In the Bible, Jesus is described as our High Priest in several places, most notably in the book of Hebrews. This concept provides rich meaning into Jesus’ role on our behalf and his unique qualifications to represent us before God. Let’s explore what the Bible teaches about Jesus as our great High Priest.
The Role of a Priest
In the Old Testament, priests acted as mediators between God and human beings. They offered sacrifices to atone for sins, prayed to God on behalf of the people, and instructed people in the Law of Moses. The high priest was the leader of all the other priests and had special duties, like entering the Most Holy Place once per year on the Day of Atonement to make sacrifice for the sins of the people (Leviticus 16).
Jesus as the Perfect High Priest
The book of Hebrews explains how Jesus fulfills the role of High Priest in a greater, perfect way compared to the earthly high priests. Here are some key ways Jesus serves as our High Priest:
1. He offered himself as the perfect, once-for-all sacrifice for sins. Animal sacrifices could only cover sins temporarily, but Jesus’ death on the cross completely atoned for sin (Hebrews 7:27).
2. He lives forever to intercede for us. Earthly priests would die and need to be replaced, but Jesus holds his priesthood permanently (Hebrews 7:23-25). He continues to pray and advocate for us in Heaven.
3. He is sinless and blameless. Human priests were flawed sinners, but Jesus is holy, innocent, undefiled, and separate from sinners (Hebrews 7:26-28). This enables him to be an effective mediator for us.
4. He sympathizes with our weaknesses. Jesus lived on earth as a human and faced temptation and suffering. So he understands our struggles and is able to give mercy and grace in our times of need (Hebrews 4:15-16).
5. He gives direct access to God. Whereas in the Old Testament people could not approach God’s presence directly but needed a priest, now we can boldly approach God’s throne because of Christ’s work for us (Hebrews 4:16, 10:19-22).
6. He is from the superior priestly order of Melchizedek. Unlike the Levitical priesthood which passed from one mortal to another, Jesus holds an eternal priesthood like the mysterious Melchizedek figure in Genesis 14 (Hebrews 5:6, 7:1-3).
7. He offered a superior sacrifice in a superior tabernacle. Jesus did not offer the blood of animals in the earthly temple, which was just a copy. He presented his own blood in the true, heavenly temple of God (Hebrews 9:11-14, 23-26).
8. He brings a better covenant and hope. The former covenant and sacrificial system could not make people perfect. But Christ mediates a new and better covenant that transforms our hearts and provides the hope of eternal life (Hebrews 7:19-22, 9:15).
In summary, Jesus serves as the one true High Priest who eternally intercedes and advocates for us. His sinless nature, sacrificial death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven enable him to be the perfect mediator between God and us. He brings us into direct relationship with the Father.
The Significance of Jesus as High Priest
The fact that Jesus is our great High Priest has massive significance for believers. Here are some key implications:
1. We can approach God’s throne with confidence – Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are welcome to come before God’s presence with boldness, knowing our sins have been fully atoned for (Hebrews 4:16).
2. We can receive mercy and grace in our times of need – Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses, so we can turn to him in our struggles and find the mercy and grace we need (Hebrews 4:15).
3. We have security in our relationship with God – Our salvation does not depend on our own good works but on Christ’s finished work as our great High Priest. He lives to forever make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25).
4. We have direct access to God – Gone is the separation between God and man that existed in the Old Testament. Through Christ we have free access into God’s presence anytime in prayer (Hebrews 10:19-22).
5. We have an advocate when we mess up – When we stumble into sin, we have an advocate in Jesus who pleads our case before the Father as one who understands our weaknesses (1 John 2:1-2). Our failures are not the end.
6. We have the hope of heaven – The better covenant Jesus mediates gives us the confident hope and assurance of eternal life with God after this life is over (Hebrews 9:15).
7. We have the motivation to draw near to God – Because of Christ’s work for us, we can consistently draw near to God with full assurance of faith and hearts cleansed from guilt (Hebrews 10:19-23). This spurs us to keep connected to him.
8. We have the model of compassion – Jesus’ care and intercession points us to the God who understands, who feels what we feel. We follow his pattern of compassion.
In short, the truth that Jesus is ourperfect High Priest means we can live with joy, hope, security, peace, and freedom in our relationship with God. It’s incredibly good news!
Jesus as High Priest in Hebrews
Now let’s take a more detailed look at how Hebrews develops the theme of Jesus as High Priest.
Hebrews 2:17-18 – Jesus had to be made like his brothers in order to become a merciful and faithful high priest making propitiation for the people. He suffered and was tempted like us, so he is able to help us when we are tempted.
Hebrews 3:1 – Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession. He is faithful to God who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in God’s house.
Hebrews 4:14-16 – We have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens – Jesus the Son of God. He sympathizes with our weaknesses. So we can hold fast to our confession and draw near to God’s throne to find grace and mercy.
Hebrews 5:1-10 – Earthly high priests offered sacrifices for sins and could be gentle to the ignorant. Jesus also was appointed by God as high priest, and he learned obedience through suffering. He is the source of eternal salvation.
