The Greek word kairos refers to a special, opportune, or appointed time. In the New Testament, kairos conveys the sense of the “right time” or “opportune time” for something to happen. Understanding the meaning and significance of kairos can provide insight into several key biblical themes.
The Definition and Usage of Kairos in the Bible
In ancient Greek, kairos referred to a time when conditions were right for the accomplishment of a crucial action – the opportune and decisive moment. The Greeks also contrasted kairos with chronos, which refers to chronological or sequential time. Kairos is qualitative, meaning it focuses on moments filled with significance, whereas chronos is quantitative, focusing merely on duration.
The New Testament writers adopted the word kairos to express God’s timely action and unfolding plan of redemption. In the Bible, kairos denotes the appointed time in the purpose and plan of God. It is often translated “time,” but usually refers to more than just a specific time on the clock. Biblical kairos points to a season, era, or the right moments appointed by God.
For example, in Mark 1:15 Jesus proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.” The Greek word translated as “time” here is kairos. Jesus was saying that the decisive time had come for God’s kingdom to be inaugurated. This use of kairos indicates the sense of a set and appointed time in God’s divine plan being initiated.
Similarly, Paul told the Galatians, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman” (Galatians 4:4). The phrase “fullness of time” uses the Greek word for kairos. Again, this refers to an appointed and opportune time in human history for Christ to come. According to God’s precise timing and foreknowledge, when the time was just right, He sent Jesus into the world.
Kairos is also used eschatologically in the Bible to refer to the end times and Christ’s return. Several verses use kairos to refer to the last days or climax of history when God’s purposes will be fulfilled (e.g., 1 Peter 1:11; Revelation 12:12,14). The Second Coming of Christ will occur at the precise kairos moment determined by God.
So in summary, the biblical usage of kairos centers around God’s precise timing and divine moments appointed for the fulfillment of His redemptive plan for the world. Kairos time is qualitative and centers around the purpose and will of God.
The Significance of Kairos
The New Testament emphasis on kairos brings out several important theological points:
1. God is sovereign over time. He sets and knows the decisive times for events to occur. Kairos underscores God’s lordship over time and history.
2. God has an appointed plan. The unfolding of kairos moments demonstrates God’s foreknowledge and predetermined plan of salvation (Acts 2:23; Romans 8:28; Ephesians 1:11).
3. God acts timely. The kairos moments in redemptive history (e.g. Christ’s birth, death, resurrection; Pentecost) reveal God’s timely and purposeful action to save His people. He acts at the exact right time.
4. Believers should be spiritually discerning of the times. Christians are called to biblically discern the times in which they live (Matthew 16:3). They should understand the biblical significance of events in light of God’s kairos timing.
5. Christ’s return is imminent. The biblical emphasis on kairos as the end times keeps believers watching expectantly for Christ’s return at the appointed hour known only by God (Matthew 24:36).
So in summary, kairos emphatically highlights God’s sovereign timing and purposeful action to bring about His plan of redemption at precisely the right times. Appointed moments on God’s clock reveal His strategic activity to accomplish His will on earth. The concept of kairos should encourage believers that God is in control of time and moves history forward for His glory.
Examples of Kairos Moments in Scripture
Several major events in the Bible serve as kairos moments – God’s appointed and timely acts to advance His redemptive plan. Some definitive kairos events depicted in Scripture include:
– The Incarnation – Galatians 4:4 states, “when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son.” Christ’s birth occurred at the perfect kairos moment.
– Christ’s Death, Burial and Resurrection – Romans 5:6 declares, “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” Christ’s atoning work happened at the opportune kairos time.
– Pentecost and the Coming of the Spirit – Pentecost transpired at the precise time following Jesus’ work according to God’s timing (Acts 2:1).
– Israel’s Restoration – Romans 11:26 prophesies that there will come a definitive kairos time when Israel turns to their Messiah.
– The Second Coming – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 states, “Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” The end times have a fixed kairos time unknown by man but appointed by God.
So we see how key turning points in biblical history came about at God’s precise kairos timing – the opportune times for His redemptive plans to move forward. God works on His own timeline to accomplish His sovereign purposes.
