The Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God. This doctrine of believing in a single God is called monotheism. Throughout the Bible, God affirms that He alone is the supreme deity and there are no other gods besides Him. While atheists and polytheists may reject monotheism, the Bible provides substantial evidence and logical arguments to prove that monotheism is true.
The most foundational evidence for monotheism comes from the very first verse of the Bible: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). This verse establishes that God preexisted the universe and was the sole Creator of everything. Since He created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them by Himself, it demonstrates that there are no other gods who helped Him or contributed to creation. God alone is eternal, all-powerful, and the source of all that exists.
Furthermore, the Bible repeatedly affirms that there are no other gods in existence. God declares, “Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me” (Isaiah 43:10). The ten plagues of Egypt demonstrated God’s supremacy over the Egyptian gods, proving “there is no one like the Lord our God” (Exodus 8:10). God challenged the prophets of Baal to call on their god to consume an offering by fire, but only the Lord God answered with fire from heaven (1 Kings 18:20-40). Passages like Isaiah 44:6, 8 and 45:5 directly state that apart from the Lord, “there is no God.”
The Bible also makes clear that since the beginning of time, God alone has revealed Himself to humanity. This can be seen in God’s interactions with the patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and His establishment of a covenant relationship with the nation of Israel. Though surrounding nations worshiped false idols and natural forces, the one true God directly intervened in history to make Himself known as the only deity worthy of worship. God appointed prophets to call His people to reject idolatry and worship Him alone.
In the New Testament, Jesus repeatedly identifies the God of the Old Testament as the one true God that He has come to reveal. Jesus upheld monotheism by quoting Deuteronomy 6:4 that the Lord is “the only God” (Mark 12:29). When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus recited the Shema which affirms monotheism (Matthew 22:37-38). Jesus taught His followers to believe in and worship the one true God who sent Him (John 5:44, 17:3). The apostles also exclusively preached faith in the one true God and Creator that Jesus revealed.
The Bible also utilizes logical arguments to demonstrate that polytheism is irrational and untenable. Since the universe, time, and space originated from God, He must transcend space, time, and matter. The eternal Creator necessarily must be infinite, limitless, immutable, and perfect in every way. It is logically impossible for multiple, competing gods with different attributes to be infinite, limitless perfect beings. If there were multiple gods, they would inherently limit each other’s power and could not be considered truly omnipotent.
Given God’s perfection, oneness is an essential aspect of His divine nature. True monotheism maintains that there is one eternal, almighty, all-knowing, all-present, sovereign God. Anything less than absolute oneness would introduce potential division, distrust, power struggles, contradictions of will, variations in perfection, and questions of ultimate authority between competing deities. But God’s words and actions repeatedly demonstrate that He alone is supreme with no rivals. Thus, logically, polytheism is an incoherent belief that introduces insolvable dilemmas.
Objectively speaking, the abundance of harmony, order, and coherent complexity in the universe also point to one supremely organized and rational Mind as the single source of creation rather than many competing gods. For all these reasons, the Bible maintains that monotheism is the only rational theology consistent with the nature of God, the created universe, and reality itself. Polytheism has no basis in reason, logic, or evidence, but monotheism alone matches the biblical revelation and human intuition that there must be one eternal Creator God.
Those who reject monotheism bear the burden of proof to explain how polytheism could be plausible given the Bible’s clear testimony to God’s oneness and the logical incoherence of multiple omnipotent beings. But for those open to truth, the biblical case for monotheism is very compelling. The Bible resounds from Genesis to Revelation with the consistent message that there is only one true God who alone is worthy of worship. Jesus Christ came to reveal the one God to humanity and reconcile us to Him. God’s self-revelation, actions in history, divine attributes, and the rational evidence from creation gives convincing proof that monotheism alone is true.
Some may ask why God allows false religions like polytheism to persist if He alone is the one true God. However, God has endowed humans with free will, and He allows people to either accept or reject Him. Yet all people still know in their conscience that God exists, so they are without excuse (Romans 1:20). God patiently tolerates idolatry to allow more time for people to repent, but all mankind will one day acknowledge that the Lord alone is God (Philippians 2:10-11). God has given humanity overwhelming proof of monotheism in His revelation and creation, but He waits for all people to willingly submit to Him through faith in Christ.
In summary, though polytheism may appeal to natural human desires to have “options” and hedge one’s bets, it is irrational, unbiblical, and untenable. Rather, there is compelling, objective evidence from Scripture and logic proving that monotheism alone matches reality. God has gone to great lengths to make His oneness and exclusive divinity known. For those willing to follow the evidence where it leads, monotheism can undoubtedly be proven true both biblically and logically.