The statement “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” comes from Joshua 24:15 in the Bible. It’s spoken by Joshua near the end of his life after leading the Israelites into the promised land. This verse has become a popular saying among Christians to affirm their commitment to following God.
To understand the meaning behind this verse, it’s helpful to look at the context. In Joshua 24, Joshua has gathered all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem. He reminds them of all that God has done for them – rescuing them from Egypt, giving them victory over their enemies, and bringing them into the promised land. After recounting God’s faithfulness, Joshua challenges the people to renew their covenant commitment to the Lord. He declares in verse 15, “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
This statement from Joshua expresses a firm decision to worship God alone. By saying “as for me and my household,” Joshua was declaring that he and his family had chosen to serve Yahweh, the God of Israel. This wasn’t simply a personal decision – Joshua was the leader of the nation, so his commitment would influence all those under his authority in his household and beyond. The covenant was made with all the people, yet Joshua proclaimed his own household would certainly serve the Lord. He was leading by example.
Joshua’s declaration “we will serve the Lord” was a pledge to be faithful and obedient to God, submitting to His commands and renouncing idolatry. The Israelites had a tendency to worship the false gods of the Canaanite peoples living around them, so Joshua was committing his family to following Yahweh alone. The phrase “we will serve” recalled the first commandment to have no other gods before Yahweh (Exodus 20:3). Serving the Lord meant loving Him fully and following His ways.
After this bold pledge from Joshua, the Israelites also committed themselves, saying “we also will serve the Lord, for he is our God” (Joshua 24:18). This response showed their intention to serve the Lord in the same wholehearted way. By answering Joshua’s example, they were renewing the covenant made with God at Sinai for themselves and future generations.
So in summary, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” in Joshua 24:15 expresses:
- A firm commitment from Joshua to worship God alone in his household
- Leading by example as the head of the nation
- A pledge to obey God’s commands and renounce idolatry
- A call for the Israelites to similarly commit to serving Yahweh only
This bold declaration of faith from Joshua has encouraged many believers through the centuries to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. It’s a reminder for heads of households today to lead their families in serving God above all else. As Joshua modeled, when we commit to put God first, we can walk in obedience to Him and point others to do the same.
1. The immediate context of Joshua 24
Joshua 24 records Joshua’s farewell speech to the Israelites before his death. After leading the people for many years and overseeing the conquest of Canaan, Joshua was old and knew his time was ending. Before he died, Joshua summoned all the tribes to Shechem, where he reviewed how God had faithfully delivered and provided for them (Joshua 24:1-13).
Joshua recounted how God had called Abraham, given him many descendants, and brought them out of slavery in Egypt with signs and wonders. God defeated Pharaoh’s armies at the Red Sea, sustained the Israelites in the wilderness, and protected them along the journey. Joshua reminded the people of victories God had given them over King Sihon, King Og, and the Canaanite armies. God fought for them and brought them into the promised land.
After reflecting on God’s faithfulness to Israel, Joshua challenged them to renew the covenant made with God at Sinai. He told them to fear the Lord, serve Him sincerely, and put away false gods. Joshua declared firmly for himself and his household they would serve Yahweh, the God who brought them out of Egypt (Joshua 24:14-15). The people agreed to also serve the Lord, realizing He was their God (Joshua 24:16-18).
Joshua warned the Israelites strongly against forsaking God by turning to idols and false gods. He knew they were prone to wandering and called them to faithfulness. The people twice affirmed their commitment to serve Yahweh alone (Joshua 24:21, 24). Joshua made a covenant with the people and set up a stone as a witness to remind them of their pledge.
2. Joshua’s influential position
As the successor to Moses and the one who led Israel into Canaan, Joshua was the central leader of the nation during the time of conquest and settlement. His faithful leadership was key to the Israelites obeying God and taking possession of the promised land. The people recognized Joshua as their God-appointed guide and Commander of the Lord’s army (Joshua 5:14).
When Joshua gathered the tribes of Israel together at Shechem, they came and presented themselves before him. Joshua’s speech had weight and influence because of his respected position. As the leader and authority figure, his declaration that “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” set an important example for the rest of the Israelites.
