The verse 1 Corinthians 16:14 says “Let all that you do be done in love.” This verse encourages believers to make love their guiding principle in everything they do. But what exactly does it mean to let our actions be motivated by love?
Love as the Foundation
Firstly, this verse establishes love as the foundation for Christian living. As believers, we are called to live our lives centered around love – God’s love for us and our love for Him and others. This goes beyond having a loving attitude, but actually putting love into action in practical ways through our words, behaviors, and service to others. Living by love should be the driving force behind all that we do.
Serving Others
A key way we can live out this verse is by serving and caring for others. God’s love compels us to look beyond our own interests and seek to meet the needs of those around us (Philippians 2:4). This could include serving our family by doing household chores, volunteering at a homeless shelter, visiting someone who is sick, or giving financially to support a missions project. Big or small, when we serve others in love, we reflect God’s love.
Speaking with Grace
Letting our speech be guided by love means we seek to build others up with our words. The Bible calls us to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Our tone and choice of words make a big difference. Communicating in a gracious, thoughtful manner demonstrates Christ’s love even when addressing difficult topics. This also means not gossiping or engaging in hurtful talk.
Showing Patience and Kindness
Interacting with patience and kindness is key to walking in love. Love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). It empathizes with people’s weaknesses and seeks to gently restore those who fall. Acting in frustration or anger often hurts others. But responding patiently – even when people are difficult – allows God’s Spirit to work through us.
Giving Generously
Giving generously of our time, abilities, and resources is another way to live out this verse. As we have freely received God’s love, we can freely give to others. This could mean being generous with encouragement, volunteering our artistic or musical gifts at church, or financially supporting a ministry in need. Give cheerfully and seek to meet practical needs (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Pursuing Unity
Since love unifies, walking in love means actively pursuing unity with other believers. We are instructed to make every effort to keep the bond of unity (Ephesians 4:3). This could mean reconciling a broken relationship, finding common ground despite differences, or simply having an attitude of grace toward others. Our oneness is a powerful witness of God’s love.
Being Loyal and Honorable
Love also expresses itself by being loyal, dependable, and keeping our word – treating others with honor and respect. The Bible says, “Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good…Love one another with brotherly affection” (Romans 12:9-10). Being faithful to our commitments and acting with integrity show Christ-like love.
Checking Our Motives
Ultimately, this verse is a call to check that our motives are rooted in love. Why are we pursuing a certain task or relationship? Are we acting to glorify God and serve others or merely to benefit ourselves? Examining our hearts and asking for God’s help to align our motives with His love is key.
Dependence on God
Truly loving others requires depending on God’s strength and operating in His love. On our own, our ability to love is limited and fickle. But when we walk closely with Christ, following His example, His love flows through us. Abiding in God’s presence and His word shape our hearts to love as He loves.
A Mark of Maturity
The ability to consistently act in love is a mark of Christian maturity. Just as Jesus exemplified sacrificial, servant-hearted love, His Spirit seeks to produce this love in us. As we grow in Christ, loving actions should increasingly characterize our lives. While none of us loves perfectly, we can keep taking steps forward.
For All People
This charge to live and serve in love applies to all people – not just those we naturally get along with. Jesus said to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44). His love extended to those rejected by society. While it’s easier to show love to some people, Christ-like love goes the extra mile for all.
In All Circumstances
Not only are we to love all people, but we are called to act in love at all times – in both good times and tough circumstances. It’s easy to operate in human love when life is smooth. But God’s love perseveres even in times of stress, hardship, or injustice. By walking closely with God, we can demonstrate supernatural, steadfast love.
An Eternal Perspective
Keeping an eternal perspective helps us walk in love. This world is not our final destination. We are citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20). Our labor in the Lord is never in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). Maintaining this long-term view empowers us to keep loving others even when it costs us in the short term.
Examples in Action
Throughout the New Testament, we see examples of what it looks like to let our deeds be done in love. Jesus showed deep compassion and kindness in all His earthly ministry. The Good Samaritan cared for the hurting man despite ethnic prejudices. Dorcas generously gave to the poor. Aquila and Priscilla risked their lives for Paul. Timothy sincerely concerned himself with the welfare of the Philippian church. Love shone through their actions.
A Transforming Influence
When believers walk in love toward each other and the world around them, it has a transforming influence. It provides a powerful witness of God’s love to draw others to Christ. It also builds up the church into a community of grace and acceptance. Our love paves the way for unity and lays the groundwork for people to come to faith.
Fulfilling God’s Will
Ultimately, being guided by love fulfills God’s will for our lives. The two greatest commandments are to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39). Living by this principle helps align our priorities with what matters most to the Lord. It steers us away from self-centeredness toward other-centeredness.
Brings Glory to God
When our deeds are motivated by love, it brings great glory to God. People notice when believers go out of their way in service to others and want to know the reason for their hope. They are drawn to the supernatural love only God can produce in His children. Our actions guided by love point people to the One who is love – Jesus Christ.
Requires God’s Help
While we are called to live by love, doing this in our own strength is impossible. Our human love is weak and conditional. Only through God’s power at work within us can we begin to demonstrate unconditional, Christ-like love. We need the Holy Spirit to produce His supernatural love in and through us (Galatians 5:22).
A Daily Dependence
Depending on God’s love and grace needs to be a daily, moment-by-moment choice. We can’t just love others only when we “feel” like it. We need to abide in Christ, prayerfully drawing on His power to enable us to walk in love – especially when people are unlovely or circumstances are difficult. His love is always available.
Love in Action
In summary, letting our deeds be done in love means putting Christ-like love into action through serving, patience, generosity, grace-filled speech, loyalty, and unity. It requires checking our motives, an eternal mindset, and complete dependence on God. When love motivates all we do, it changes us and blesses others, for God’s glory.