Hebrews 6:20 – Jesus our forerunner entered God’s presence in the heavenly holy of holies on our behalf, having become High Priest forever.
Hebrews 7:26-28 – Jesus meets our need fully because he is holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. He does not need to make sacrifice for himself like other high priests did – just once for the people.
Hebrews 8:1-2 – Jesus is seated at the right hand of God’s throne in heaven, ministering in the true tabernacle. He serves in the holy places in the true, perfect tabernacle not made by hands.
Hebrews 8:6 – Jesus mediates a better covenant enacted on better promises than the old covenant.
Hebrews 9:11-14 – Jesus entered the holy places as High Priest obtaining eternal redemption by his own blood. His sacrifice purifies our consciences from dead works to serve the living God.
Hebrews 9:24-28 – Jesus did not enter an earthly holy place made by hands. He entered heaven itself, on our behalf, to put away sin by his sacrifice. He will come again to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
Hebrews 13:11-12 – The blood of animal sacrifices for sin was brought into the earthly holy places by the high priests. But Jesus suffered outside the gate to sanctify the people by his own blood.
In summary, Hebrews gives the most complete description of Jesus as High Priest. He offered himself as sacrifice, sympathizes with our weakness, lives eternally as our mediator, and intercedes for us in heaven. No longer do we need an earthly priesthood – we have direct access through Jesus!
Jesus Compared to Melchizedek
A unique aspect of Jesus’ high priesthood is that he is compared to the mysterious priestly figure of Melchizedek in Genesis 14. Let’s explore how Melchizedek foreshadows Christ’s eternal priesthood:
Melchizedek’s sudden appearance and disappearance in Genesis is like a prophecy of Christ’s eternal existence (Hebrews 7:3).
He was both a king and a priest, as is Jesus (Hebrews 7:1-2). Jesus unites both offices.
His name means “king of righteousness,” which Jesus fulfilled perfectly (Hebrews 7:2).
He was king of Salem (“peace”), foreshadowing that Christ brings us peace with God (Hebrews 7:2).
He received tithes from Abraham, picturing how believers now honor Christ as their King and Priest (Hebrews 7:4-10).
He blessed Abraham, and without question the lesser person is blessed by the greater – so Melchizedek was greater than Abraham, picturing Christ (Hebrews 7:6-7).
The Levitical priesthood came many generations after Melchizedek, showing Melchizedek’s priesthood was superior (Hebrews 7:9-10).
Melchizedek highlights the key truths about Jesus priesthood: it is righteous, peaceful, eternal, superior to the law, and deserving of honor from God’s people as King and Priest.
Old Testament Roles Fulfilled in Christ
It can also be helpful to consider how Jesus fulfills the various roles and functions that were carried out by Old Testament priests and leaders on behalf of God’s people. Here are some of the key ways that Christ fulfills the Old Testament roles:
– Sacrificial lamb – Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice that atones for sin once and for all (John 1:29).
– Passover lamb – He is the fulfillment of the Passover celebration, shedding his blood to protect us from judgment (1 Corinthians 5:7).
– Scapegoat – He takes away our sin and guilt on himself (Isaiah 53:6, Hebrews 9:28).
– High priest – He intercedes for us as mediator before the Father (Hebrews 4:14-16).
– Temple – His body is the true temple where God meets with humanity (John 2:19-21).
– Prophet – He declares God’s truth and inaugurates the new covenant (Matthew 13:57, Luke 24:19).
– King – He rules and reigns forever over God’s people (Revelation 11:15).
– Judge – He carries out God’s judgment and justice (Acts 10:42).
This demonstrates how Jesus did not just fulfill the role of high priest, but all that the law and sacrificial system pointed to. All roles find their completion in Christ!
The Book of Hebrews’ Emphasis on Superiority
A major theme in Hebrews’ portrayal of Jesus as heavenly High Priest is his absolute superiority over the previous priestly system. The writer repeatedly shows how Jesus surpasses the limitations of the Old Testament system. Let’s look at some key areas of superiority:
– Better covenant (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-13, 9:15)
– Better ministry (Hebrews 8:6)
– Better priesthood (Hebrews 7:11-16, 20-24)
– Better sacrifice (Hebrews 9:13-14, 23-26)
– Better tabernacle (Hebrews 9:11-12, 23-24)
– Better promises (Hebrews 8:6)
– Better possessions (Hebrews 10:34)
– Permanent priesthood (Hebrews 7:16, 23-25)
The former priests and sacrifices could not provide access or perfection. The law made nothing perfect (Hebrews 7:19). But Jesus establishes a better covenant that transforms our hearts, cleanses our consciences, and gives us confidence to enter God’s presence.
The writer warns the Hebrews to not reject Jesus and go back to trusting the old system for righteousness. To turn from Christ means turning away from something far greater to something useless and obsolete. The superiority of Jesus’ ministry is total.