Kairos in Everyday Christian Living
While the biblical concept of kairos often focused on God’s redemptive plan revealed at certain times, the principle of kairos timing and “right moments” can also apply to followers of Christ today in practical areas of wisdom, decision making, and spiritual discernment:
– Wise use of time – Believers must prayerfully discern each day how to “make the most of the time” and wisely steward the moments the Lord gives them (Ephesians 5:16). Acting timely is part of good stewardship.
– Spiritual discernment – Christians should cultivate discernment and understanding of the times to know how to apply God’s Word each day (1 Chronicles 12:32).
– Walking in wisdom – Believers must seek wisdom from God to understand the right timing for life decisions and actions (Ecclesiastes 8:5-6). Patience and waiting on God’s timing also require wisdom.
– Seeing divine appointments – Viewing each day’s events through the lens of kairos can help believers discern spiritual opportunities and “God moments” they should seize or take action on by faith.
– Redeeming time spiritually – Followers of Christ must make the most of their days and moments to glorify God, serve others, share the Gospel, edify fellow Christians, etc. (Ephesians 5:15-17). Life is short and believers must redeem the time (Colossians 4:5).
So in one sense, the kairos principle reminds Christians that each day presents spiritually strategic opportunities to walk in God’s will and fulfill His purposes for their lives. Believers should therefore be spiritually discerning, wise, and ready to act on the daily kairos moments God provides.
Kairos vs Chronos Time
Another aspect that sheds light on the meaning of kairos is its distinction from chronos time. As mentioned earlier:
– Chronos refers to sequential, chronological, quantitative time – the progression of minutes and hours. It focuses on duration.
– Kairos refers to opportune, qualitative time – a favorable moment for some important event or action. It focuses on significance.
Chronos is more linear and focused on measuring minutes and seconds. Kairos zooms in on defining moments that present spiritual opportunities for action.
Here are some key differences between chronos and kairos:
– Chronos is quantitative. Kairos is qualitative.
– Chronos focuses on duration. Kairos focuses on moments.
– Chronos is linear and constant. Kairos is dynamic and spontaneous.
– Chronos observes time objectively. Kairos experiences time subjectively.
– Chronos passes by steadily. Kairos requires action and initiative.
– Chronos keeps a calendar and clock. Kairos discerns decisive opportunities.
As an analogy, chronos would focus on how much time a basketball game lasts, while kairos focuses on seizing the opportune moment to take the game-winning shot.
Believers need both chronos and kairos. Chronos gives structure and order to life. Kairos gives meaning and purpose to time. Followers of Christ redeem both chronos sequential time and kairos opportune time for God’s glory.
Kairos and God’s Timing
Since kairos centers around opportune and appointed times ordained by God, the concept also relates to God’s timing and the believers’ posture towards it. Biblical kairos should encourage Christians to trust in God’s perfect timing regarding life and His plans.
Waiting on the Lord and His timing is a frequent biblical theme (Psalm 27:14). God’s ways are higher than man’s ways, and He determines when the right times come to pass (Isaiah 55:8-9). Believers must pray to discern God’s times and seasons for their lives.
People commonly say, “timing is everything.” In biblical terms, we can expand this to say God’s sovereign timing is everything. Since kairos denotes God’s preordained times, believers can rest in the fact that His timing is perfect even when they must patiently endure and wait.
Ultimately, kairos should foster patience, discernment, and dependence on God’s sovereignty as believers seek to walk in step with His timing each day. The Lord promises to make everything beautiful in its kairos time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). God’s people must trust that His appointed times will come about just when they should.
Kairos Summary
In summary, the key points about the meaning of the Greek word kairos include:
– It refers to an opportune, favorable, or appointed time.
– In Scripture it signifies God’s predetermined timing and decisive moments.
– Kairos moments in the Bible reveal God’s sovereign plan unfolding.
– It differs from chronos in focusing on qualitative time versus quantitative time.
– Believers should discern and redeem both kairos moments and chronos duration.
– God’s perfect timing in His redemptive plan encourages Christians to trust His sovereignty.
– Following Christ means walking in step with God’s timing and purposes each day.
The kairos time principle offers inspiring biblical insight into God’s wise and purposeful timing to accomplish His will in history and in the lives of His people. God is never early or late, but acts at precisely the right kairos moments. As believers wait on the Lord, they can take confidence in His eternal perspective and perfect sovereignty over all time.