The question of why God allows Satan to attack and tempt us is one that has challenged believers throughout the ages. To properly address this issue, we must first understand a few key truths about God, Satan, and God’s purposes in allowing spiritual warfare.
God is Sovereign and Good
First, we must recognize that God is sovereign over all things, including Satan and his demons. Satan has no power except that which God grants him (Job 1:12). This means that God has a purpose in allowing Satan’s activity. We also know that God is perfectly good, wise, and just (Psalm 145:17; Romans 11:33-36). Therefore, whatever God ordains must be consistent with His perfect character.
Satan Seeks to Destroy
Second, we need to understand Satan’s character and motives. Satan is evil, prideful, and opposed to everything God stands for (John 8:44; 1 Peter 5:8). He seeks to destroy God’s works, especially humans who are made in God’s image. Satan tempts and accuses believers because he wants to induce sin, undermine faith, and oppose God’s kingdom purposes. Satan’s attacks manifest his hatred of God and evil desires.
God Uses Trials for Our Good
Given these truths, we can now wrestle with why God would allow Satan to afflict His people. Scripture reveals that God can use everything that happens – including attacks from Satan – for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). God often uses trials and spiritual attacks to strengthen our faith, refine our character, expose sin, develop endurance and dependency on God, and equip us to minister to others (James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 1:6-7). God also uses warfare with Satan to demonstrate His power and glory, judging the enemy, and proving the superiority of His kingdom.
God Respects Human Choice
Furthermore, God created humans with the ability to choose between good and evil. Unfortunately, sin opened the door for Satan’s influence in the world. God permits Satan to promote temptation and persecution because He respects human moral responsibility. But God promises to limit the attacks we face and provide a way of escape from temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). Believers have the power of the Holy Spirit to resist the devil (James 4:7). God seeks willing obedience from His people, not forced submission.
Victory is Guaranteed Through Christ
Finally, Scripture assures us that Satan is already defeated! Although he still seeks to devour believers, Christ’s death and resurrection sealed Satan’s inevitable doom (Colossians 2:15; Revelation 20:10). One day Satan will be bound and no longer able to attack God’s people. Until then, we can resist him, knowing that Christ’s blood covers our sin and we have full access to God’s throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). As we submit to God, our suffering strengthens endurance and purifies our hope in Christ alone (1 Peter 1:6-7). By God’s grace, we can overcome.
In summary, God allows Satan to afflict His people because He is sovereign, good, and uses trials for our sanctification. God respects human choice, guarantees ultimate victory over Satan through Christ, and promises to limit temptation and provide grace to endure. As we understand biblical truths about spiritual warfare, we can respond to Satan’s attacks with faith in God’s purposes and power.
God’s Sovereignty Over Satan
The fact that God is sovereign over Satan and demonic forces is clearly illustrated throughout Scripture. Satan could not touch Job without God’s permission (Job 1:12). Jesus explained to Peter that Satan demanded to “sift him like wheat,” but only within the limits God set (Luke 22:31). Demons could not enter the Gerasene pigs without Christ’s approval (Mark 5:1-13). God even used an evil spirit to accomplish His purposes against Ahab (1 Kings 22:19-23). Satan and demons can only operate within boundaries God establishes.
Satan Seeks to Devour and Destroy
While under God’s authority, Satan operates as a ruthless adversary who seeks our harm. The Bible warns that he prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The book of Revelation describes Satan as filled with fury because he knows his time is short (Revelation 12:12). Jesus called Satan a murderer and father of lies (John 8:44). The apostle Paul said Satan masquerades as an angel of light and schemes against believers (2 Corinthians 11:14). Satan’s cruelty exposes his true evil nature.
God Allows Testing and Trials
God permits Satan’s harassment because the testing of our faith develops perseverance and spiritual maturity (James 1:2-4). Battles with Satan equip us for spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:10-18). Fighting against temptation teaches us to rely on God rather than ourselves. God promises to provide a way out from every temptation if we submit to Him and resist the devil (1 Corinthians 10:13; James 4:7). Testing proves the genuineness of our faith.
Humanity’s Choice to Rebel Against God
When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, sin entered the world and ruined God’s perfect design (Genesis 3:1-7; Romans 5:12). Through temptation from Satan, mankind chose independence from God. This allowed Satan to gain influence in the world. While God was not surprised by Adam and Eve’s sin, He permitted it because He wanted humans to willingly choose to love and obey Him.
God Defeats Evil Through Christ
While God allows Satan to afflict Job, Paul, and other believers, God promises to use their suffering for good to accomplish His divine purposes (Romans 8:28). Through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross, He broke the power of Satan and delivered the fatal blow to the devil’s works (Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8). Satan still fights against believers, but we know his ultimate defeat is certain. God wins the victory through Christ!
Develops Christ-like Character
One way God uses Satan’s harassment for good is by developing Christ-like character in believers. We grow in compassion, patience, humility, and grace. We become more dependent on God and His strength. We learn to forgive others just as God forgave us. Fighting against the devil requires prayer, faith, and reliance on the Spirit’s power. Resisting evil develops many spiritual virtues.
Deepens Knowledge of God’s Word
Another benefit is that facing Satan’s deception drives us deeper into God’s Word to find truth and spiritual power to overcome. Just as Jesus countered Satan’s lies with Scripture, we become adept at using the Bible to counter false doctrines, unbiblical thinking patterns, and accusations from the enemy. We also learn to use Scripture to pray against strongholds of darkness. Knowledge of truth defeats Satan’s influence.
Strengthens Our Eternal Hope
Being attacked by the forces of evil also serves to strengthen our hope in Christ’s return when Satan will no longer be able to afflict God’s people. Living in a fallen world filled with suffering teaches us to yearn for the perfection of God’s presence in heaven. We look forward to the day when Satan will be bound and righteousness reigns on the earth. Our trials now produce in us an everlasting glory in the age to come.
God will Judge Satan and Evil
We can find comfort that God will someday judge Satan for his wickedness and cruelty toward those created in God’s image. The book of Revelation promises that Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire as punishment for his evil deeds (Revelation 20:10). God’s justice and righteousness demand that those who inflict suffering will also experience retribution. The judgments of God will be poured out against Satan and forces of darkness.
Overcoming Spiritual Attack
Even though God allows Satan to attack His children, He also equips us with spiritual armor and resources to overcome these attacks. Ephesians 6 describes the armor of God, including truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, Scripture, and prayer. God gives us power through Christ’s blood to stand firm and resist evil. When we submit to God and abide in Christ, the devil must flee from us (James 4:7-8). Victory is found in God’s grace and strength alone.
God’s Purposes Are Fulfilled
Ultimately, God allows Satan to tempt and test believers because through our spiritual warfare, God’s purposes are fulfilled. God is glorified as we resist Satan’s attacks. Christ’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Our faith is proved genuine. We gain eternal perspective. The church becomes united against evil. As we endure by relying on God’s grace, He receives all honor, glory and praise. God wins!
In conclusion, only by understanding biblical truths about God’s sovereignty, Satan’s rebellion, and God’s good purposes in allowing spiritual warfare can we make sense of why God permits Satan to attack His people. As Christians, we can be assured that Satan’s power is limited and temporary. God promises to equip and strengthen us to overcome. Our mandate is to humbly submit to God, resist the devil, trust God’s purposes, and wait patiently for Christ’s return and Satan’s final defeat.