The verse 2 Timothy 3:16 states that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” This verse teaches an important truth about the purpose and value of Scripture. Specifically, it tells us four key things:
1. All Scripture is from God
When Paul says “all Scripture is breathed out by God,” he is affirming the divine inspiration and authority of the Bible. This means that while human authors wrote the words, God is the ultimate author of Scripture. The Bible has its origin in God himself (2 Peter 1:20-21). Every word of Scripture comes from the mouth of God.
2. Scripture is useful for teaching and instruction
A primary purpose of the Bible is to teach us the truth about God, ourselves, salvation, and how to live. Scripture provides the instruction and training we need in order to be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17). Through the Bible, God teaches us doctrine, convicts us of sin, encourages us in faith, and guides us in righteous living. Scripture thoroughly provides all we need to know in order to be saved and to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3).
3. Scripture is useful for reproof and correction
The Bible exposes and rebukes sin. As we study Scripture, it confronts wrong thinking and behavior, reproves false doctrine, and corrects erroneous patterns of living. God’s Word functions like a mirror that shows us where we fall short of God’s perfect standards (James 1:22-25). Scripture reprimands, warns, and straightens us out when we veer off course.
4. Scripture is useful for training in righteousness
Beyond just telling us what is right and wrong, the Bible actually trains and equips us to pursue holiness. As we apply God’s Word, it molds and shapes our character to become more like Christ. Scripture gives us the wisdom and discernment to make righteous choices (Psalm 119:9-11). Through Scripture, we grow in godliness as the Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to transform us (1 Thessalonians 2:13). The Bible functions as a training manual for pursuing an upright life.
In summary, 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches that all Scripture comes from God and is immensely valuable for instructing us in sound doctrine, rebuking sin, guiding us back to truth, and equipping us to live righteously. God gave us the Bible to reveal His truth, expose our sin, teach us His ways, and transform us into Christlikeness. His Word trains and equips us for pursuing holiness in every area of life.
Understanding the Wider Context
To better understand the meaning of 2 Timothy 3:16, it is helpful to see it in its wider context:
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
Paul is writing this letter to Timothy, his mentee in the faith. He reminds Timothy to continue in the Scripture he has learned since childhood (v.14-15). These Old Testament writings prepared Timothy to receive the gospel of Christ for salvation. Paul then affirms the divine inspiration of Scripture (v.16) and its purpose to fully equip believers for godly living (v.17).
Within this larger passage, we see that Scripture’s ultimate aim is to make us “wise for salvation through faith in Christ” (v.15) and to equip us to be “complete” and ready “for every good work” as we live for God (v.17). Scripture thoroughly provides all we need to be saved, to grow in godliness, and to be ready to do God’s work.
Scripture Provides Authoritative Instruction in Righteousness
2 Timothy 3:16 teaches that the Bible gives us authoritative instruction regarding righteousness. Let’s explore this further:
1. Righteousness means living rightly according to God’s moral standards
Righteousness is conformity to God’s moral commands in thought, word, and deed. It refers to thinking, speaking, and acting in accordance with His standards of uprightness. Righteousness is being and doing what is just, good, and virtuous in God’s eyes.
2. Scripture thoroughly equips us with instruction in righteousness
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible gives us teaching and training in living righteously. God’s Word defines what is right, condemns what is wrong, shows us how to pursue holiness, and depicts righteousness in the lives of godly men and women. Scripture leaves us without excuse in knowing how to live in a way that pleases God.
3. God’s Word is our ultimate authority concerning righteousness
God alone determines what is righteous based on His perfect moral character. And His authoritative Word reveals His righteousness to us. We must submit all our moral thinking to the instruction of Scripture. The Bible gives us wisdom to discern good from evil (Hebrews 5:14). God’s Word, not fluctuating cultural standards, is our ethical authority.
4. We grow in righteousness by obeying Scripture
Simply reading the Bible is not enough. We must respond in obedience to Scripture’s commands if we want to walk in holiness. As we put into practice what God’s Word teaches, it trains our hearts, minds, and lives to pursue what is right. Obeying Scripture is key to growing in righteousness.
