In What Ways is Being a Christian Difficult?
Being a Christian in today’s world can be challenging in many ways. Here are some of the key difficulties Christians may face:
One of the most obvious hardships for Christians is persecution. Jesus told his followers that they would be hated and persecuted for his name’s sake (Matthew 10:22). Many Christians around the world today face social exclusion, discrimination, verbal abuse, physical violence, and even death because of their faith. This persecution stems from both religious and secular sources who are hostile to the message of Christ. Places where Christians face intense persecution include North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, and parts of the Middle East. But even in more tolerant societies, Christians can face forms of ridicule, harassment, and marginalization for their beliefs.
Christians struggle with temptation and sin like anyone else. Their holy God calls them to strive for moral purity, while their sinful flesh pulls them toward all kinds of immorality (Galatians 5:16-17). Resisting sexual immorality in a hypersexualized culture is a major challenge, especially with easy access to pornography. Maintaining integrity, honesty, and sound ethics in the workplace can also be trying. Christians must be on guard against all manner of sins that so easily entangle them (Hebrews 12:1). Putting to death the deeds of the flesh requires great spiritual discipline.
Worldly Influence
Christians are called to not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by renewing their minds (Romans 12:2). However, resisting worldly influence can be difficult. Society’s values often conflict with biblical values regarding money, sex, family, morals, truth, work, politics, social justice, etc. Christians must swim against the current of secular humanism, materialism, individualism, and other anti-Christian philosophies embedded in culture. With media, academia, government, and corporations frequently promoting ungodly agendas, Christians constantly face ideological battles.
In a fast-paced, productivity-obsessed world, Christians struggle to find time to regularly read God’s word, pray, fellowship, evangelize, and serve. Between work, school, family, activities, and entertainment, it’s easy for spiritual disciplines to get crowded out. Technology overload often worsens the problem. Christians constantly fight to keep their focus on the kingdom of God rather than earthly pursuits (Matthew 6:33). Avoiding burnout while balancing obligations requires great wisdom and discipline.
With science, philosophy, and culture often questioning Christian beliefs, believers can wrestle with nagging doubts. They may doubt God’s existence, the Bible’s truth, Jesus’s resurrection, the problem of evil, evolution, and more. Christians need to develop strong rational foundations for their beliefs to withstand skepticism (1 Peter 3:15). But doubts can still creep in and create confusion at times, which requires trusting God in faith.
Hypocrisy within the church breeds cynicism. Christians striving to live out Christ’s radical ethical teachings often stumble. Church leaders engaged in scandal damage the reputation of Christianity. And evangelical subcultures don’t always bear credible witness. Such hypocrisy can disillusion both insiders and outsiders, making Christian commitment more difficult. Christians have to perpetually fight hypocrisy both individually and collectively.
Countercultural Lifestyle
Truly following Jesus affects all areas of life. But it often requires rejecting mainstream norms regarding finances, relationships, sexuality, entertainment, ambition, politics, and more. For example, pursuing a simple, modest lifestyle clashes with materialism. Saving sex for marriage conflicts with cohabitation. Forgiving enemies counters vengeance. Such countercultural living can prompt ridicule, misunderstanding, and accusations of bigotry. It takes courage and conviction to live as a pilgrim and foreigner in this world (1 Peter 2:11).
Jesus assured his followers they would face trouble in this world (John 16:33). Christians cannot expect to be immune from sickness, disasters, relational conflicts, financial problems, violent crimes, persecution, and other hardships. During such trials, Christians struggle to trust God’s sovereignty, cling to his promises, and rest in his purpose. Walking by faith rather than sight is difficult when faced with intense adversity.
Following Christ can sometimes feel lonely. Many Christians don’t have a true friend or mentor to confide in. They battle sin alone. Pressures to conform to sinful cultural practices alienate them. Non-Christians ostracize them. Even Christian circles can lack meaningful fellowship amid shallow relationships. Christians long for brotherly love and spiritual kinship within the body of Christ. Navigating this lonely Christian sojourn requires endurance and hope.
Dry Seasons
Christians regularly experience dry seasons where God seems distant. Their prayer life feels listless. Bible reading becomes dull. Doubts creep in. Passion for the Lord wanes. Avoiding sin seems to require forced duty rather than delight. During such deserts, Christians must choose to rekindle their spiritual discipline and wait for renewal. Persevering through ups and downs in intimacy with Christ takes faith and maturity.
Decision Making
Discerning God’s will regarding life decisions can be challenging. Well-meaning Christians often disagree on important issues not directly addressed in Scripture, like vaccines, schooling, politics, environmentalism, gun control, mask-wearing, and more. Study and prayer are essential, but uncertainties may remain. Christians aim to apply biblical principles without insisting on definitive answers. This requires humility, wisdom, and leaving room for principled disagreement.
In summary, Christians face many difficulties including persecution, temptation, worldliness, busyness, doubt, hypocrisy, countercultural living, hardship, loneliness, spiritual dryness, and decision making. But God promises to be with believers through every trial. By clinging to Jesus, resting in God’s word, and relying on the Holy Spirit’s power, Christians can overcome obstacles and run the race with endurance and joy. The rewards for steadfastness are eternal.