The term “kundalini spirit” refers to a concept from Hinduism that has made its way into some fringe Christian circles. In Hinduism, kundalini is believed to be a form of divine energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine. Through spiritual practices like yoga and meditation, Hindus believe this energy can be “awakened” and travel up the spine to bring enlightenment.
Some Christians have taken this concept and applied it to their own beliefs about spiritual experiences. They may use the term “kundalini spirit” to describe supernatural encounters that involve sensations of energy flowing through the body. Some associate it with charismatic gifts like speaking in tongues. Others go further and claim there are kundalini demons that can invade people’s bodies and cause physical manifestations.
It’s important to note that the concept of a kundalini spirit does not come from the Bible. Scripture doesn’t mention kundalini at all. The term comes directly from Hindu philosophy and mythology. While Christians believe the Holy Spirit empowers and gifts believers, the specific ideas behind kundalini do not originate from a Judeo-Christian worldview.
That said, some of the “symptoms” or experiences associated with kundalini align with biblical accounts of the work of the Holy Spirit. These could include:
- A feeling of energy, heat, or tingling in the body
- Uncontrollable laughter, weeping, or other emotional manifestations
- Visions and spiritual insights
- Supernatural healing of diseases
- Out of body sensations
From a Christian perspective, these types of mystical experiences do happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. But discerning whether an experience is from God or not requires testing it against Scripture. The Bible warns about false prophets and deceiving spirits (1 John 4:1). So Christians should approach personal experiences cautiously.
Some Christian critics are concerned the kundalini spirit label promotes unbiblical ideas about meditating, chanting, or using mantras to awaken spiritual power. They warn against pairing Christian practices with non-Christian rituals to facilitate supernatural experiences. They say this could open people up to demonic influence by blurring the line between the holy and the profane.
On the other hand, some believers say the concept of kundalini could just be describing legitimate workings of the Holy Spirit from a different cultural perspective. They argue the Spirit manifests in diverse ways across cultures, and this may be one of them. They don’t see kundalini as incompatible with the biblical view of the Spirit’s gifts and manifestations.
What does the Bible say about spirits?
The Bible has a lot to say about the spiritual realm and supernatural spirits both good and evil. Here are some key teachings that can help evaluate mystical experiences like those associated with kundalini:
- The Holy Spirit – Scripture teaches that God’s Spirit lives in those who believe in Jesus and empowers them spiritually (Romans 8:9-11). The Spirit manifests in believers with gifts like prophecy, miracles, tongues, and discernment (1 Corinthians 12:7-11).
- Angels – The Bible affirms the existence of spiritual beings called angels who act as God’s messengers (Psalm 103:20). Angels sometimes deliver revelations or visions to people according to God’s purposes (Luke 1:11-20).
- Demons – Scripture warns that fallen angels called demons can influence people’s minds and bodies (Matthew 17:14-18). Their goal is to deceive people spiritually and turn them away from God.
- Spiritual warfare – Christians are exhorted to test every spirit to see if it is from God (1 John 4:1). They are called to resist the devil through faith in Christ (Ephesians 6:10-18).
- Spiritual discernment – The Bible teaches that spiritual truth can be discerned by comparing experiences to Scripture. Christians should carefully test prophecies, teachings, and spirits against God’s word (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22).
This biblical framework helps Christians approach phenomena like kundalini Biblically. Experiences that align with Scripture and direct people toward Christ may be from the Holy Spirit. But practices or manifestations that contradict God’s word could be deceptive in nature.
Dangers of the Kundalini Spirit
Given the supernatural nature of kundalini experiences, Christians who are interested in the topic should exercise caution. Watching out for the following dangers can help avoid potential deception or harm:
- Unbiblical spiritual practices – Techniques meant to awaken kundalini like chanting, visualization, meditation on mystical concepts, or yoga pose sequences may draw people into spiritual confusion and occultism.
- Self-deification – Kundalini advocates aim to unleash an inner divinity. But Christianity teaches salvation comes through Christ alone, not our own works or divine self-realization (Ephesians 2:8-9).
- Deception – Kundalini and other New Age concepts can often disguise or masquerade as biblical spirituality. Discernment is needed to distinguish God’s Spirit from counterfeits.
- Possession – In the worst cases, dabbling in kundalini and related spiritual phenomena can make one vulnerable to demonic attack or possession.
- Physical risks – Awakening kundalini energy is said to cause dramatic bodily sensations that could be disruptive or harmful for some people if not moderated appropriately.
Christians who experience unusual spiritual manifestations should always test them against Scripture. And discernment should be sought within the community of mature believers. Playing around with kundalini techniques or trying to chase supernatural experiences could open doors to deception.
How to Evaluate Kundalini from a Christian Perspective
For Christians encountering kundalini teachings and experiences, here are some tips for healthy evaluation:
- Hold all spiritual experiences and claims to the light of Scripture. Does it align with God’s word or draw people away (Isaiah 8:20)?
