The Bible has a lot to say about the character qualities God desires for His people to develop and display. Here is an overview of some of the key virtues and character traits the Bible encourages Christians to cultivate:
One of the most essential virtues for Christians is love. We are called to love God and love others. Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). Love should be the defining mark of Christians (John 13:35). God’s love working through us allows us to forgive others, show compassion, welcome strangers, and care for those in need.
Christians are called to have joy in the Lord always, regardless of circumstances (Philippians 4:4). Our joy comes from our relationship with Christ and the hope we have in Him. Joy is more than happiness – it is a deep contentment and delight that comes from knowing God. Christians can radiate joy even in trials when we focus on God’s sovereignty, goodness, and promises.
As followers of the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), Christians should exhibit peace that comes from trusting in God’s control over all things. We are called to bring peace and seek unity with other believers (Romans 14:19), being peacemakers in a conflict-ridden world. Rather than anxiousness, we can experience God’s perfect peace when our minds are set on Him (Isaiah 26:3).
Having patience with others and in trials is a virtue emphasized many times in Scripture. We are to be patient as we wait for Christ’s return, patient in suffering, and patient with those who wrong us (Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:14). God Himself is the perfect model of patience with us. As we grow in Christ, we become more patient and long-suffering like He is.
Christians should clothe themselves with kindness – it is a fruit of the Spirit available to believers as we follow Jesus (Galatians 5:22). Kindness is gentleness, compassion, and caring for others. It is to be kind and tenderhearted, forgiving others just as God forgave us (Ephesians 4:32). Jesus perfectly demonstrated kindness in His ministry and calls us to follow His example.
God defines what is good, and His character is perfectly good. As Christians seek to become more Christ-like, we take on His goodness – a desire to do what is right and pleasing to God, with no hidden motives. Goodness is integrity, righteousness, and purity in all areas of life. It results in a life that honors God and blesses people.
A faithful Christian is steadfastly loyal to the Lord, obedient to His Word, and true to their promises. God Himself is absolutely trustworthy and wants His people to demonstrate similar faithfulness. We show this by sticking to biblical principles, keeping our word, upholding our commitments to others, and persevering even under trial.
Unlike the world, Christians are called to exhibit gentleness and humility (Philippians 4:5). This means we are patient and gracious toward others, not insisting on our own way or being harsh. Jesus described Himself as gentle, and following Him leads us to have a non-abrasive, tender heart and tone even when correcting others.
Christians are to demonstrate self-control empowered by the Holy Spirit working in us. We exhibit control over our desires, emotions, time, money and all areas of life. Self-control is a fruit of maturing in godliness. It leads to prudent decisions that honor God and benefits others.
While God calls us to be gentle, He also wants us to have courage to do what is right (Joshua 1:9). Christians need courage to face trials, share the gospel, stand for truth, and confront injustice. Courage is boldness driven by faith in God to take risks for His glory. Jesus and many early believers modeled courage in proclaiming Christ even when threatened.
People of integrity have strong moral principles and behave ethically in public and private. The Bible emphasizes acting truthfully and honestly with sincerity of heart. Christians are to exhibit integrity in financial matters, relationships, work, and all areas of life. Our words and conduct should match our convictions.
Pride leads to destruction, but humility comes before honor (Proverbs 18:12). Jesus exemplified humility by washing His disciples feet and submitting to death on a cross. We are called to follow His example and put others before ourselves – not insisting on our own way or rights. Humility is an honest view of ourselves in light of God’s holiness and grace.
Having compassion like Jesus means caring deeply for those who are hurting and in need. It compels us to actively help through acts of kindness, generosity, and service. The Bible commands us to clothe ourselves in compassion, remembering others’ needs as if they were our own. Compassion reflects the heart of our God who cares deeply for His children.
Forgiving others as God has forgiven us is a recurring biblical theme. Christians should forgive quickly, repeatedly, generously, and from the heart – even when it’s difficult. Holding grudges is harmful to us and dishonors Christ. Offering forgiveness brings freedom and demonstrates the transforming power of God’s grace in our lives.
Christians who maintain an attitude of gratitude honor God and keep life in perspective. We are to be thankful in all circumstances, constantly praising and glorifying our Creator. Gratitude helps us focus less on our temporary struggles and more on God’s eternal blessings and sovereignty over all things. It leads us to worship rather than whine.
The Bible repeatedly affirms that our hope is found in Christ alone – not our strength, resources, or circumstances. Clinging to this unshakeable eternal hope purifies and motivates us to godly living and endurance. Other people can sense a hope in us that transcends this world, which can draw unbelievers to the gospel.
In contrast to worldly wisdom, godly wisdom comes from revering God and applying His truth to life. The Bible says those who fear the Lord will gain wisdom and understanding. God’s wisdom guides us to make wise choices that lead to blessing rather than harm. Wisdom also teaches us to view life from an eternal perspective.
Christians should have a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility. The Bible praises diligence, determination, commitment and perseverance – finishing what we start and giving our best in all we do. We work not just to please man, but as serving the Lord. Diligence also helps us grow in spiritual maturity.
A mature Christian has learned to be content in any situation. Rather than chasing wealth or status, we find sufficiency and joy in Christ alone. He frees us from the belief that having more stuff or comfort will make us happy. Contentment comes from wanting what God wants for us more than our own desires.
Obedience is acting in submission to God’s commands and will. It is the proper response to God’s authority and a manifestation of our love for Him. The Bible connects loving God to obeying His commands (1 John 5:3). Though imperfect, our aim as Christians is a life marked by obedience to please God in all we do.
As children of God, Christians are called to pursue holy and blameless lives that are set apart for His purpose and glory. God’s grace empowers us to live righteously and reject worldly passions and standards. Though we stumble, our desire should be to keep growing in holiness throughout life as we become more like Christ.
In summary, Christians should clothe ourselves with godly virtues that reflect God’s character and bring Him glory. But we must rely on the Holy Spirit’s help to produce this Christ-like character in us. Our sinful flesh is incapable of true righteousness – it is the work of God transforming us as we submit ourselves to Him as living sacrifices.