A succubus is a demonic spirit that is mentioned a few times in the Bible. The word “succubus” comes from Late Latin meaning “to lie under.” A succubus is a female demon that will have sexual intercourse with men while they sleep. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about succubi and other related spirits.
References to Succubi in the Bible
The Bible does not directly use the word “succubus,” but there are a few passages that refer to spirits that have succubus-like qualities and behaviors.
One example is in Genesis 6:1-4 which describes the “sons of God” marrying the “daughters of man” and having children with them. Many scholars believe this refers to fallen angels or demons marrying and having sexual relations with human women. The offspring of these unions were the Nephilim, which were giants or mighty warriors of ancient times.
Another passage is in Matthew 12:43-45 where Jesus describes a demonic spirit leaving a person, but then returning with seven other spirits more wicked than itself. This demonstrates how demonic spirits operate, including succubi, which attack men during the night.
Some also point to I Samuel 16:14-16 which describes an evil spirit from the Lord tormenting King Saul. While not specifically a succubus, it shows how demons can harass and trouble individuals.
Succubi Seek to Have Sex and Steal Life Force
A succubus is a specific type of demon that attacks men during sleep. Their primary goal is to have sexual intercourse with their victims. Unlike a human woman, their intention is not pleasure or reproduction. Instead, the succubus is trying to steal the man’s life force and energy through the act of sex.
Every culture and tradition has some reference to these sexual demons. They can be known as succubi, Lilith, Kali, sirens, mermaids, and many other names. What is consistent across cultures is that they are female demons who attack sleeping men in order to drain their energy and life force through sexual intercourse or activities.
Methods and Abilities of Succubi
Succubi have a variety of methods and abilities to attack men while they sleep. These include:
- Shape-shifting – Taking the form of a beautiful woman to seduce their victim.
- Hallucinations – Causing a trance-like hallucination where the victim believes he is having sex with a woman.
- Sexual arousal – Stimulating the physical nerves to cause sexual arousal and orgasm during sleep.
- Energy draining – Using the sexual interaction to drain and absorb the man’s life force energy.
- Incubation – Having sex and implanting demonic seed to produce other incubus/succubus offspring.
The succubus can use one or many of these methods together. Their end goal is to drain the sleeping man’s vital energy through sexual contact, much like a vampire. Men who are attacked by succubi will feel tired, drained, and depleted of energy when waking up after an encounter.
Notable Examples of Succubi
While succubi remain largely invisible, there are some notable examples from mythology and legend:
- Lilith – The original wife of Adam in Jewish folklore who became a demon and succubus that attacks infants and men.
- Ardat Lili – A night demon in Babylonian folklore that would visit sleeping men to bear demon children.
- Lilitu – A class of female demons in Sumerian mythology known to attack men at night.
- Mare – An evil goblin spirit in German folklore that sits on sleepers’ chests causing bad dreams.
While not directly mentioned in the Bible, these legends from around the world demonstrate the common understanding of evil female spirits that attack sleeping individuals for sexual purposes across cultures.
Are Succubi Real and a Threat Today?
Given that succubi and other related spirits are mentioned in the Bible, many wonder if they continue to be a real threat today. Some of the questions people have include:
- Can demons still sexually assault people at night as succubi?
- Are all wet dreams and night emissions caused by spirits?
- Are sexually explicit dreams always the result of demons?
- How can you tell the difference between a natural dream versus a demonic encounter?
There is no consensus on all of these issues, even among Christian experts on demons and deliverance. Some believe any sexually charged dream is demonic. Others say it can be natural result of hormones, psychology, life experiences, etc.
However, most experts agree that true demonic sexual attacks that drain energy still occur today. Victims report feeling an evil presence, being unable to move to resist, waking up tired, and having frequent attacks by the same spirit.
While wet dreams and sexual dreams in general are not necessarily demonic, when accompanied by these other signs, it likely indicates the presence of a succubus or similar spirit.
Protection Against Succubi and Incubi Spirits
Scripture instructs believers to put on the full armor of God in order to stand against evil spirits (Ephesians 6:10-18). Here are some specific ways to protect against and combat succubi and other night spirits:
- Ask God for protection over your mind, body, and home.
- Command the spirits to flee in Jesus’ name.
- Rebuke summoning or seductive thoughts.
- Place blood of Jesus on doorposts and body.
- Intercede against spirits gaining access through sin or deception.
- Guard your eyes and mind from sensual content.
- Put on worship music to create an atmosphere of praise.
- Pray and read the Bible before bed.
If being seriously assaulted by these spirits, seek out other mature believers to pray deliverance over your life and home. Confess and repent of any sin giving the enemy access. Continue steadfast in the faith resisting the devil so he will flee (James 4:7).
Incubus Spirits Also Exist
While this article has focused on succubi, a related type of spirit called the incubus also exists. An incubus is a male demon that will attack women during the night for sexual purposes, much like the succubus does with men. They work together with the goal of corrupting God’s holy plan for sexuality and reproduction.
Incubi and succubi have been reported throughout history in many different cultures. Just like succubi, the incubi use sexual arousal and intercourse to drain a woman’s energy and plant demonic seeds. Believers should be on guard against both types of spirits.
A Warning from God, Not a Myth
While not frequently discussed today, succubi, incubi, and other related night spirits are referenced enough in the Bible and other ancient sources to indicate they are real. God, Jesus, and biblical writers warn believers to be aware of the spiritual realm and resist demonic powers.
Succubi are not the stuff of myth or harmless fantasy. They are warnings from God to guard our hearts and minds day and night. As modern culture becomes more secular and sexually immoral, these spirits are given more access and legal rights to afflict people.
Stay rooted in the Word of God, walk by the Spirit, and abide in Jesus to protect against succubi and all types of spiritual warfare. Jesus is mighty to save and deliver from every evil.