The final judgment is a major event described in the Bible that will take place at the end of time. It involves God judging all people who have ever lived on earth. Here is an overview of what the Bible says will happen at the final judgment:
Jesus Christ Will Be the Judge
The Bible is clear that God has appointed Jesus Christ to be the judge of all humanity at the final judgment. Passages like John 5:22 and 2 Corinthians 5:10 state that the Father has given Jesus the authority and responsibility to judge everyone. As Acts 17:31 says, God “has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed.” That appointed man is Jesus.
All People Will Be Judged
The final judgment is not just for some people – it is for everyone. Scripture says God “has fixed a day on which he will judge the world” (Acts 17:31). The apostle Paul said that we will “all stand before the judgment seat of God” (Romans 14:10). Jesus described this final judgment as a time when “all nations” will be gathered before him and he will separate them (Matthew 25:31-46). The scope is universal – all humans will face their Creator.
People’s Deeds Will Be Judged
A major component of the final judgment is that God will judge people based on what they have done in life. The Bible says he will “judge every man according to his deeds” (Romans 2:6; Psalm 62:12). Their actions, both good and bad, will be evaluated. Jesus indicated that men’s words will also be judged (Matthew 12:36-37). Thoughts and motives may be judged as well (Romans 2:16).
The Standard Will Be God’s Law
How will Jesus judge people’s lives and actions? Scripture reveals the standard will be God’s law. Passages like Romans 2:12 say God will judge secrets “through Jesus Christ.” John 12:48 says that on judgment day, the very words Jesus spoke “will judge him on the last day.” God’s laws reflect his righteousness, so he will examine each life to see how it measures up.
There Will Be Different Degrees of Reward or Punishment
Not everyone’s judgment will be exactly the same. While everyone will be assigned to one of two final destinations, the Bible indicates there will be degrees of reward for believers and degrees of punishment for unbelievers. For example, Jesus said it will be “more bearable” for Sodom than other wicked cities in the judgment (Matthew 11:22-24). Other passages speak of some believers receiving greater reward than others in heaven (1 Corinthians 3:8-15; Luke 19:11-27).
Believers in Christ Will Be Declared Righteous
The best news about the final judgment is that those who trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will be declared righteous by God. When they stand before the Judge, he will see them clothed in the perfect righteousness of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Their sins were paid for by Jesus on the cross, so God accepts them as righteous. They are spared from all condemnation and will joyfully inherit the kingdom (Matthew 25:34; Romans 8:1).
Unbelievers Will Be Condemned for Their Sins
For those who have rejected God’s grace and salvation through Christ, the outcome of the final judgment will be tragic. Scripture says they will be condemned for their sins and assigned to the lake of fire for eternal punishment (Revelation 20:11-15). Without the covering of Christ’s blood, they will have to bear the penalty for their own sins.
Angels Will Be Judged Too
The Bible indicates that God’s judgment will not be limited to humans only. Passages like 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 teach that angels will be judged as well. Apparently there are angels who sinned and rebelled against God, and they will not escape divine judgment. The holy angels will be rewarded at this time for their service.
Creation Will Be Destroyed and Renewed
The final judgment will bring about the end of the old creation tainted by sin. 2 Peter 3:7-13 describes how the current heavens and earth are reserved for fire and destruction on judgment day. But Peter also reveals God will create new heavens and a new earth afterward for eternity. The precise manner in which God will recreate or restore the universe is unclear.
No More Death, Pain, or Sorrow
For those who belong to Christ and are welcomed into eternal life with God, the final judgment signifies the end of all suffering and sorrow. Revelation 21:1-5 provides a beautiful picture of the life believers will enjoy for eternity with God on the new earth. There will be no more crying, mourning, pain, or death – only joy in God’s presence.
The Exact Timing is Uncertain
The Bible clearly teaches there will be a final day of reckoning when Christ returns. But it does not give an exact date or time frame for when it will happen. Scripture says it will come unexpectedly “like a thief” when people are not expecting it (2 Peter 3:10). Only God knows the timing, which remains a mystery to us (Mark 13:32). But it will surely come.
God’s Justice Will Finally Be Revealed
The final judgment offers the promise that justice will ultimately prevail. Many wicked people appear to get away with evil in this life. But Scripture reassures that no injustice will escape the notice of an all-knowing, all-powerful God. His holy judgment will reveal the perfect justice of all his ways in the end.
The Importance of Preparing Now
Since the final judgment is inevitable, the wise response is to get ready to stand before God’s throne. Those who put their faith in Christ can have assurance of acceptance on that day. Following Jesus as Lord is the path to readying one’s life for his scrutiny and delighting his heart. The present is the time to prepare for that final accounting.
The biblical doctrine of the final judgment gives us an awe-inspiring glimpse into the future. Human history as we know it is marching toward a final climax when Jesus returns to judge the world. All people will have to give an account of their lives before their Creator. Those hidden in Christ will joyfully receive eternal rewards, while the disobedient will sadly be condemned for their sins. God’s justice and glory will be revealed. The judgment reminds us to examine our hearts and trust in Christ alone for salvation while there is still time.