Muslims and Christians share some common beliefs, but there are also key differences that lead to many questions from Muslims about the Christian faith. Here are some of the common questions Muslims may ask about Christianity and the Bible’s perspective on these issues:
Who is Jesus?
Muslims view Jesus (called Isa in the Quran) as an important prophet, but do not believe he is the Son of God or divine in any way. However, the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God incarnate – the eternal Son of God who took on human flesh (John 1:1, 14; Colossians 1:15-20; Philippians 2:5-11). Jesus claimed divinity and oneness with the Father (John 10:30; 14:9) and demonstrated His power over creation, disease, death, and demons during His earthly ministry.
Is the Bible corrupted?
Muslims claim the Bible has been corrupted over time while the Quran is perfectly preserved. However, there is strong historical and archaeological evidence supporting the reliability of the Bible. We have thousands of ancient New Testament manuscripts, with very minor variations between them, confirming the accurate preservation of the original texts. The New Testament we have today faithfully represents the original inspired writings (2 Timothy 3:16).
Why is Jesus called the “Son of God”?
This title for Jesus comes directly from Scripture and refers to His unique, eternal relationship with God the Father. Jesus is called the “only begotten Son” (John 3:16) to emphasize He is of the same divine nature as the Father, distinct from creation. Jesus reveals that to know Him is to know the Father (John 14:6-11). The Father affirmed Jesus as His beloved Son (Matthew 17:5).
Do Christians believe in three gods?
No, Christians are monotheists, believing in one true God eternally existent in three persons – God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This Triune nature of God is a divine mystery beyond human understanding, but is clearly taught in Scripture. God reveals Himself in three persons, but there is only one divine being or essence. The three persons are co-equal and co-eternal (Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14).
Why did Jesus have to die?
According to the Bible, Jesus willingly endured death on a cross to take the punishment we deserve for our sins, so that through His sacrifice those who trust in Him could be forgiven and reconciled to God. Jesus said His purpose was “to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). God’s perfect justice and mercy meet at the cross where our debt is paid and our sins are forgiven when we repent and believe (John 3:16; Romans 3:25-26; 5:8-11).
Isn’t the Trinity illogical?
The concept of the Trinity – one God existing eternally in three persons – defies human logic and understanding. However, God’s ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Scripture clearly affirms there is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) and three divine persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has chosen to reveal Himself in this way. We humbly accept this divine mystery even if we cannot fully comprehend it.
Why is the death of Jesus important?
Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross is central to the Christian faith. As Romans 3:23-25 explains, all people have sinned and fall short of God’s perfection, deserving death. But in His love, God sent Jesus to die in our place, taking the punishment our sins deserve. Through faith in Christ, we can be reconciled with God and receive forgiveness and eternal life. Without the cross, there is no salvation. Jesus died for our sins so we could live forgiven and be saved.
Do Christians worship the same God as Muslims?
There are similarities since Islam and Christianity both believe in one all-powerful Creator. However, the Muslim and Christian concepts of God have fundamental differences. Muslims deny the Trinity while Christians affirm God’s triune nature. Muslims see Jesus as only a prophet, but Christians know He is the divine Son of God. The God of the Bible and the Allah of the Quran cannot be equated.
Why do Christians call God their “Father”?
Calling God “Father” has biblical roots tracing back to Jesus, who taught His followers to pray to God saying, “Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9-13). God desires an intimate, loving relationship with people. But because God is spirit (John 4:24), He does not have a literal, biological sex or gender. Referring to God metaphorically as a “Father” highlights attributes like His protection, care, discipline of His children. God the Father sacrificially gave His beloved Son for us.
Do Christians believe salvation is only through Christ?
Yes, Christians believe that faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Christ is the only way a person’s sins can be forgiven and the only way to be reconciled with God. Jesus declared, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Salvation is found in no one else (Acts 4:12). This is an exclusive claim, but it is the clear teaching of the Bible.
Why do Christians go against Old Testament laws?
Christianity teaches that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law (Matthew 5:17). Christians are no longer under obligation to keep all the ceremonial, ritual, and civil laws given specifically to Israel prior to Christ. The moral principles behind the commands remain, but Christians live under the new covenant in Jesus. His death established a new covenant (Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:13).
Do Christians believe in predestination?
Predestination is a complex biblical concept. Scripture makes clear God is sovereign and knows the future completely (Isaiah 46:9-10). However, people are still responsible for their choices. Basically, predestination means God knows and has determined who will be saved through faith in Christ. But humans maintain free will to accept or reject Christ (John 3:16; Ephesians 1:5, 11; 2 Peter 3:9).