The pillars of society – leaders like Joshua as well as fathers and heads of households – had immense influence over others. Their choices to obey and worship Yahweh would impact their families and the national life. Joshua used his platform to publicly pledge sole allegiance to God and call others to do the same.
As a leader, Joshua wanted to “walk the talk” and lead by example. His proclamation showed the people he wasn’t asking anything of them that he wasn’t willing to do himself. Joshua set the pace as the leader of Israel and modeled how serving God should look. His godly influence directed the nation towards faithfulness to God.
3. A call to undivided loyalty
Joshua’s statement “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” was a pledge of undivided loyalty to God. He was committing his household to give total allegiance to Yahweh alone.
This call for undivided loyalty recalled the first two Commandments given at Sinai:
You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image…you shall not bow down to them or serve them (Exodus 20:3-5)
Yahweh demanded exclusive devotion from His people. But the Israelites had an ongoing temptation to chase after Canaanite gods like Baal and Asherah. As Joshua neared death, he knew the people needed a fresh reminder to serve Yahweh wholeheartedly.
Joshua’s proclamation set the tone for absolute faithfulness to God. His household would not serve foreign or false gods along with Yahweh. They pledged sole commitment to love, worship, and obey the Lord. There would be no room for idolatry or divided loyalties.
This call demanded removing all rivals and distractions to loving God first and foremost. Serving Yahweh meant no other gods could share their affections. Joshua made it clear faithfulness requires undivided loyalty to God.
4. A choice for purity
In declaring his household’s commitment to serve God, Joshua was choosing purity and holiness for himself and his family. Serving Yahweh set them apart from the corrupting influences of the pagan nations surrounding them.
The Canaanite gods like Baal promoted immorality and violence. Their worship involved sexual rituals with temple prostitutes. But serving Yahweh meant renouncing these false gods and their wicked practices. By pledging to serve the Lord, Joshua was calling his family to moral purity.
This choice aligned with God’s command for Israel to destroy all the idols and places of worship as they took the land (Deuteronomy 12:2-3). God knew if they tolerated any traces of idol worship, His people would be drawn away. Serving Yahweh required ruthless purity by removing temptations.
Joshua chose to create an environment that facilitated loyal service to God. He committed to guarding his household from what might turn their hearts from true worship. As the leader, Joshua set a pattern for the rest of Israel to similarly walk in purity before God.
5. A legacy of faithfulness
Joshua’s declaration created a legacy of faithfulness for generations to follow. By boldly stating his household’s intent to serve God, he etched a marker in Israel’s history. This became an example for families to emulate in the centuries that followed.
God’s instructions to Israel included commands that each generation be taught to fear the Lord (Deuteronomy 6:2). Children were to grow up hearing the stories of God’s work in order to spur ongoing obedience. Joshua’s firm pledge provided a reference point for parents educating their children.
There are several instances later in the Old Testament where serving the Lord is directly connected back to Joshua’s original statement:
But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15)
As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Judges 10:16)
But I and my sons and my brothers will live and die for the LORD (1 Chronicles 12:17)
These examples show Joshua’s godly influence echoed down through the generations. His stand for faithfulness encouraged many Israelite families to devote themselves to serving God alone.
6. A response of commitment
Joshua’s bold pledge evoked a response of commitment from the Israelites. After Joshua declared, “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord,” the people replied:
No, but we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:21)
They affirmed the same decision to serve Yahweh faithfully. Joshua’s godly leadership led the nation to also commit themselves to the Lord.
On two occasions in Joshua 24, the Israelites answered Joshua’s challenge by promising, “we also will serve the LORD, for he is our God” (vs. 18, 21). They recognized God’s worthiness of their full allegiance based on His work on their behalf.
Joshua’s example was a catalyst for the nation to similarly devote themselves completely to God. It led to a united response of national commitment. Israel renewed their covenant to serve Yahweh alone under Joshua’s leadership.
This shows the immense influence a leader’s personal walk with God can have. Setting the pace spiritually causes others to aspire towards greater faithfulness. Joshua’s wholehearted service compelled Israel to answer with their own devotion to God.
