In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his disciples “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). This metaphor contains rich meaning about the role of Jesus’ followers in the world.
1. Salt as a preservative
In ancient times, salt was valued for its preservative properties. Before refrigeration, salting and drying foods was one of the main ways to preserve them from spoiling. As salt of the earth, Jesus’ disciples are to have a preserving influence on the world, stopping the spread of evil and moral decay through their godly example and proclamation of biblical truth.
Jesus expects his followers to promote values like mercy, righteousness, and justice in society. As Christians season the world with godly virtues, they inhibit the growth of sin and lawlessness. Like salt, the preserving influence of Christians may often go unnoticed, but it is vital for maintaining moral standards in culture.
2. Salt as a flavor enhancer
Salt also enhances flavor. Jesus calls us as Christians to make the world a better place by positively influencing people and society. Our words, attitudes, and actions should improve the lives of others, enriching their existence with the love of Christ.
Jesus does not intend for his disciples to isolate from the world. Rather, he sends us into the world to serve as salt, improving the lives of those around us. By sharing the gospel, caring for the needy, upholding justice, and meeting human needs, Christians can enhance the flavor of the world and attract people to the God we serve.
3. Salt as a sign of God’s covenant
In the ancient Near East, salt was used to ratify covenants (Numbers 18:19). As the salt of the earth, Jesus’ followers are a reminder to the world of God’s covenant with humanity. After the flood in Noah’s time, God made a covenant never again to destroy the earth by flood (Genesis 9:8-17). As Christians, we signify to the world that God has established an everlasting covenant of salvation with people from every tribe and nation through Jesus Christ.
The church exists as a living testament, pointing people to the promise of redemption we have through faith in Christ. Our words and actions as believers should constantly reinforce that covenant relationship with God which is open to all who put their trust in Jesus.
4. Salt as a purifying agent
Salt also has purifying properties. As salt of the earth, Christians have a cleansing effect on society through our high moral conduct and opposition to evil. By resisting corruption in business and government, confronting injustice, helping the helpless, and living ethically, Jesus’ followers purge rot and waste from the world.
This does not mean we force righteousness through legalistic means. Rather, our salt-like influence comes through graciously speaking and living out godly truth, reflecting the light of Christ in a dark world. As we live out our Christian faith, we purify society with the holiness of Jesus.
5. Salt that loses its taste
After calling his disciples the salt of the earth, Jesus warns that salt can lose its flavor and become useless (Matthew 5:13). Though pure salt cannot actually become tasteless through chemical change, it can become mixed and diluted with other minerals and particles, masking its salty taste.
In the same way, Christians can lose their purifying, flavor-enhancing impact on the world when our commitment to Christ becomes compromised and mixed with sin and impurity. If we blend too much into the corrupt world system, we lose our distinction as followers of Jesus.
Jesus warns against losing our “saltiness” – our pure devotion to him. As salt of the earth, we must maintain integrity and keep our relationship with Christ strong. When tempted to compromise, we should recall that we belong to Christ as his purified, covenant people sent to preserve and flavor the world with his grace and truth.
6. Seasoning the world with hope
Beyond preservation and purification, salt also seasons food in a pleasing way, bringing out flavor. As Christians, we are to generously season the world with the hope we have in Christ, drawing out the beauty of what God has made.
Though sin has corrupted much, Christians can highlight the remaining good in people and God’s creation, spurring them toward renewal. Our upbeat, compassionate faith can make the world more palatable, giving people a foretaste of the peace, justice and harmony that will come in fullness when Jesus returns.
In a world that often seems bitter and rancid, Christians bring the salty flavor of living hope in Christ. Through our Spirit-empowered witness, we can whet people’s appetite for the abundant life Jesus promises both now and forever.
7. Salt and light
In the same passage, Jesus also calls his disciples “the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Light allows people to see clearly, revealing both beauty and grime. Like light, our holy lives expose and confront the darkness of sin while illuminating Christ as the source of life and hope.
Together, salt and light depict Christians’ identity and mission. We are to flavor, preserve, and brighten the world with gospel truth and godly virtues emanating from our union with Jesus Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, may we faithfully carry out our role for Christ’s glory.
8. Seasoning society with compassion
As salt of the earth, Christians are challenged by Jesus to bring out the rich flavors of God’s redeeming compassion and grace. With so much bitterness and hostility in society today, believers have the opportunity to remind others of Christ’s loving desire to save, heal and restore.
Our words and actions of grace can whet people’s appetite for the tenderness of God’s fatherly heart toward the hurting world he created. By listening empathetically, forgiving others generously, and extending aid to the downtrodden, Christians provide a tasty glimpse of Kingdom ethics.
May our gospel witness attract others to the feast of new life found in Jesus. And may our Spirit-seasoned saltiness spur thirst and hunger for the wholeness Christ offers to all people.
9. Staying salty in an unsavory world
As salt of the earth, Christians face the challenge of retaining our God-given saltiness amid corrosive influences. Just as salt can be diluted, we may become polluted by the sinful world. How can disciples of Jesus stay pure and flavorful?
First, continual intake of God’s Word nourishes our souls with Kingdom principles and values. Immersing our minds in Scripture renews our thinking and prevents being squeezed into the world’s mold (Romans 12:2).
Second, confessing sins and repenting through Christ’s cleansing blood restores us from backsliding. God promises that if we walk in the light, the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
Third, the Holy Spirit strengthens Christians to persevere faithfully when tested. Relying on the Spirit’s empowerment enables us to withstand worldly influences and remain salty ambassadors for Christ.
Staying salty requires vigilance. But the grace of God enables faithful disciples to keep making Jesus known through flavorful, purifying lives.
10. Salt as a symbol of wisdom and grace
In calling his followers the salt of the earth, Jesus invokes a metaphor rich in spiritual significance. Beyond just flavoring food, salt carried profound symbolic meaning in the ancient world.
Salt symbolized purity, durability, and value. It was used as a ritual offering to God. The Mosaic law called for salt to be added to sacrifices (Leviticus 2:13), indicating the purity of motives required in worshipping God.
Eating salt together represented the binding loyalty of close friends committed to each other. God called Israel to a covenant of salt, picturing the lasting permanence of His promises (Numbers 18:19).
In Greek culture, salt was a symbol of divine blessing and wisdom. Newborn babies were rubbed with salt to signify wisdom and quickness of mind. Ancient Greeks exchanged salt as a token of friendship and hospitality.
Seen against this cultural backdrop, Jesus calling his followers “the salt of the earth” takes on deeper meaning. Christians carry God’s covenant loyalty and purity into the world. We seek to live wisely under divine guidance as beloved friends of Christ.
As salt, we are blessed by God to impart wisdom and covenant faithfulness to all we meet through the gracious seasoning of our words and conduct. May Christ find us reliably salty in representing Him with grace and truth.