The story of Balaam and his talking donkey is found in Numbers 22 in the Bible. This unusual account has sparked much interest and debate over the years. Did Balaam’s donkey really speak to him supernaturally, or is there another explanation? Let’s explore what the Bible says about this fascinating event.
The Background
To understand this story, we need to know some background. Balaam was a prophet who lived during the time of Moses. The Israelites were camped in the plains of Moab near Canaan, having recently left Egypt after the Exodus. The king of Moab, Balak, was afraid of the Israelites and wanted Balaam to come and curse them so they could be driven out of the land. However, God had blessed Israel, and did not want Balaam to curse them.
Despite God’s clear instructions not to go with the men sent by Balak, Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey and went with them (Numbers 22:21-22). God was angry that Balaam was going, so sent an angel with a drawn sword to stand in the road and block his way. Balaam could not see the angel, but his donkey could.
The Donkey Speaks
As Balaam was riding along, the donkey suddenly turned off the road into a field. Balaam beat the donkey to get it back on the road (Numbers 22:23). Later the angel blocked the path through a vineyard wall, and when the donkey brushed against it, Balaam beat it again (Numbers 22:24-25). The next time the angel blocked a narrow path between two vineyards with stone walls on each side. When the donkey saw the angel, it lay down under Balaam, who became angry and beat the donkey again (Numbers 22:26-27).
Then something amazing happened – God enabled the donkey to speak! It asked Balaam why he had beaten it three times, since it was only trying to save his life. The donkey protested being treated this way after so many years of loyal service (Numbers 22:28-30).
This caused Balaam to finally see the angel too, with his drawn sword. Balaam bowed down, admitting he had sinned. The angel told Balaam that if the donkey had not turned away, he would have killed Balaam but spared the donkey. He told Balaam to go on to Balak, but to only speak the words God gave him to say (Numbers 22:31-35).
Evaluating the Evidence
How should we interpret this unusual story about a talking donkey? Are there natural explanations, or was this a genuine miracle? Let’s evaluate some of the key considerations:
1. It is Recorded as a Historical Event
The passage presents this episode as an actual historical event, not a parable or fictional story. The conversation between Balaam and the angel also refers to it as literal (Numbers 22:28-30). There is no indication the author intended it to be understood as symbolic.
2. Animals Speaking is Highly Unusual in Scripture
Talking animals are extremely rare in the Bible. Some additional examples include the serpent speaking to Eve (Genesis 3), Balaam’s other prophecies involving animals speaking (Numbers 24:3-9), and the four living creatures around God’s throne speaking (Revelation 4). But these instances are presented as special miracles of God.
3. The Passage Says God “Opened the Mouth” of the Donkey
Two times Numbers 22 states that God supernaturally intervened, enabling the donkey to speak audibly in a human language (verses 28, 30). This makes clear that the donkey did not speak on its own, but was empowered by God to communicate with Balaam.
4. Balaam was not Surprised the Donkey Spoke
When the donkey first spoke to Balaam, he showed no shock or disbelief that animals could talk. He immediately answered the donkey (verse 29). Balaam’s calm response implies that he accepted this as a genuine miracle from God.
5. The Angel Confirmed the Donkey’s Actions and Words
In verse 33, the angel affirmed that the donkey had turned aside three times and had spoken to Balaam. This establishes that the angel, Balaam and the biblical author all viewed the talking donkey account as literal.
6. It Fulfilled God’s Purposes in that Situation
Through this unique miracle, God stopped Balaam from doing wrong, got his attention when other means failed, and communicated an important message of correction and warning to Balaam about his disobedience. The talking donkey served God’s immediate purposes in that specific situation.
When we consider these factors, the evidence strongly indicates this was an actual, historical event involving a divinely-empowered talking donkey.
God’s Purposes in Miracles
This account also provides some important insights about how God uses miracles for his purposes:
1. Miracles Display God’s Power and Authority
For God to enable a donkey to speak audibly demonstrates His omnipotence and lordship over nature. He is not limited by normal restrictions of creation. God used this miracle to get Balaam’s attention when he was ignoring God’s earlier warnings.
