How can I keep the faith?
Keeping the faith can be challenging in our modern world full of distractions and alternative worldviews that seem to undermine biblical principles. However, God’s Word provides timeless guidance on how to persevere in faith despite trials and temptations. Here are some key ways to keep trusting in God and clinging to your faith according to the Bible’s teachings:
Pray Continually
One of the most important ways to keep your faith strong is through continual prayer. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us, we need to “pray without ceasing.” Keeping an ongoing conversation with God enables us to stay focused on Him amid life’s busyness. Pray about everything – big or small – and ask for strength, wisdom, perseverance and courage to walk by faith when doubts arise. The Lord promises that when we draw near to Him through prayer, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Consistent prayer nurtures our relationship with God and reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles.
Stay Rooted in Scripture
Immersing ourselves in God’s Word is vital for keeping our faith vibrant and secure. The Bible uplifts our spirits, renews our minds, and reminds us of God’s promises and truths we can stand upon. As Psalm 1:1-3 describes, we should delight in God’s Word day and night, meditating upon its truth. When we devote time regularly to reading, studying and memorizing Scripture, we strengthen our knowledge of God’s character and equip ourselves to resist temptation and unbelief. God’s Word exposes the lies of the world and provides a light for our path (Psalm 119:105). The more Scripture fills our minds, the more our faith will persevere.
Find Community with Other Believers
God did not intend for us to walk through life alone. We need fellowship with other Christians to keep our faith encouraged and accountability strong. As Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes, meeting together with fellow believers strengthens our resolve to continue loving others and doing good works. Staying involved in a church community provides support through relationships with people of common faith. We can build each other up through worship, study, service and prayer. God designed the body of Christ to lift one another up during seasons of doubt or weakness. Rely on like-minded friends to fan the flames of faith in your life.
Trust God’s Sovereignty and Promises
During difficult trials, our trust in God’s sovereignty and promises provides an unshakable foundation for unwavering faith. We must choose daily to believe that the Lord reigns supreme over every circumstance and that nothing escapes His divine purposes. As Romans 8:28 assures, God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. He remains all-powerful, all-knowing and steadfast in His commitment to fulfill every promise in His Word. Even when life feels out of control, we can anchor our faith in the certainty that God holds our lives securely in His hands. His plans cannot be thwarted. Resting in this truth stabilizes our faith.
Obey God Moment by Moment
Active, continual obedience to God’s commands and guidance is essential for maintaining strong faith. We must submit our will to His in all we do, say and think as an act of trust in His ways. As James 1:22 explains, true faith requires being doers of the Word beyond just hearing it. Obedience sometimes requires difficult sacrifice, but God rewards those who earnestly seek to walk in His precepts. When we obey Him one choice at a time, keeping our eyes fixed on Him as our compass, we affirm our faith in God’s wisdom and sovereignty. Our actions flow from our steadfast trust in Him.
Persevere in Hope
On days when doubts surround you, cling to the hope you have in Christ and allow it to lift your faith. Biblical hope centers not on wishful thinking but on the certainty provided through Christ’s promises. As Romans 5:2-5 explains, the hope that fills our hearts through God’s Spirit gives us strength to persevere. In the midst of trials, we can choose to rejoice because we know God uses hardship to develop endurance and proven character in our lives. Though the world’s darkness tries to shake our faith, we can stand firm on the hope of eternity with Christ. This hope strengthens our resolve to keep believing God’s truth.
Remain Alert to Spiritual Warfare
One key way to reinforce your faith is to remain alert to spiritual warfare and hedge against the enemy’s lies with God’s truth. As Ephesians 6:10-18 warns, we have an adversary who wants to take us down and will use any foothold of doubt to unravel our faith. But we can stand strong when we suit up daily in the armor of God – wearing truth, righteousness and the gospel of peace as our defense against attacks. Before doubts take root, counter them with Scripture and join forces with other believers through prayer. The enemy wants us blinded, but we must stay vigilant.
Walk by the Spirit to Produce Fruit
As Galatians 5:16-25 emphasizes, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit empowers our faithfulness. When we let the Spirit guide us, He produces bountiful fruit in our lives, such as love, joy, peace, and patience. This fruit nourishes our faith and gives evidence of spiritual maturity. The Spirit provides strength when our human flesh feels weak. His wisdom liberates us from the traps of sinful fleshly desires that can undermine faith. As we yield more of our lives to the Spirit’s control, He fosters character within us that gives legs to our faith and helps it to not waver.
Keep Eternity in Mind
When life’s difficulties threaten to shake our faith, it helps tremendously to keep an eternal perspective. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 that our present troubles are “light and momentary” compared with the glory to come. This present world is fleeting, but heaven’s joys will last forever. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, remember Jesus’ promise in John 14:1-3 that He has prepared a place for you in heaven. Set your mind on the eternal home that awaits all who trust in Him. The trials of this world cannot compare with the eternal blessings of living forever in God’s presence. Keeping our eyes on heaven helps earthly setbacks from derailing our faith.
Do Not Be Surprised by Trials
Moreover, maintaining strong faith means understanding that trials will come our way. Jesus assured us that in this world we will have trouble (John 16:33). Peter said not to be surprised by fiery trials that test our faith (1 Peter 4:12). We live in a fallen world where hardship will strike, but God always provides a way through it. Brace yourself spiritually for adversity, and when storms hit, let your faith anchor securely in God’s word. View trials as opportunities to demonstrate trust in God. Ask Him for wisdom on how to respond to difficulties in a manner that honors Him and draws you closer to Him.
In summary, keeping steadfast in faith requires continually cultivating your relationship with God through prayer, Scripture, obedience, and fellowship with other believers. Arm yourself daily with the armor of His truth and Spirit. Immerse your mind in His eternal promises so trials do not derail your trust in Him. Seek joy in the Lord despite hardships. Do not be surprised by testing, but let it strengthen your faith’s roots. God rewards those who earnestly seek Him and rely fully on His power to sustain unwavering faith.