In summary, the Bible provides authoritative instruction regarding righteousness that equips us to think, speak, and act in accordance with God’s standards. As we submit to and obey Scripture’s teaching, it trains our entire being in godly living.
Scripture Produces Moral and Spiritual Transformation
A key way Scripture trains us in righteousness is by bringing about moral and spiritual transformation in those who receive it. Let’s explore some ways the Bible transforms believers into Christlikeness:
1. Scripture sanctifies us
As we engage Scripture, the Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to sanctify us – He sets us apart from the world and conforms us to the image of Christ (John 17:17; Romans 12:2). Scripture promotes inner holiness and actual righteousness in those who believe.
2. Scripture renews our minds
The Bible renews and reforms our thinking to align with God’s perspective on morality and truth (Romans 12:2). As we memorize and meditate on Scripture, it reshapes how we think about righteousness.
3. Scripture helps us put sin to death
The Spirit uses God’s Word to help us repent and put away unrighteous attitudes and actions. Scripture helps us destroy sinful habits and live in freedom (Romans 8:13).
4. Scripture conforms us to Christ’s image
As we spend time in God’s Word, we encounter Christ and are gradually conformed to His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Bible shows us who Jesus is and helps us live as He lived.
5. Scripture equips us for godly living
The Bible thoroughly prepares us for lives of dynamic righteousness where we produce good works that please the Lord (2 Timothy 3:17; Titus 2:11-14). Scripture gives us everything we need to live godly lives.
In summary, the divine power of God’s Word transforms us progressively into the image of Christ. The Spirit uses Scripture to produce practical righteousness and Christlikeness in those who receive it.
Scripture Teaches Us How to Think and Act Righteously
The Bible not only tells us to pursue righteousness, it also shows us what that looks like in daily life. Let’s see how Scripture trains us in righteous living:
1. Scripture defines what pleases God
The Bible clearly reveals what kinds of thoughts, words, and actions are pleasing to God so that we can align our lives accordingly. It defines righteousness and sin so we know how to walk uprightly.
2. Scripture depicts righteousness through positive examples
We have many positive models of righteousness in Scripture like Noah, Joseph, Ruth, Esther, Daniel, Mary, Paul, and Jesus Himself. Their examples instruct us in godliness.
3. Scripture depicts unrighteousness through negative examples
We learn what not to do through negative examples like Cain, Saul, Jezebel, Judas, the Pharisees, and many others. Their folly is a warning to us.
4. Scripture gives practical commands and wisdom
Scripture contains many commands and practical words of wisdom to guide our conduct in family, work, church, society, relationships, speech, money, sexuality, and more.
5. Scripture helps us meditate on what is right
As we memorize and meditate on God’s Word, it fills our minds with His perspective on moral living. His truth replaces unrighteous thinking.
In practice, Scripture thoroughly trains us to live righteously as we see and apply its examples, commands, and wisdom to daily choices and habits. God’s Word reshapes how we think, speak, and act.
Scripture Exposes and Condemns Our Unrighteous Thoughts and Behavior
A vital way Scripture trains us in righteousness is by exposing sin in our hearts and lives. The Bible:
1. Reveals sinful tendencies of the human heart
Scripture paints an honest picture of the evil lurking in the human heart so that we can identify and repent of it (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 1:18-3:20). Through Scripture, the Spirit convicts us of sin.
2. Confronts individual sins
God’s Word rebukes various sins like pride, greed, lust, anxiety, lying, anger, laziness, and more. As Scripture exposes these sins, we must repent.
3. Exposes flaws in our thinking
The Bible challenges unrighteous patterns of thinking that lead us into sin like envy, bitterness, unforgiveness, dwelling on the past, obsessing over self, and trusting our own wisdom. We must capture each thought to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
4. Warns us away from sinful paths
Scripture repeatedly warns us away from sinful choices that seem appealing but end in ruin – folly, sexual immorality, loving money, ungodly friends, and more (Proverbs 1-9; Colossians 3:5-8).
5. Promises consequences for disobedience
God’s Word makes clear that practicing sin leads to negative consequences in this life and the next. The faithful warnings of Scripture motivate us to live righteously.
