The Bible does not explicitly prohibit or condemn fiction writing and reading. However, there are some principles and verses that can guide Christians in how to approach fiction in a God-honoring way.
Principles for Approaching Fiction
Here are some key principles for Christians to keep in mind regarding fiction:
- Focus on that which is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable (Philippians 4:8). Christians should be selective in what fiction they read and write, avoiding that which glorifies immorality.
- Avoid fiction that causes you to stumble in your walk with God (Romans 14:13). For some, certain genres like horror or erotica may open the door to spiritual struggles.
- Be discerning about the worldviews promoted in fiction. Much contemporary fiction espouses worldviews contradictory to a biblical worldview.
- Recognize fiction as fiction. When reading or writing fiction, we should understand it is imaginative rather than objectively true.
- Consider your motives and guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23). Why are we reading or writing this particular story? Is it for self-gratification or for building others up (1 Corinthians 10:23-24)?
Cautions Regarding Fiction
The Bible offers some cautions regarding fiction and storytelling:
- False teaching can be promoted through stories. Jesus warned against false prophets who would come in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). This includes those who promote unbiblical ideas through fiction.
- Fantasies can become sinful desires. Jesus said lustful fantasizing can be sin even without physical action (Matthew 5:28). Fiction may feed unhealthy thought patterns.
- Myths and speculation can draw people away from truth. Paul warns against paying attention to myths, genealogies, and speculation rather than God’s work (1 Timothy 1:3-4; 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:4-5; Titus 1:14).
- Stories can normalize immorality. Scripture repeatedly condemns practices like sexual immorality and idolatry. Fictional stories presenting these sins as normal could dull one’s moral compass.
- Escapism can be spiritually unhealthy. While occasional fictional escapism may be fine, relying on fictional worlds to avoid reality is unwise (Proverbs 14:8).
Affirmations of Fiction
The Bible also contains affirmations of storytelling’s value:
- Jesus told fictional stories (parables). Jesus used fictional stories with spiritual significance to teach deep truths (Matthew 13:3-9).
- Fiction can reveal spiritual truths. Nathan used a fictional story to reveal David’s sin (2 Samuel 12:1-4). Jesus’ parables used fiction to teach about the Kingdom of God.
- God communicates through visions and dreams. While not strictly fiction, God has revealed truth through symbolic dreams and visions (Genesis 37:5-11; Daniel 7).
- Artists worked on the tabernacle. God gifted artisans with creative skills to decorate the tabernacle (Exodus 35:30-35).
- Passing on stories brings joy. Sharing life experiences brings joy and wonder (Psalm 145:4-7).
Guidance for Christian Fiction Writers
For Christians who feel called to write fiction, here are some guiding principles:
- Aim to glorify God with your gift of creativity.
- Tell stories that reflect biblical truth, goodness, and beauty.
- Seek to edify others through skillful storytelling that engages both heart and mind.
- Respect storytelling as a serious calling that requires great skill and care.
- Depend on the Holy Spirit for inspiration, discernment, and guidance.
- Understand that writing talent comes from God to serve His purposes.
- Be humble and teachable when receiving feedback from fellow believers.
Christian fiction at its best can awaken a hunger for God, stimulate the imagination, inspire sacrificial living, and point people to biblical truth. Storytelling is a gift that should be stewarded well for God’s glory.
Key Biblical Passages
Here are some key Bible passages related to this topic:
- Philippians 4:8 – Test everything, hold fast to what is good.
- Romans 14:13 – Do not cause others to stumble.
- 1 Corinthians 10:23-24 – Seek to glorify God and serve others in all activities.
- Proverbs 4:23 – Guard your heart diligently.
- 1 Timothy 1:3-4 – Avoid myths, speculation, and false ideas.
- Matthew 7:15 – Beware false teaching even through compelling means.
- Matthew 5:28 – Fantasy can lead to sinful desires of heart.
- Exodus 35:30-35 – God equips creative artisans.
- Psalm 145:4-7 – Sharing experiences brings joy.
- 2 Samuel 12:1-4 – Nathan uses fictional story for rebuke.
- Matthew 13:3-9 – Parable of the sower.
The Bible leaves room for creative fiction writing and reading when done in a God-honoring way. Christians should focus on that which is true, avoid that which causes stumbling, test all things against Scripture, and aim to build others up through skillful storytelling for God’s glory. Wise discernment is needed, but fiction can affirm biblical truth when handled carefully.