Requirements of Earthly High Priests vs. Qualities of Christ
It is also insightful to compare the limitations and weaknesses of the earthly high priests to the perfect qualifications of the sinless Savior:
Earthly High Priests:
– Were imperfect sinners (Hebrews 5:2-3)
– Needed to offer sacrifices for their own sins (Hebrews 5:3)
– Died and had to be replaced (Hebrews 7:23)
– Appointed on the basis of ancestry (Hebrews 5:1)
– Observed rules about ceremonial cleanliness (Leviticus 21:17-23)
– Had physical defects and blemishes
Jesus Christ:
– Was sinless (Hebrews 4:15)
– Offered himself once as perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 9:26)
– Has permanent priesthood (Hebrews 7:24)
– Appointed by oath of God (Hebrews 7:20-21)
– Is holy, blameless, pure (Hebrews 7:26)
– Offered his own blood (Hebrews 9:12-14)
– Sympathizes with our human weakness (Hebrews 4:15)
The weaknesses of the earthly high priests point to human inability to bring redemption. But they highlight Christ’s qualifications and superiority as the true High Priest who offers the perfect sacrifice once and for all.
Relevance of Jesus’ Priesthood for Modern Believers
Some may ask whether an ancient concept like Jesus as High Priest remains relevant for modern believers. Here are a few thoughts on why this remains incredibly relevant today:
– We all struggle with temptation and guilt – Jesus sympathizes with our weakness and intercedes for us.
– We can become overwhelmed by life – Our High Priest gives mercy and grace.
– We feel unworthy to approach God – Jesus gives us bold access to throne of grace.
– We need confidence our sins are forgiven – Christ’s work as High Priest guarantees this.
– We desire someone to plead our case to God – Jesus constantly intercedes for us.
– We need strength to persevere – Our High Priest understands and sustains us.
– We look for purpose and meaning – Fixing our eyes on Jesus gives eternal perspective.
No matter how advanced human civilization becomes, we will always need a merciful and faithful High Priest to redeem us and give us access to the Father. Jesus alone fills this role eternally.
TheCycle of Guilt and Sacrifice vs. Christ’s Complete Sacrifice
The letter to the Hebrews also contrasts the repetitive nature of the old sacrificial system with the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus:
– Daily sacrifices offered continually, never finished (Hebrews 7:27, 10:1).
– Year after year ongoing sacrifices on the Day of Atonement (Hebrews 10:3).
– The old system was a reminder of sins, not the removal of sins (Hebrews 10:3).
– Sacrifices could not actually perfect the conscience of the worshiper (Hebrews 9:9, 10:1-2).
– Sacrifices had to be offered over and over again endlessly (Hebrews 10:4).
– But Christ offered one sacrifice for all time – he does not need to repeat sacrifices (Hebrews 10:10-14).
– By his one offering he perfected forever those who are sanctified (Hebrews 10:14).
The repetitious sacrifices under the law never gave complete relief for guilt. The sacrifices were simply shadows until the complete forgiveness of sins was finally made possible by Christ (Hebrews 10:1-10).
Jesus: The Forerunner Who Intercedes for Us
The book of Hebrews provides rich imagery of Jesus as the forerunner who goes ahead of us into God’s presence in order to make intercession for us. Consider these descriptions:
– Jesus our forerunner entered the inner sanctuary behind the curtain as High Priest on our behalf (Hebrews 6:19-20).
– Jesus entered heaven itself – the true holy place – not just a earthly copy (Hebrews 9:24).
– He did this on our behalf as forerunner, so we who follow him can enter by faith too (Hebrews 6:20).
– Jesus is able to save completely those who draw near to God through him (Hebrews 7:25).
– He always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).
– He is seated at God’s right hand interceding for us (Romans 8:34).
What an amazing truth! Jesus did not remain on earth but went ahead of us into God’s presence in heaven. He entered the true heavenly sanctuary on our behalf, securing our salvation. And even now he actively intercedes for us as our mediator, advocate, and High Priest!
In conclusion, Jesus serving as our great High Priest is a precious truth that offers much comfort, confidence, and hope to believers. This role sets Jesus apart as the only fully sufficient savior. He alone could offer the perfect sacrifice for sins once for all. He alone could sympathize with our weakness yet remain sinless to intercede on our behalf. And he alone could pave the new and living way to God.
The concept of Jesus as heavenly High Priest powerfully depicts the completeness and finality of Christ’s work, as well as his continuing ministry of intercession. This truth offers security – our eternity rests on an unchanging priesthood. It offers confidence – we can draw boldly near to God’s throne. And it stirs gratefulness – Jesus constantly prays for us, understands us, and meets our needs.
Understanding Jesus as High Priest allows us to place full trust in him and rely on his finished work. We do not trust in our own righteousness, but find rest knowing we have a redeemer who is holy, blameless, and sacrificed once for all. His priesthood will never end, and the salvation he provides will never fade. Our High Priest has opened the way, and that makes all the difference both now and for eternity. What amazing news!