What we do
We’re so glad you found our website. Our goal is to help you find biblical answers to all of your Bible questions.
We believe the Bible has all the answers to life’s questions – big and small. Our team of researchers dives deep into Scripture to provide clear, concise explanations to your inquiries.
We know the Bible can be a big book, which is why we’re here to help make it more accessible. No question is too small or insignificant. We believe every detail in God’s Word matters and can help bring someone closer to Christ.
The mission of AnswerTheBible.com is to make Scripture accessible and understandable for everyone seeking God’s truths. We exist to point people to the life-changing message of the Bible.
Through clear, in-depth answers, our goal is to resolve confusion and provide biblical perspectives on the questions that matter most. We tackle both the simple and complex issues faced in Christian living.
We are passionate about explaining the Word of God in everyday language. We take the time to carefully study passages, analyze original context, compare translations, and consult scholarly resources. Our hope is that the Bible will come alive as you read our answers illuminated by scriptural insights.
Equipping people to know God, grow in faith, and apply the Bible to life is why we labor in this ministry. We aim to be a clarifying voice in the noise and confusion of this world. God’s Word is timeless and relevant. We strive to unpack its riches verse-by-verse for the building up of the church.
We value:
- Biblical accuracy – We take Scripture very seriously and reference multiple translations and expert sources to ensure our answers align with God’s truth. You can trust what you read here.
- Clarity – We aim to explain Bible verses and concepts in everyday language that makes sense. No Christian jargon here!
- Comprehensiveness – We cover all parts of the Bible – Old Testament, New Testament, historical context, language nuances, etc. No stone is left unturned in our research.
Statement of Faith
We believe there is one true God who has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected bodily from the grave. He will return again in power and glory.
Humankind was created in God’s image but has fallen into sin. We believe that salvation from sin is received by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. Those who put their trust in Christ are regenerated and justified by the Spirit and will spend eternity with God in heaven.
The Bible is the breathed-out Word of God, divinely inspired, infallible, and serves as the sole basis for Christian doctrine and living. The 66 books of Scripture are the supreme authority for believers. Though written by human authors, the Bible was moved by the Spirit to record God’s truth without error.
We believe the Church’s mission is to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. All believers are called to live a holy life, read the Scriptures, pray constantly, serve each other, and tell others about Christ. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers for the building up of the Church and the glory of God.
Jesus Christ will one day return to judge the world. Those who are in Christ will enjoy eternal life in God’s presence. Those who reject Christ will experience eternal separation from God.
May God bless you as you seek Him through the power of the Bible.