Why do Christians eat pork when the Bible says not to?
The Old Testament law prohibited pork (Leviticus 11:7-8) but this and other food laws do not apply to Christians today. Mark 7:18-19 teaches that Jesus “declared all foods clean” under the new covenant. The apostle Peter’s vision in Acts 10 led to the understanding that Christians are free to eat foods previously forbidden under the old law.
Where does the Bible say Jesus is God?
Jesus is directly called God in Scripture (John 1:1, 18; 20:28; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13). Jesus said “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30) and applied divine titles to Himself like “I AM” (John 8:58). Colossians 2:9 says “in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.” Jesus received worship as God (Matthew 28:9, 17). Scripture affirms the divinity of Jesus as God incarnate.
Do Christians believe in circumcision?
Circumcision was an Old Testament requirement only for the Jewish people under the Law of Moses. The New Testament makes clear that Gentile converts to Christianity did not need to be circumcised to become part of God’s covenant people (Acts 15:1-29). While not wrong, circumcision is no longer commanded or required. Christians typically view it as a personal choice today.
Why do Christians worship on Sunday?
The Sabbath day of rest was Saturday under Old Testament law. But Scripture shows the early church transitioned to worshipping on Sunday, the day Jesus was resurrected (Matthew 28:1; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). Christians could meet to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and coming kingdom. While some Christians today continue to observe Saturday as Sabbath, Sunday worship is generally accepted as the norm.
What does the Bible say about alcohol?
The Bible does not forbid alcohol, but it strongly warns against intoxication and addiction to wine and strong drink due to its ability to distort judgment and destroy relationships (Proverbs 20:1; 23:29-35; 1 Corinthians 5:11; Ephesians 5:18). Most Christians practice moderation at a minimum regarding alcohol. Some denominations prohibit alcohol consumption completely.
Do Christians have to keep the Sabbath?
The Old Testament command was to honor the seventh day (Saturday) as a holy Sabbath day of rest (Exodus 20:8-11). The New Testament indicates Sabbath-keeping was not strictly required for Gentile believers, but some still observed it voluntarily (Colossians 2:16-17). Most Christians view Sunday as the Lord’s Day, a time for worship and rest, but not regulations like Sabbath-keeping.
Why do Christians worship Jesus if He is not God?
Christians only worship Jesus because Scripture teaches He is fully God. Jesus is called the “Mighty God” and “Everlasting Father” (Isaiah 9:6). He is prayed to (Acts 7:59), has divine power to heal, forgive sins, and raise the dead, rights to receive and share the glory of God the Father (John 17:5). Jesus accepted worship (Matthew 28:17) and taught “all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father” (John 5:23). Faith in Christ’s deity is essential.
Do Christians believe in angels and demons?
Yes, the Bible affirms the existence of angels as spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, often by delivering His messages. Angels are mentioned numerous times in Scripture. However, demons are understood to be fallen angels who chose to rebel against God under the leadership of Satan. Christians believe angels and demons are real spirit beings who influence human affairs and events, both natural and supernatural.
Why don’t Christians follow the Old Testament?
This is inaccurate – Christians do follow moral principles and commands from the Old Testament that align with New Testament teachings. However, Christians understand that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament law of Moses (Matthew 5:17). Christians are under a new, better covenant bought by Christ’s blood (Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8). Some Old Testament laws do not directly apply today.
What does the Bible say about polygamy?
The practice of polygamy (multiple spouses) deviates from God’s design at creation for marriage to be a relationship between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). While major figures like Abraham, Jacob, David, and Solomon in the Bible had multiple wives, their stories highlight the problems polygamy causes. The New Testament affirms that church leaders should only have one spouse (1 Timothy 3:2,12; Titus 1:6).
What does the Bible say about hatred?
The Bible strongly condemns hatred, which is the opposite of the love and kindness Christians are called to reflect as followers of Christ. Believers are instructed to “hate what is evil” (Romans 12:9) but never to hate other people. Scripture says “do not hate a fellow Israelite” (Leviticus 19:17) and teaches “love your enemies” (Luke 6:27, 35). Unjustified anger or hatred towards others is sinful (1 John 2:9).
Do Christians believe in heaven?
Yes, the Bible teaches there is a literal heaven – an eternal dwelling place where believers will be in the presence of God forever. Heaven is described as perfect and free from all sin, suffering, and death (Revelation 21-22). Only those who are saved through faith in Christ will go to heaven when they die or at His second coming (John 14:2-3). The hope of heaven motivates Christians to live godly lives.