Noah’s Ark is one of the most well-known Bible stories. God instructed Noah to build a massive ark to save his family and representatives of all the animals from a worldwide flood that would destroy everything on earth. This amazing event raises many questions that people have been curious about for centuries. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Noah’s Ark and what the Bible reveals in response.
Why did God send the flood during Noah’s time?
Genesis 6:5-7 explains that God sent the flood as a judgment on the extreme wickedness of the human race at that time. Humankind had become thoroughly evil, corrupt and violent. Their thoughts and actions were continuously wicked. This grieved God deeply, so He determined to wipe out sinful humanity while preserving righteous Noah and his family.
How big was the ark?
The Bible provides detailed dimensions for the ark’s construction. It was to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high (Genesis 6:15). A cubit was approximately 18 inches. This made the ark around 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. It was essentially a giant rectangle and certainly large enough to hold all the animals and provisions God sent Noah to include.
How did Noah build such a massive ship?
The Bible does not provide specifics on how Noah constructed the ark. It only says God gave him the plans and instructed him to use gopher wood (Genesis 6:14-16). Noah probably hired many workers to help cut down the trees, shape the planks, and assemble them into this giant boat. He had 120 years to build it while also warning his neighbors about the coming judgment.
How many animals were on the ark?
Noah was instructed to bring a pair of every kind of animal, bird and creature onto the ark (Genesis 6:19-20). Rather than all the variations, he only needed the root “kinds” that would repopulate the earth. Creation scientists estimate there were only about 16,000 animals on the ark. Given the massive size of the ship, this is plenty of room for all the animals, food and supplies.
How did Noah gather all the animals?
The Bible indicates that God Himself brought the animals to Noah at the right time (Genesis 6:20, 7:9). Just as God led the animals to Adam to be named, He could have led them to the ark. Many also posit that the early atmosphere may have allowed for easier, longer-distance animal migration from all over the world.
Were dinosaurs on the ark?
Land dinosaurs, or reptile “kinds,” were definitely on the ark. Genesis took place only about 6,000 years ago, and dinosaurs did not go extinct until a few thousand years after the Flood at most. So dinosaurs must have been preserved on the ark in order to repopulate the earth after the water subsided.
How did all the animals fit on the ark?
With an estimated 16,000 basic animal “kinds,” the average ark space per animal would have been around 400 square feet. That is plenty of room for an average-sized animal. Remember also that Noah took adolescent or smaller animals that do not take up as much room as full-grown adults. God could have also supernaturally brought the animals into a state of dormancy or hibernation during the year on the ark.
What did the animals eat on the ark?
Noah was commanded to gather and store food for his family and all the animals (Genesis 6:21). It was certainly a lot of food, but the storage areas of the massive ark could have held tons of grain, hay, seeds, fruits, vegetables and more. The animals may have also gone into a state of slowed metabolism and hibernation, not requiring much food. Whatever the case, God made sure there was plenty to sustain all life on the ark.
How could Noah care for all the animals?
Noah did not have to care for the animals by himself. His wife, his three sons, and their wives were also on the ark (Genesis 7:7), so that meant there were eight people to feed and look after the animals. God may have also put the animals into a torpor or hibernation so they required very little maintenance while confined on the ark during the year-long flood.
How long were they on the ark?
Noah, his family, and all the animals were on the ark for approximately one year and 10 days. The initial rain from the flood lasted 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:12). The waters continued to rise for 150 days before beginning to recede (Genesis 7:24, 8:3). Over 2 1/2 months later, Noah sent out a dove which returned with an olive leaf, showing land was appearing (Genesis 8:11). Noah exited the ark on dry land almost a year after initially entering.
How did aquatic animals survive?
The Bible is clear that the rising floodwaters destroyed all creatures on the earth that were on dry land (Genesis 7:21-23). However, aquatic animals were not harmed by the flood. They still would have been active in the oceans and lakes around the earth. Noah did not have to save them in the ark since they were not threatened with destruction.
How did plants survive the flood?
Many seeds and plant materials would have survived floating on the surface or buried in the sediment beneath the floodwaters. The bottom of the ark could have also held compartments of seeds, cuttings, shoots and plant materials that would grow again after the floodwater drained away. Plants regrew quickly from zones unaffected by floodwaters and seeds carried on the ark.