- Be wary of any practices or rituals that aim to usher spiritual encounters. God’s Spirit manifests based on His purposes alone.
- Pray for and develop the gift of spiritual discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10). Listen to wise, mature believers who can provide guidance.
- Look at the spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). Does this experience produce Christ-like character and righteous living or something else?
- Ask if it glorifies Christ or points people to salvation in Him (John 16:13-14). True workings of the Spirit exalt Jesus.
- Guard your mind and heart. Don’t chase experiences. Let God’s Spirit work in His timing (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The Holy Spirit is an integral part of the Christian life. But not every supernatural experience is from God. Wisdom, discernment, and theological depth are needed to properly evaluate spiritual phenomena like kundalini from a biblical perspective.
Christian Alternatives to Kundalini
Instead of looking to kundalini and Eastern practices, Christians have their own biblical spiritual disciplines for drawing closer to God:
- Prayer – Communicating with God builds intimacy with Him (Philippians 4:6-7).
- Bible study – Immersing oneself in Scripture renews the mind and spirit (Psalm 119:105).
- Fasting – Abstaining from food/drink for spiritual purposes helps focus on God (Matthew 6:16-18).
- Simplicity – Reducing life’s clutter leaves time and energy for the Lord (Luke 12:22-31).
- Fellowship – Christian community provides friendship and accountability (Acts 2:42-47).
- Service – Using one’s gifts to help others cultivates humility and care (Mark 10:45).
- Worship – Music, preaching, communion and other corporate worship activities encourage awe of God (Psalm 95:1-7).
These practices develop intimacy with God from a biblical foundation versus the mystical Eastern approach of kundalini. Christians have wonderful resources to grow in their faith without looking to Hindu spirituality.
Examples of Kundalini Spirits in Scripture
The Bible does not use the term kundalini, but it contains various accounts of supernatural spiritual experiences. Some may align with what today’s Christians describe as kundalini activity. But discernment is required to determine whether these manifestations were from God:
- Isaiah’s vision – The prophet Isaiah saw a heavenly vision of God on His throne (Isaiah 6:1-7). He fell down awestruck, and an angel touched his mouth and gave him a message. This could parallel kundalini sensations, but the visionoriented Isaiah toward God’s glory.
- Ezekiel’s visions – The prophet Ezekiel had surreal visions often involving overwhelming sensations of wind, fire, and trembling (Ezekiel 1:24, 3:12). But these encounters affirmed God’s power and Ezekiel’s prophecy calling.
- Saul’s conversion – The Apostle Paul (then Saul) was blinded by a bright heavenly light at his dramatic conversion experience (Acts 9:3-9). Yet this encounter transformed his life through Christ rather than self-empowerment.
- Pentecost – At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit manifested with tongues of fire and a mighty wind (Acts 2:1-4). Some fell into Spirit-filled ecstasy. But this was initiated by God to launch the church rather than personal enlightenment.
While these biblical accounts describe mystical experiences, they differ from kundalini in key ways. They center on God’s glory and purposes rather than inner divinity. And they produced reverence and humility rather than spiritual self-exaltation.
Guidance for Deliverance from Kundalini Spirits
For Christians who have come under the influence of kundalini spirits in ways they feel are unhealthy or demonic, steps can be taken to seek deliverance and break free:
- Confess involvement and repent – Openly acknowledge and renounce any participation in kundalini or other unbiblical spiritual practices (Acts 19:18-20).
- Remove objects – Get rid of any idols, crystals, jewelry, art, books, etc. connected with kundalini energy and other spiritualism (Deuteronomy 7:25-26).
- Receive prayer counseling – Ask mature Christians to pray deliverance prayers and provide spiritual guidance to walk in freedom (James 5:16).
- Stand on Scripture – Claim Christ’s power and protection through trusting and declaring His word (Ephesians 6:10-17).
- Fill your spirit – After deliverance, continually feed your spirit with Bible study, prayer, Christian fellowship, and worship (Colossians 3:16).
- Walk in humility – Live aware of your need for Christ’s grace and remember pride makes one vulnerable to the enemy (1 Peter 5:5-10).
With Jesus’ help, His followers can find freedom from any spiritual influences that oppose His Lordship. Christians have authority in Christ to walk in the light and reject enemy strongholds.
The concept of kundalini spirits comes from Eastern religions and spiritual practices, not from a Christian worldview. But the promotion of kundalini among some believers reflects a desire for mystical encounters with God. Christians need not look outside Scripture for deep spirituality.
While the Holy Spirit moves in supernatural ways at times, Christians should evaluate mystical experiences in light of God’s word. Practices meant to induce spiritual manifestations could open people up to demonic deceit. But Jesus Christ has given His Church spiritual authority and discernment to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Rather than awaken inner divinity, biblical Christianity focuses on salvation through Christ and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Grounded in Scripture and prayer, Christians can experience genuine closeness with God without the dangers of kundalini and other unbiblical spiritualities.