While many have found the Renovaré Bible helpful, some concerns and critiques have been raised, including:
- Very extensive commentary can distract from Scripture.
- Not enough actual Bible text on each page.
- Some see certain disciplines like “centering prayer” as too mystical.
- Questionable influences cited from Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
- Minimal notes on evangelism, missions, social justice – more focus on inner life.
- Scant references to miraculous gifts, healing, prophecy – emphasis on meditation, solitude.
- Not as useful for Bible study and exegesis compared to more scholarly study Bibles.
- Lacks notes on issues of biblical background, context, languages, etc.
- Insufficient discussion of theology, doctrine, apologetics – focus is application.
While the devotional, formation-focused notes generally resonate well with the intended audience, some take issue with theological perspectives or would prefer more detailed bible scholarship.
The Renovaré Spiritual Formation Bible aims to be a transformative resource that promotes spiritual growth and biblical application through engaging readers in classical spiritual disciplines. With its extensive commentary, formation themes, practical suggestions, and devotional tone, it seeks to accomplish the following:
- Illuminate how Scripture calls followers of Jesus to be formed in God’s image.
- Provide training and instruction in proven spiritual practices.
- Equip Christians to abide in Christ and live out their faith in daily life.
- Give examples of biblical figures modeling formative practices.
- Offer wisdom from historic saints across church traditions.
- Cultivate virtues and habits needed to thrive spiritually.
- Enable engagement with the living Word in transformative ways.
While it may not appeal to everyone, the Renovaré Bible remains a top resource for those pursuing spiritual renewal through engaging Scripture in the context of rich devotional practices.