Where did the flood take place?
The Bible is clear that the floodwaters covered the entire globe, not just a localized area (Genesis 7:19-20). Every mountain was covered by at least 20 feet of water. However, some creation scientists believe this does not necessarily mean the flood had to cover the peak of every mountain we have today. The mountains may not have reached current heights before the flood.
Where did the ark land when the waters receded?
The Bible says the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat after the floodwaters began receding (Genesis 8:4). It does not specify a precise mountain or location. Many believe it could have landed somewhere in the area of modern-day Turkey. Searching explorers and archaeologists have found no definitive evidence of the ark’s remains to date.
How could the ark survive the flood?
The ark was specifically designed by God to withstand the cataclysmic flood (Genesis 6:14-16). His plans allowed it to float easily and remain intact amidst the highest waves and strongest currents. No other ship from ancient history could have survived a worldwide flood, but God ensured Noah’s would make it through the disaster safely.
Did God really send a worldwide flood?
Many people try to deny that a real global flood occurred and seek to explain it away as a myth or exaggeration. But Jesus Himself spoke of Noah and the flood as a true historical event that serves as a warning for future judgment (Matthew 24:37-39). The apostles did as well (1 Peter 3:20, 2 Peter 2:5). We cannot claim to believe the Bible while denying this Judeo-Christian doctrine.
What was God’s covenant with Noah after the flood?
After Noah exited the ark on dry land, God established a covenant with him (Genesis 9:8-17). He promised to never again destroy the earth and all life with a flood. As a sign of this everlasting covenant, He set a rainbow in the clouds, which will remind all generations of God’s promise not to flood the entire earth again.
What happened to the ark after the flood?
The Bible does not definitively record what happened to the ark after Noah and his family exited onto dry land. It served its purpose of preserving life through the flood and was likely broken down for lumber at some point. There have been searches for remnants of the ark unsuccessfully. Even if found, wood decays, so the ark likely no longer exists in its original form.
Why is the global flood important to understand?
The worldwide flood during Noah’s day helps explain many major geological and climate phenomena on our planet. It also serves as a precursor for warnings Jesus gave about His future second coming and the judgment that will take place then. Finally, the ark provides a beautiful picture of salvation, as anyone who went through the door was saved from God’s judgment.
Does flood evidence contradict mainstream science?
Mainstream uniformitarian scientists deny a worldwide flood ever occurred. But there is plenty of evidence of catastrophic, rapid geological formations like folded rock layers, huge fossil graveyards and polystrate fossils that undermine gradual formation over millions of years. A global flood fits the evidence far better than slow processes over eons.
Was Noah’s Ark big enough to fit all animals?
Given the dimensions provided in the Bible, Noah’s Ark was more than large enough to house all the necessary animal kinds along with provisions. The key is remembering the distinction between species and broader kinds. About 16,000 animals was plenty to fulfill God’s plans to replenish the earth after the flood.
Did plants survive the flood outside the ark?
It seems most likely many seeds and plant materials outside the ark could have survived on the surface or buried in sediments. Plants would have quickly regrown as the floodwaters receded from zones unaffected by the cataclysmic upheaval. The ark also could have held compartments of seeds and plant clippings.
Why did God choose to destroy the world this way?
The Genesis flood served as God’s judgment on a world overrun by evil, violence and corruption. Humanity had a chance to turn from their wickedness over 120 years while Noah built the ark and warned them of coming judgment. When they refused to repent, God used a global flood to cleanse and purify the earth while preserving righteous Noah’s family.
How is Noah’s Ark symbolic of salvation?
The ark represents salvation in a beautiful picture. Just as the family of Noah could only be saved by entering the one door into the ark, so too we are saved by coming through the one doorway of Jesus Christ (John 10:9). All inside the ark were spared, while all outside perished in judgment.
How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
The Bible indicates that God gave Noah 120 years to construct the massive ark (Genesis 6:3). This gave him plenty of time to fell the trees, shape the planks, and assemble the full 450-foot vessel with his sons and hired workers. It also gave ample time to preach and warn of the coming judgment.
These are some of the most frequently asked questions that people have about Noah’s Ark. While we cannot answer every detail with absolute certainty, the Bible provides a clear and reliable foundation for understanding this pivotal event and the worldwide flood judgment during Noah’s time.