A “python spirit” refers to a type of evil spirit mentioned a few times in the Bible. The name comes from the python snake, which was known for squeezing its prey to death. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about this spirit and what it represents.
References to a Python Spirit in the Bible
There are two main passages in the Bible that mention a “python spirit”:
Acts 16:16-18
As Paul and his companions were going to the place of prayer in Philippi, they were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour. (Acts 16:16-18 ESV)
In this passage, Paul encounters a slave girl possessed by a “spirit of divination” (Greek: pythona) which gave her abilities like fortune-telling. Paul cast out this spirit in the name of Jesus.
Isaiah 51:9
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago. Was it not you who cut Rahab in pieces, who pierced the dragon? Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over? (Isaiah 51:9-10 ESV)
Here, the prophet Isaiah refers to God defeating a dragon-like Rahab, which some associate with the python spirit. The reference to the sea alludes to the parting of the Red Sea during the Exodus.
So in both cases, the python spirit is associated with fortune-telling, divination, and combatting the work of God. This gives us clues into its nature and how it operates.
The Nature and Operations of a Python Spirit
Based on these biblical references, we can summarize some key characteristics of a python spirit:
A python spirit promotes deception and falsehood. The slave girl in Acts 16 appears to speak truth about Paul and his companions, but the spirit operating through her is deceptive. This reflects Satan’s role as “the father of lies” (John 8:44).
Divination and Fortune-Telling
A python spirit enables divination, fortune-telling, and other occult practices that God forbids (Deuteronomy 18:10). These practices seem to offer insight but are displeasing to God.
Hindering God’s Work
The slave girl in Acts 16 “kept doing” her fortune-telling to hinder and distract from Paul’s ministry. The python spirit opposes the spread of the Gospel.
Associated with the Serpent
The name “python” comes from the snake that squeezes life out of its prey. This connects it to the serpent in Genesis 3 who deceived Adam and Eve. Satan is described as a serpent and dragon in Revelation.
Boasting and Mocking
The reference in Isaiah 51 shows the python spirit boasting against God like the mythical multi-headed serpent slain by gods in other Ancient Near East legends. This reflects the pride and mockery of Satan.
Spiritual Stronghold
Paul had to directly command the spirit to come out of the slave girl, implying a strong spiritual stronghold. The python spirit operates as a principality over regions, requiring spiritual warfare to defeat it.
So in summary, the python spirit represents spiritual deception and opposition to the Gospel through practices like divination and fortune-telling. It operates through spiritual strongholds and characterizes Satan himself as the deceiving serpent.
How Does the Python Spirit Operate Today?
While overt demonic possession like in Acts 16 may be rare today, many believe the python spirit continues to influence societies and individuals through more subtle means:
False Religions and Cults
Cults and false religions arebreeding grounds for deceiving spirits. Their false teachings oppose the truth of the Bible.
Occult Practices
The modern occult revival has opened doors for the python spirit to deceive through things like psychic readings, horoscopes, Ouija boards, witchcraft, and divination.
Materialism and Hedonism
A cultural mindset of materialism and sensuality fosters self-centered living versus serving God and others. This creates space for deceiving spirits to operate.
New Age Spirituality
New Age beliefs like spiritual energy, mysticism, and enlightenment sound appealing but are unbiblical and facilitate deception.
Immorality and Idols
Immorality and idolatry were often associated with python spirits and temple rituals in ancient times. Modern entertainment industries promote similar values that erode biblical living.
The crushing, suffocating connotation of the python snake can represent how the spirit debilitates people mentally, emotionally, and physically through oppression.
So in modern contexts, python spirits could stand behind ideologies and cultural values that hinder godliness and the Gospel message. Discernment and prayer is needed to combat these influences.
How Do We Confront the Python Spirit?
Scripture gives some keys for confronting python spirits:
The Armor of God
Ephesians 6 instructs believers to put on the full armor of God for protection against spiritual forces of evil. Relying on truth, righteousness, the Gospel, faith, salvation, and the Word defeats deception.
The Name of Jesus
Acts 16 shows the authority of Jesus’ name in driving out demonic spirits. There is power in that name to dispel anything that exalts itself against God.
Spiritual Warfare
Direct confrontation through prayer, fasting and commands in Jesus’ name (like with Paul) may be needed to break strong spiritual strongholds, along with resisting the Devil (James 4:7).
Stay Alert
We need to stay sober-minded and alert against crafty deception from the Enemy (1 Peter 5:8). Test the spirits against Scripture and godly wisdom.
Renew Your Mind
Combat worldly thinking and values by renewing your mind according to biblical truth (Romans 12:2). Replace lies with Scripture.
Humility and Purity
Humble yourself before God and pursue righteous living. Pride and sin give the Enemy footholds (James 4:7).
By putting on God’s full armor, resisting temptation, renewing our minds with Scripture, and walking in humility and purity, we can stand firm against python spirits and deceiving spiritual influences. Through Jesus’ authority, we can drive these forces out of our lives and communities for God’s glory.
Examples of How the Python Spirit Manifests
Here are some examples of how the deceptive influence of the python spirit could potentially manifest itself today:
Fortune-telling and Psychics
The modern psychic industry, tarot cards, palm reading, crystal balls, Ouija boards, astrology charts, and more can open doors for python spirits as forms of divination.
False Teachings in the Church
Cults or church leaders who distort the Bible and promote false doctrine could be influenced by the spirit of python. This includes workings miracles or prophesying in God’s name (Matthew 7:22-23).
Obsessive Sin Patterns
When people are unable to break free from sinful habits and addictions that they hate, a spirit of python could be at work keep them trapped in a cycle.
Corrupting Cultural Influences
Python spirits can empower things like materialism, sexual immorality, idolatry, greed, and rebellion in societies. “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).