7. A call to renewed consecration
Joshua’s declaration was essentially a call for Israel to renew their consecration to serving God wholeheartedly. Consecration means being “set apart” or dedicated to holy use for the Lord. God had commanded at Sinai:
You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy (Leviticus 20:26)
But the Israelites had often drifted from complete consecration. So Joshua’s statement was a needed reminder to re-devote themselves to God. It challenged the nation to deal with sin and compromise.
Joshua called for cleansing from idolatry, which was a constant struggle. He demanded they put away other gods, inclining their hearts towards Yahweh alone (Joshua 24:23). This consecration to God required drastic action to remove contamination.
Consecration was an act of the will, a deliberate choice. Joshua’s firm statement “we will serve the Lord” expressed Israel’s active pledge to submit fully to God’s ways. All the people echoed this commitment to renewed consecration.
Joshua knew that faithfulness to God requires constant vigilance and sometimes a fresh start. His bold challenge called Israel to a new level of consecrated service.
8. A foundation for prosperity
Joshua highlighted how God had faithfully blessed and prospered Israel, even securing the promised land for them. He reminded them of God’s goodness to lay a foundation for their continued obedience.
The first part of Joshua’s speech recounted how mightily God had worked wonders and fought battles to establish Israel in Canaan (Joshua 24:1-13). Joshua reviewed God’s deliverance from Egypt, miraculous victories, and fulfillment of promises to Abraham.
Recalling this powerful history called Israel to respond with gratitude and obedience. All that God had already done for them should compel heartfelt service. Their prosperity came straight from His hand. Continued blessings would follow if they remained faithful.
Joshua drew a clear connection between obeying God wholeheartedly and the experience of divine favor. He knew God’s past faithfulness should inspire ongoing loyalty. Remembering God’s deeds laid the groundwork for renewed commitment.
9. An inspiring example for heads of households
Joshua’s declaration continues to inspire heads of households even today to lead their families in serving the Lord. It sets an exemplary standard for godly leadership in the home.
First, Joshua demonstrated the key role of modeling. Children most learn faithfulness to God by observing their parents’ example. Like Joshua, fathers should take the lead in fearing the Lord as head of the home (Deuteronomy 6:1-2). Walking in personal obedience gives weight to spiritual instruction.
Second, Joshua showed the power of intentionally nurturing spiritual devotion within the household. He pledged to create an environment where serving Yahweh was the priority. Parents today similarly steward their homes to cultivate reverence for God in their children.
Third, Joshua’s stand for undivided loyalty inspires heads of households to remove idols and set affections on Christ above all. Guarding against competing allegiances applies to families as much as nations. Parents must lead the way in uncompromising devotion.
Finally, Joshua teaches servant leadership. He led by committing his own life fully to God as an example for others to emulate. Similarly, godly fathers are called to shape their families by the pattern of their self-sacrificing faithfulness.
10. A charge for all believers
While directed first to Old Testament Israel, Joshua’s declaration contains a charge for all believers in Christ to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. This call to undivided loyalty and consecration applies universally to followers of Yahweh and Jesus.
Serving the Lord begins with receiving salvation through faith in Christ and committing to follow Him as Master. Scripture calls for absolute surrender and obedience to Jesus as part of the cost of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33). This requires renouncing all idolatry and rivalry for His affections.
Service also entails dedication to love and serve others, which is a major theme in the New Testament. Believers offer their lives as “living sacrifices” out of gratitude to God for His mercy (Romans 12:1). Actively serving the church and world reflects the heart of Jesus.
Joshua’s bold charge reminds Christians that following Jesus demands undivided devotion – both exalting Christ alone as Lord and obeying His commands to serve. All in the household of God are charged to offer faithful service that glorifies Him.
In Summary:
– Joshua 24 records Joshua’s farewell speech, reviewing God’s faithfulness and calling Israel to serve Him wholeheartedly.
– As leader, Joshua’s commitment powerfully influenced the nation to renew covenant devotion.
– His declaration called for absolute loyalty to God, moral purity, and removal of idols.
– Israel responded by committing to serve Yahweh alone in renewed consecration.
– Joshua’s stand inspires heads of households in every age to lead families in serving the Lord.
– All believers are charged to emulate Joshua’s undivided devotion to God and service.