God’s call to “Return to Me” is an invitation to restore our relationship with Him. This verse comes in the context of God rebuking His people, Israel, for turning away from Him through unfaithfulness and sin. By calling them to return, God is urging them to repent, renew their commitment to follow Him, and receive His blessings once again.
The Background of Malachi’s Message
Malachi was a prophet in Israel after the Jewish exile in Babylon. His message came as Israel struggled spiritually and doubted God’s love and presence with them (Malachi 1:2-5). Their worship had become empty ritual without sincerity (1:6-14). Many were unfaithful in their marriages (2:10-16) and exploiting workers (3:5). Overall, they were living in disobedience to God’s laws.
In this context, God sent Malachi to call the people away from their sin and back to Him. The promise “I will return to you” offered hope – if they repented, God would pour out His blessings once again.
What it Means to “Return to God”
Returning to God involves several key elements:
1. Repentance
To return to God, we must admit where we’ve been unfaithful and be willing to change (Malachi 3:7a). This repentance means turning away from sin and renouncing attitudes that have distanced us from God.
As Acts 3:19 says, “Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.” Repentance prepares the way for renewed relationship with God.
2. Renewed Obedience
Part of returning to God is re-embracing obedience to His commands. Malachi highlights several areas where Israel needed to recommit to obedience, including tithing, honoring marriage, and instituting justice (Malachi 3:5-10).
When we’ve neglected God’s ways, returning to Him involves reforming our conduct to align with His standards. As Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).
3. Changed Heart Attitude
More than external actions, God desires our hearts to be fully devoted to Him. Malachi 2:2 says, “if you will not hear, and if you will not take it to heart to give honor to my name.”
Returning to God is more than just doing religious duties – it requires genuine love for God from the heart, not mere outward compliance. As Hosea 6:6 reminds us, “I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”
4. Renewed Trust and Hope in God
Coming back to God includes restoring our confidence in His goodness and faithfulness. Malachi 2:17 records Israel’s cynicism, saying “Where is the God of justice?”
Part of returning to God means laying aside doubt and despair to hope fully in Him again. Lamentations 3:21-24 beautifully captures this mindset shift, exhorting us to “call to mind” God’s steadfast love and “wait for Him” confidently.
As we turn back to God, we affirm that He is worthy of our trust.
Why We Should Return to God
Malachi gives several motivations for returning fully to God:
1. God Still Loves Us
Despite Israel’s unfaithfulness, God still loved them and pursued their hearts. His invitation to return sprang from this changeless love.
No matter how far we’ve drifted, God’s love remains constant, as Lamentations 3:22 affirms: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” His arms stay open wide (Luke 15:20).
2. Disobedience Damages Our Relationships
Malachi highlights how Israel’s sin – especially corrupt worship, injustice, and unfaithfulness in marriage – was tearing apart their community. These failures damaged their connection with God as well as each other.
Returning to God allows all our relationships to be restored and fruitful again. Walking in obedience brings blessing to every area of life.
3. God Wants to Pour Out Blessings
One of God’s repeated promises in Malachi is that fully returning to Him will unleash His blessings once again (Malachi 3:10-12). God longs to pour out His favor upon His people. As we draw near to Him, we position ourselves to receive the fullness of His blessings.
What Happens When We Return to God?
Malachi gives several results of returning wholeheartedly to God:
1. Our Offerings Become Acceptable
Malachi 1:6-14 condemns Israel’s empty ritual sacrifices. But Malachi 3:3-4 promises that the Lord will accept their offerings when they return to Him sincerely and obediently.
Coming back to God transforms empty religion into true worship that pleases Him. Our acts of devotion become meaningful expressions of love for God.
2. Justice and Righteousness Prevail
As Israel renewed their walk with God, they would see the fruit of “peace and justice in accordance with truth” (Malachi 2:5-6). Similarly, we can expect God to bring righteousness to our communities and relationships as we follow Him wholeheartedly.
3. God’s Blessings Overflow
Malachi repeatedly highlights how returning to God ushers in His blessings. He promises to “open the windows of heaven” and prevent fruit loss in their land (Malachi 3:10-11). Closeness with God leads to the fullness of His favor.
4. Healing Comes
The last verses of Malachi envision incredible restoration, healing, and reconciliation as Israel walks closely with God again: “He will turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents” (Malachi 4:6). God’s presence brings deep healing.
5. We Experience Joy in God’s Presence
As the last verses of Malachi suggest, restoration with God ushers in great joy. The more fully we return to Him, the more we experience the nearness of His presence. And as Psalm 16:11 reminds us, “in your presence there is fullness of joy.”
How Do We Return to God Today?
Malachi’s message remains relevant today. Here are some ways we can respond to God’s invitation to return:
Confess Where We’ve Drifted
Take time to prayerfully reflect on areas where your heart has grown distant from God or complacent in disobedience. Honestly confess these failings and ask God to soften your heart to realign with Him.
Actively Seek Renewed Intimacy with God
Don’t be content with maintaining routine religious habits. Intentionally pursue deeper communion with God through spiritual disciplines like Bible study, extended prayer times, fasting, worship, and fellowship with other believers.
Walk in Obedience
Actively look to reorder any areas of your life not aligned with God’s ways. Lean on the Holy Spirit’s power to walk out daily obedience to God’s Word and promptings.
Entrust Your Heart Afresh to God
Return to God by placing your whole trust in Him again. Release any doubts, fears, or hesitancy to fully rely on God. Submit control of every area of your life to Him.
Rest in God’s Faithfulness
God remains the same loving, merciful Savior He has always been. As you return to Him, rest confidently in His steadfast character and the power of Christ’s finished work on your behalf.
God’s invitation to “Return to me, and I will return to you” is a call to wholeheartedly realign our lives with Him once again. As we turn from sin and return to intimate relationship with God, we position ourselves to receive the fullness of His presence and blessings. No matter how far we’ve strayed, God’s arms remain open wide – waiting to welcome us home.