Soaking prayer is a form of meditative prayer that involves quietly resting in God’s presence. The concept comes from verses such as Psalm 91:1 which says, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” The idea is that as we rest and abide in God’s presence, we receive refreshment, renewal, and empowerment from Him.
In soaking prayer, we quiet our minds and focus on the presence of God. We don’t necessarily bring requests or say anything – we just soak in His presence. It involves getting still before God and fixing our attention on Him. As we soak in His presence, Scripture promises that He will renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31) and fill us with His peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
There are no formulas or right ways to practice soaking prayer. It simply involves making time to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). Some people listen to worship music during their soak time while others prefer complete silence. Some soak while seated comfortably, while others lay prostrate. The important thing is to eliminate distractions and open our hearts to experience more of God.
Soaking prayer is meant to be a time of rest. We are not striving to achieve something or make requests of God during this time. We are simply abiding in Him, trusting that His presence brings all that we need. Soaking prayer is like spiritual rehydration – it nourishes and revitalizes us from the inside out. As we soak in God’s presence, we are refreshed and equipped to live empowered lives for Christ.
While soaking prayer is simple in concept, it can take some time to still our minds and bodies. It often helps to begin by praying a simple prayer acknowledging God’s presence. We may say something like, “Lord, I invite your presence here. Quiet my heart. Help me to rest in you.” Then we focus on who God is – His goodness, power, love, and provision.
We will likely become distracted many times throughout our soak time. When this happens, we gently return our focus to the Lord. We don’t have to force our minds to be blank. The goal is simply to be still before the Lord, aware of His presence with us. Over time, soaking prayer becomes easier as we train our minds and hearts to rest in the Lord.
Soaking prayer can be done individually or corporately with other believers. Many churches and ministries hold special soaking prayer sessions, sometimes accompanied by soft worship music. These sessions provide extended times to withdraw from busyness and quiet ourselves in God’s presence together. Whether individually or corporately, soaking prayer is a simple way to receive spiritual nourishment from the Lord.
Scripture gives us many invitations to soak in God’s presence. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The sons of Korah wrote, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1). God promises that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Soaking prayer is an opportunity to accept these invitations!
There is no one prescribed length of time for soaking prayer. For beginners, it may be helpful to start with 10-15 minutes and allow the time to expand naturally. Set a timer so you’re not worried about watching the clock. Advanced practitioners may soak for an hour or more. The important thing is to schedule soak time consistently and not rush through it.
It’s also important not to treat soaking prayer as a formula or measure your “effectiveness.” Don’t worry about whether you’re feeling God’s presence strongly enough or not. Just rest and trust Him to meet you as you wait on Him. Avoid performance-based prayer. Soaking prayer is simply about carving out time to abide in the Lord.
Soaking prayer precedes intimacy with God. As we position ourselves to receive His presence and love, we become more intimately connected to Christ. There is incredible power in simply making space to experience more of God. He uses these quiet times to transform us and align us with His purposes.
Regular soaking prayer can bring many benefits, including:
- Deeper awareness of God’s presence
- Increased faith and trust in God
- Renewal of mind, body, and spirit
- Freedom from anxiety
- Healing of emotional wounds
- Greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
- Fresh revelation and insight from the Word
- Power to accomplish God’s will
As we soak in God’s presence, we position ourselves to receive all that He desires to impart to us. Our hearts become unhurried. Our minds grow peaceful. We realign with kingdom priorities rather than earthly cares. God renews and refreshes us to walk in new levels of grace, power, and blessing.
Soaking prayer is beneficial for every believer and can be incorporated into our daily quiet times with the Lord. Even a few minutes of soaking prayer in the morning helps center our hearts on Christ before diving into the busyness of our days. It realigns us with God’s presence and fills us afresh with His Holy Spirit.
In addition to our personal soaking prayer, it helps to participate in longer corporate soaking experiences from time to time. Extended times of resting in God together multiply our spiritual power. There is exponential fruit when believers collectively position themselves to receive fresh impartation from the Lord.
For those new to soaking prayer, there are a few simple tips to help get started:
- Set aside at least 10-15 dedicated minutes with no agenda or requests.
- Begin with a simple prayer inviting God’s presence.
- Get comfortable and eliminate distractions if possible.
- Don’t worry about achieving a certain state – just rest.
- Focus your mind on God’s attributes – goodness, power, love, etc.
- Gently return focus to the Lord when your mind wanders.
- Don’t be discouraged – consistency makes soaking easier over time.
- Consider soft worship music in the background if it helps you focus.
- Journal after your soak time to capture anything the Lord reveals.
The Lord invites every believer into deeper intimacy with Him. Soaking prayer is a simple gateway into deeper experiences of His presence. As we carve out unhurried time at His feet, He renews our souls, equips us for service, and aligns us with His kingdom purposes. The more we soak in God’s presence, the more His love and power flow through us to impact others for Christ.
Soaking prayer is not just another spiritual discipline to check off our list. It is an invitation into the unforced rhythms of grace. Soaking prayer provides much-needed shelter from the clamor and busyness of life. As we hide ourselves in Him, God moves in powerful ways – transforming our hearts, renewing our minds, and empowering us to walk in new freedom.
Many riches are found in God’s presence alone. Soaking prayer positions us to receive all that He desires to impart. While God meets with us in many ways, there is something deeply powerful about lingering in stillness and soaking in His presence. As we wait on the Lord, Scripture promises that we will “mount up with wings like eagles” and “run and not grow weary” (Isaiah 40:31).
In closing, soaking prayer provides a much-needed oasis for parched souls in the desert of life. God beckons each of us to be still and know Him more intimately. He longs for us to encounter His heart and receive deep spiritual nourishment. May we accept His beautiful invitation to soak in His presence today!