In summary, Scripture trains us in righteousness by exposing individual and systemic sin – even our hidden thoughts – in order to lead us to repentance, wisdom, and upright living that avoids sin’s consequences.
Scripture Equips Us to Resist Temptation and Persevere in Righteousness
The Bible not only shows us what is right and wrong. It also equips us to resist temptation and remain steadfast in righteousness when trials come:
1. Scripture helps us stand against Satan’s lies
God’s Word exposes the Devil’s deceit so that we can resist his traps with truth (Ephesians 6:10-17). Scripture helps us discern truth from lies.
2. Scripture gives strength to endure trials
The encouragement, promises, and examples in Scripture give us perseverance to stand for righteousness even under pressure (Romans 15:4; James 1:2-4).
3. Scripture instructs us to flee sin and pursue holiness
The Bible directs us to actively flee from sinful desires and environments and to passionately pursue righteous living (1 Corinthians 6:18; Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Timothy 6:11-12).
4. Scripture gives strategies for overcoming temptation
We learn helpful strategies like quoting Scripture to ward off temptation, praying in weakness, and avoiding compromising situations through biblical examples (Matthew 4:1-11).
5. Scripture motivates us with righteous rewards
Promised rewards for obedience like blessing, joy, eternal life, and reward motivate us to persevere through trials (James 1:12; Revelation 22:12).
In summary, the Bible gives us spiritual strength, strategies, warnings, and motivation to stand for righteousness when tempted and tested. Scripture’s training upholds us in holiness.
Scripture Teaches Us to Progressively Grow in Righteousness
The Bible sets forth growth in godliness and righteousness as a lifelong process. Scripture trains us to progressively grow in Christlikeness in the following ways:
1. We learn righteousness little by little
Sanctification is a gradual process of growing in obedience. We must be patient with ourselves and others as we incrementally learn new areas of righteousness through Scripture.
2. We put off unrighteousness and put on righteousness
The Bible teaches us to continually put away sinful attitudes and actions while putting on new godly habits and virtues (Ephesians 4:22-24). We make constant progress in holiness.
3. We take next steps of obedience
Scripture leads us to take practical next steps of obedience and growth tailored to where we’re at, such as pursuing reconciliation, giving generously, or sharing the gospel.
4. We develop righteous habits over time
As we apply Scripture, we form new habits and break old sinful patterns through steady repetition. New righteous ways of living take shape over time.
5. We humbly rely on the Spirit’s help
Growth in righteousness requires dependence on the Holy Spirit to change us through God’s Word. He produces fruit in us as we abide in Christ (Galatians 5:22-23).
In summary, Scripture gives us a lifelong training curriculum tailored to our spiritual maturity that incrementally conforms us to righteousness as we walk by the Spirit.
Scripture Thoroughly Equips Us for Righteous Living
In summary, here are five key ways that all Scripture thoroughly trains and equips us for righteousness:
1. Scripture defines righteousness and sin
The Bible authoritatively instructs us in godly living by clearly defining morality and exposing unrighteousness. Scripture leaves us without excuse in knowing right and wrong.
2. Scripture transforms us into Christ’s image
Through Scripture, the Spirit progressively molds believers to reflect Jesus Christ in heart, mind, character, conduct, speech, priorities, and more. We are trained to be like Him.
3. Scripture shows what righteousness looks like in daily life
The Bible paints a practical picture of upright living through examples, commands, and wisdom relevant to every area of life from family to church to society.
4. Scripture exposes and rebukes sin
God’s Word confronts individual sins and flaws ingrained in our hearts so that we can repent and walk in freedom from unrighteousness.
5. Scripture thoroughly equips us for pursuing holiness
The Bible gives us everything we need – motivation, strategies, encouragement, warnings, examples, strength, and more – to resist sin and walk steadily in lifelong obedience to Christ.
All Scripture comes from God and has immense value for comprehensively training us in all facets of godly living. As we submit to its instructions, examples, corrections, and encouragements, God’s Word progressively shapes us into the image of Jesus Christ. The Bible thoroughly equips believers for pursuing dynamic righteousness that pleases God.