Oppression and Confusion
On an individual level, demonic oppression can manifest as confusion, mental fog, fatigue, despair, and physical affliction that resists healing.
Disrupting Church Ministries
Divisiveness, false accusations, fear, immorality, or constant unfounded criticism of leadership within the church may indicate a python spirit trying to disrupt ministry.
False Religions and New Age
Cults, the New Age movement, Hinduism, the occult and more derive influence from deceiving spirits that disguise themselves as angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
So in summary, wherever we see deception, division, falsehood, confusion, oppression or blatant opposition to the Gospel, the python spirit could be at work to hinder God’s Kingdom.
Can Christians Be Demon Possessed?
For believers in Jesus, the Holy Spirit resides within them (1 Corinthians 6:19). Light and darkness cannot dwell together. But Christians can still be influenced, oppressed or distracted by demonic spirits if they persist in habitual sin or dabble in the occult against God’s will:
The Armor of God
Christians who fail to put on the full armor of God open themselves up to enemy attacks (Ephesians 6:10-18). Deceiving spirits gain access to the degree that we leave avenues unguarded.
Sinning Against God
Persistent willful sin grieves the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) and invites demonic influence. King Saul’s disobedience led to an evil spirit tormenting him (1 Samuel 16:14).
Passivity and Ignorance
When Christians are passive, lazy or biblically ignorant about spiritual realities, they become easy targets for deceiving spirits to gain ground (Matthew 13:25).
Dabbling in the Occult
When Christians compromise and dabble in occult practices like fortune-telling, witchcraft, Ouija boards, etc., they open demonic doorways. Even pagans recognized Paul as a servant of God, but the possessed slave girl was promoting divination.
So in summary, true demonic possession of Christians seems unlikely, but through sin, passivity or compromise, deceiving spirits can still influence and disrupt their lives…sometimes severely if not addressed through repentance, prayer and deliverance.
How to Pray Against the Python Spirit
Based on the understanding above, here are some ways to pray against spirits of python:
– Acknowledge God’s supreme authority and ask for His spiritual protection and armor according to Ephesians 6.
– Confess any known sins or occult involvement to close legal doorways for demons.
– Renounce out loud any footholds claimed against you by asking God to break their power in Jesus’ name.
– Pray for discernment and clarity from God regarding any ways a python spirit could be influencing your thoughts, emotions or situation.
– Forgive anyone being used by demonic spirits and pray for their deliverance too.
– Take authority over the spirit in Jesus’ name, commanding it to go as Paul did in Acts 16.
– Fill the area by praising and worshiping God to establish an atmosphere of truth.
– Ask God to pour out His Holy Spirit afresh.
– Put on worship music about the power and victory of Jesus over all strongholds and God’s truth prevailing.
– Reflect on Scripture promises about God’s light overcoming the darkness.
– Close by thanking God for His deliverance and protection.
The key is relying fully on Jesus’ name and God’s truth to expose and drive out the influence of demonic deceivers. Surrounding yourself with praise and worship is powerful too. God wants us free from bondage!
Warning Signs of a Python Spirit
Here are some potential signs that a python spirit could be affecting someone:
– Chronic fatigue, exhaustion, and lack of motivation
– Hopelessness, depression, and suicide attempts
– Confusion, mental fog, and constant forgetfulness
– Compulsive lying and deceit
– Isolation and withdrawal from community
– Obsessive thoughts or paranoia
– Ongoing anxiety or fears
– Difficulty reading the Bible or praying
– Blasphemous thoughts and cursing
– Physical ailments with unknown causes
– Sleep paralysis and nightmares
– Strong reactions against Christian symbols
– Multiple personalities and mood swings
– Addictions and compulsive behavior
– Rejection of spiritual things and rebellion
– Voicing thoughts of condemnation, guilt, and shame
– Inappropriate outbursts of laughter or anger
Of course, some symptoms could also point to mental illness or other issues as well. But if inner turmoil persists despite all other efforts, an influencing python spirit hindering spiritual growth could be one possibility to explore through prayer and counsel.
Deliverance from a Python Spirit
Here are biblical steps for finding freedom from a python spirit:
Repent of Any Sin
Remove legal ground by confessing and repenting of all known sin, even from ancestors (Nehemiah 9:2). Break ungodly soul ties.
Renounce Involvement
If formerly involved with the occult, confess it and renounce in detail any past occult practices or idolatry.
Stand on Scripture
Claim promises of God’s protection (Psalm 91, Ephesians 6:10-18). Affirm your position in Christ (Colossians 1:13).
Receive Inner Healing
Invite Jesus into any painful memories the enemy uses against you. Ask God to heal all wounds.
Forgive and Bless
Forgive anyone who abused or victimized you and release them to God. Call down blessings rather than curses (Luke 6:28).
Cast Out the spirits
Directly confront afflicting spirits in Jesus’ name as Paul did. Command them to leave and go where Jesus sends them.
Fill with the Holy Spirit
Ask the Holy Spirit to come tangibly upon you in new freshness, purity and power. Soak in worship.
Abide in Christ
Daily put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6). Pray, read Scripture, serve others, and stay accountable in Christian fellowship.
As we walk closely with God, repent of sin, stand on the authority of Christ, and fill our lives with His Spirit and truth, God promises deliverance and freedom from all demonic strongholds, including python spirits!
The python spirit represents demonic influences and deception that the Bible warns about. Through Jesus’ victory on the cross, His followers have authority in His name to expose and overcome these forces of darkness for God’s glory and Kingdom. While spiritual warfare is real, God promises to protect and deliver those who draw near to Him, resist the Enemy, and fully put on His armor. By walking in purity and faith, through the power of the Holy Spirit, disciples of Jesus can be overcomers who set captives free.