2. Miracles Serve God’s Specific Purposes in Specific Contexts
Not all miracles in the Bible set a precedent for God working in the same way routinely. Some are one-time events addressing a specific need. For example, while God made an axe head float (2 Kings 6), that doesn’t mean objects normally defy gravity. In Balaam’s case, God enabled the donkey to speak just that one time for that specific situation.
3. Miracles Authenticate God’s Messengers and Messages
One purpose of miracles in Scripture is to confirm the authority of those whom God sends to deliver His messages. Moses, the prophets, Jesus and the apostles were all authenticated by signs and wonders showing God’s power working through them (Hebrews 2:3-4). The talking donkey validated God’s message to Balaam through that unusual miracle.
4. Miracles Reveal Spiritual Truths
Balaam failed to see the angel blocking his path, but the donkey did. This shows that those who rebel against God’s ways are spiritually blind, while the humble (symbolized by the donkey) can perceive spiritual realities the proud cannot. The donkey saw what Balaam couldn’t and submitted to God’s authority in order to save Balaam’s life.
Should This Miracle Trouble Christians?
For some, the idea of God making a donkey speak out loud seems fantastic, impossible or ridiculous. There are a few reasons this miracle need not trouble believers:
1. Other Examples of Animals Speaking Exist in Scripture
While unusual, talking animals are not completely unheard of in the Bible. This means the donkey miracle is not totally unique or unparalleled in Scripture. Other prophets made brief predictions of animals speaking (Numbers 24, 2 Peter 2:16).
2. God’s Ways are Higher Than Our Ways
Issues arise when we judge the plausibility of miracles based on human assumptions about what is “normal.” But God’s ways are infinitely higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). We should not reject miracles just because we have trouble understanding how or why God worked in a certain way.
3. All Miracles Are Supernatural by Definition
Miracles like the Red Sea parting, ax heads floating, the dead being raised or the virgin birth defy the natural order of things. But that’s what makes them miracles! Speaking animals may seem difficult, but no harder than other miracles for the God who created the universe. We believe them because Scripture affirms they occurred.
4. This Passage Presents the Miracle as Actual, Not Symbolic
If the author of Numbers intended us to understand this as a fictional story, metaphor or symbolism, he certainly could have indicated that. Instead, it is presented as history. We must accept the text for what it claims to be describing – an actual miracle.
While we may not fully comprehend this miracle, the biblical evidence shows it was a real divine intervention. When we accept the account on its own terms, we can gain helpful spiritual lessons from this unique passage about God’s power and spiritual discernment.
Lessons from Balaam and His Donkey
Stepping back, we can gain valuable insights from this unusual story in Numbers 22:
God Warns and Seeks to Protect His People from Harm
Though Balaam had set out to curse Israel, God powerfully intervened to protect His people from harm. God is fully able to keep His people safe from intended evil.
Persistence in Disobedience Leads to Greater Darkness and Folly
Balaam ignored God’s clear warnings delivered through the donkey and the angel. His stubbornness could have cost him his life. Persisting in willful disobedience leads to spiritual blindness and lack of wisdom.
Animals Can Perceive Spiritual Realities People Often Miss
The donkey could see the angel and spiritually discern the danger, even though Balaam couldn’t. Humans blinded by sin often cannot see what is clear to those dependent on God like animals or children.
Pride Leads People to Rebel, While the Humble Submit to God
The proud and self-willed Balaam went his own way, while the humble donkey yielded to God’s authority and direction to protect her master.
God Uses the Simple and Ordinary to Confound the Proud and Powerful
By working through a lowly donkey, God brought the famous prophet Balaam to his knees in surrender. God delights in using the weak things of this world to humble those blinded by pride (1 Corinthians 1:27).
This intriguing passage provides many insights into how God works in mysterious ways to orchestrate His purposes, communicate truth, and break through to those who are rebelling against Him. Though bizarre on the surface, the account of Balaam and his speaking donkey reveals important spiritual truths that are very relevant today.