Ezekiel 22:30 states, “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, so that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” This verse comes in the context of God speaking judgment against Jerusalem for its horrendous sins. God was seeking for someone to “stand in the gap” and intercede for the people, so His judgment would be averted. But He found no one to intercede. So what does it mean to “stand in the gap?”
1. To stand in the gap means to intercede on behalf of others
The phrase “stand in the gap” indicates that someone stands between two parties to reconcile them. In this case, God was ready to pour out His judgment on Jerusalem, but He was allowing for an intercessor to stand between Himself and the sinful people, pleading for grace and forgiveness on their behalf. An intercessor “builds up the wall” by repairing the barrier between God and man that sin has broken down. He stands “before God on behalf of the land” to appeal to Him for mercy. So interceding and pleading for the deliverance of others is a primary way one can “stand in the gap.”
2. Standing in the gap involves identification and sacrificial love
True intercession is not just praying empty words. The one who stands in the gap must truly identify with those for whom he intercedes. He takes up their burdens and sins as if they were his own and pleads with God on the basis of mercy and grace rather than personal merit. He is willing to sacrifice himself and pour out his life on behalf of others. He follows the model of Jesus, who stood in the gap between God and humanity, bore the penalty for our sins, and rendered God’s justice on our behalf (Isaiah 53:5-6, 12; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24). Jesus is the ultimate gap-stander.
3. Standing in the gap may involve facing opposition and reproach
In Ezekiel’s day, no one was willing to stand in the gap because they were either apathetic regarding others’ sin or they feared reproach and opposition. Similarly, when we stand in the gap today, we may face indifference, hostility, or accusations from both man and the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). But we must be willing to endure reproach for the sake of others as Jesus did (Hebrews 12:3). God is seeking those who care more about others than their own comfort or reputation.
4. Persistent prayer is key in standing in the gap
Intercession is not a one-time prayer effort but requires persistence. True gap-standing prayer is intense, lasting, and repeated, following the examples of steadfast intercessors like Epaphras (Colossians 4:12-13) and Anna (Luke 2:36-38). It involves laboring in prayer, contending with God, weeping and fasting between God and those in need of His mercy. This kind of persistent intercession is a vital ministry needed in the body of Christ.
5. Standing in the gap can avert God’s judgment
Ezekiel 22:30 implies that had even one person stood in the gap and pleaded for Jerusalem, God might have relented from judgment. While God hates sin, He is also rich in mercy and willing to forgive if given the opportunity. 2 Chronicles 7:14 affirms this principle, saying that if God’s people will humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways, then God will hear their prayers and forgive their sin. God seeks for intercessors so that His judgment and wrath can be averted.
6. There is a lack of gap-standers today
Just as in Ezekiel’s day, there is a tragic lack of intercessors and gap-standers today. The need is as great as ever for those devoted to prayer, who will humble themselves and pray on behalf of their generation. Unfortunately, many Christians have lost sight of this vital ministry and are often busy with secondary things rather than intercession, which should have priority in the church. We need Spirit-empowered gap-standers to plead for spiritual awakening and revival.
7. Every believer is called to be a gap-stander
While God calls some specifically to full-time intercessory ministry, intercession is not just for a select few. God desires all His children to embrace the role of a gap-stander, whatever their occupation or season of life. We all have the responsibility to pray for those in authority over us (1 Timothy 2:1-2), unbelievers (1 Timothy 2:1-4), our spouses, children, fellow believers, and more. We are called to bear one another’s burdens by pleading to God on their behalf (Galatians 6:2). We all have the privilege and power to stand in the gap through prayer.
8. Standing in the gap requires spiritual discernment
To be effective gap-standers, we need spiritual discernment and insight into God’s heart and purposes. We must understand His will to properly pray (1 John 5:14-15). As we devote time to seeking God’s face, He will reveal areas that need our intercession and equip us to hit the mark in prayer. We also need discernment of the spiritual forces opposing God’s work so we can pray with authority against them. Discernment enables powerful, Spirit-directed intercession.
9. God desires to raise up houses of prayer as gap-standers
In Isaiah 56:7, God says His house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. Throughout Scripture, God desires to raise up houses of prayer and ministry centers devoted to worship, intercession, and seeing His purposes advance on the earth. In these last days, many revivals and prayer movements have emerged. God wants to mobilize His people to stand together, united in intercession for God’s works.
10. Standing in gap involves spiritual warfare
When we stand in the gap, we often face intense spiritual battles. Satan opposes intercession because he knows it is effective in activating God’s purposes and overthrowing his plans. The gap-stander must be equipped with spiritual armor and utilize spiritual weapons such as the Word of God, prayer, praise, and fasting (Ephesians 6:10-18). We overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus, the word of our testimony, and a lifestyle of intercession (Revelation 12:11). Victory is assured as we stand firm in our gap-standing calling.
In summary, God is seeking those with compassion, spiritual discernment, and perseverance in prayer to stand in the gap on behalf of families, cities, nations, and generations. Will you say “yes” to His call? There is an urgent need for faithful gap-standers to lovingly intercede so that multitudes might experience salvation, revival, and the miraculous works of God. By God’s grace, you and I can powerfully impact eternity through the ministry of intercessory prayer.