The prayers of the saints mentioned in Revelation 5:8 refer to the petitions and intercessions of believers in Christ that are represented by incense offered to God in heaven. This verse comes within the context of John’s vision of the scroll with seven seals that only the Lamb (Jesus Christ) is worthy to open.
The Setting of Revelation 5:8
In Revelation 4, John has a vision of the throne room of heaven with God seated on the throne. Around the throne are 24 elders and four living creatures who worship God continually (Revelation 4:8-11).
In Revelation 5, John then sees God holding a scroll sealed with seven seals. A strong angel asks who is worthy to open the scroll, but no one in heaven or earth is found worthy. This makes John weep because it appears the scroll cannot be opened.
Then one of the elders tells John not to weep because the Lion of Judah (Jesus) has conquered and is worthy to open the scroll. John then sees Jesus as a Lamb standing before the throne. The Lamb takes the scroll from the hand of God.
This is followed by worship of the Lamb from the living creatures and elders. They sing a new song declaring the Lamb is worthy because he was slain and purchased people for God with his blood from every tribe, language, people and nation. Then they say the Lamb has made them kings and priests to God and they will reign on the earth (Revelation 5:8-10).
The Significance of the Incense Representing Prayers
It is at this point of glorious worship that Revelation 5:8 reports:
“And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
The incense is added to the worship scene as the living creatures and elders continue their praises of the Lamb. The incense represents the prayers of God’s people.
The image connects back to the Old Testament temple practice of offering incense along with the prayers of the people of Israel. For example, Psalm 141:2 says, “Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!”
In Revelation, the incense offered in the heavenly temple represents the prayers of those who belong to Jesus Christ. Their prayers are pleasing and acceptable to God.
The Significance of the Saints’ Prayers
It is significant that the worshipers in heaven are pictured as offering the prayers of the saints along with their praises. This highlights several important truths:
1. The believers on earth are remembered by those worshiping God in heaven. Their prayers are known and offered to God alongside the heavenly worship. There is a connection between worship on earth and in heaven.
2. The prayers of God’s people are pleasing to God. As perfume ascends upwards, so do the prayers of the saints rise up to God as a fragrant offering. Our prayers are incense to Him.
3. God’s people play an important priestly role on earth, offering up prayers and praises to God. We are called kings and priests in Revelation 5:10. Just as the priests in the Old Testament presented offerings to God, so we offer up prayers.
4. The prayers of God’s people impact what transpires on earth. The scroll with seven seals contains God’s end-time plans. The saints’ prayers are presented in heaven just prior to the opening of the scroll. Their prayers are linked to the unfolding of God’s end-time purposes.
5. Our prayers do not go unnoticed by God but play a role in His Kingdom plans. God responds to the heartfelt prayers of His people on earth. We are encouraged to keep praying earnestly.
The Identity of the Saints in Revelation
Who are the “saints” whose prayers are referred to in this passage? The title “saints” in Revelation includes:
– All believers in Jesus Christ across different times in church history. The book of Revelation covers the time from Jesus’ first coming until His second coming. So the “saints” incorporate believers across all eras.
– Both saints in heaven and saints alive on earth. Some of the saints John refers to are clearly in heaven worshiping around God’s throne. But the book of Revelation was written to seven churches in Asia Minor to encourage living believers persevering through hardship. So the “saints” include the broader Body of Christ both in heaven and on earth.
– Saints from every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Revelation 5:9). Christ’s redemption extends to saints worldwide. All kinds of believers make up the family of God.
So in summary, the “prayers of the saints” in Revelation 5:8 refer broadly to the petitions and intercessions of all believers in Jesus Christ, both in heaven and on earth, across all eras of church history, and representing great diversity. It is the unified cries of God’s global people ascending up together in intercession and worship.
The Content of the Prayers
The book of Revelation does not give direct details about the specific content of the saints’ prayers in Revelation 5:8. However, we can reasonably assume their prayers include:
– Praise and worship of God for His greatness, holiness, worthiness and glory.
– Thanks and gratitude to Jesus Christ for shedding His blood to redeem people for God from every tribe and nation.
– Requests for God’s will to be done on earth and for His Kingdom to advance. As the scroll is opened, the saints likely pray for God’s plans to come to pass in His perfect timing.
– Requests for the perseverance and protection of the church amidst persecution and tribulation. The churches addressed in Revelation faced serious opposition and assault from outside forces. The saints lifted up prayers for God’s comfort and sustaining grace.
– Repentance and cries for mercy. The saints’ prayers surely included confession of sins and appeals to God’s mercy and forgiveness.
– Intercession for the salvation of the lost. As priests presenting offerings before God, the saints prayed for those who needed to repent and turn to Christ for salvation.
So in summary, the prayers of the saints likely reflected the full spectrum of prayers and intercessions believers offer up to God – including worship, gratitude, requests, intercession for others, and cries for mercy. The exact details are not specified but their prayers play a key role in the heavenly throne room scene.
Lessons for Believers Today
This important reference to the prayers of the saints in Revelation 5 provides helpful lessons for believers today:
1. We should realize our prayers are like incense ascending before God’s throne. We have the privilege through Christ of offering up perfume-like prayers.
2. Our prayers impact what God does on the earth. We should persist in prayer for God’s purposes to be accomplished worldwide.
3. God remembers our prayers and they are significant before Him. We should never downplay the importance of praying earnestly.
4. Our prayers ascending to heaven reveal we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) who represent God’s interests on the earth. We should embrace our priestly calling.
5. Our prayers connect us to the broader family of God – the worldwide church. We share a common bond with believers globally as we lift our voices to God in prayer.
6. We should pray big, bold prayers for God’s redemption to extend worldwide and for His plans to come to pass in their fullness. Our prayers help fuel the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
The reference to the prayers of the saints in Revelation 5:8 provides a beautiful glimpse into the heavenlies. Our prayers are like sweet perfume ascending into the very throne room of heaven as we intercede before our God. God hears and treasures the earnest petitions of His people which serve an important role in the outworking of His wondrous plans. This passage fuels a passion for prayer and reminds us to persist in lifting bold, kingdom-minded requests to our God who responds to the prayer incense of His saints. We have an incredible privilege as believers to offer prayers and intercessions before God’s throne.