The Bible presents a rich and multi-faceted picture of who God is and what He is like. Here is a comprehensive overview of God’s attributes and character based on Scripture.
God is Eternal
God has no beginning or end. He has always existed and will always exist (Psalm 90:2). This attribute sets God apart from His creation and demonstrates His self-existence and self-sufficiency.
God is All-Powerful
God is omnipotent, meaning He has unlimited power and authority. Nothing is too difficult for Him and no one can thwart His plans (Jeremiah 32:17). As Creator of the universe, God sustains all things by His power (Hebrews 1:3).
God is All-Knowing
God is omniscient, meaning He has infinite knowledge and wisdom. God knows all things past, present and future – even the hidden motives and thoughts of every person (Psalm 139:1-6). His knowledge guides His actions and enables Him to achieve His purposes.
God is Ever-Present
God is omnipresent, meaning He is present everywhere at all times (Psalm 139:7-12). There is no location in the universe where He does not exist. This should give us great comfort that God is always with us.
God is Unchanging
God is immutable, meaning He does not change. His character and promises remain steadfast forever (Malachi 3:6). We can have confidence that God will be faithful because He does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17).
God is All-Loving
God is love (1 John 4:8). Everything God does flows from His perfect, holy love. The greatest demonstration of God’s love is the sending of His Son to die for sinners (Romans 5:8). God shows mercy and grace to those who don’t deserve it.
God is Merciful and Gracious
God is rich in mercy, grace and patience (Exodus 34:6-7). He delights in showing undeserved kindness to sinners who repent. His mercy means God does not give us what we deserve (hell), and His grace means He gives us what we don’t deserve (salvation).
God is Righteous and Just
God is morally perfect, upright and holy in all He does (Psalm 119:137). He hates evil and never acts wickedly. As a just judge, God must punish sin, yet in mercy He sent Christ to pay sin’s penalty on our behalf.
God is Jealous and Zealous
God tolerates no rivals. He wants our total, exclusive devotion (Exodus 20:5). Like a protective husband filled with holy zeal for his wife, God is righteously jealous for our affection and loyalty. He alone is worthy of worship.
God is Wrathful Against Sin
God’s holiness means He intensely hates all sin and evil (Nahum 1:2). His wrath is directed against unrepentant sinners who refuse His offer of mercy in Christ. God’s judgment is terrifying, yet He remains patient and longsuffering.
God is Sovereign and in Control
God reigns supreme over everything (Psalm 103:19). All things unfold according to His divine plan and purposes. Though we may not understand all God allows, we can trust His sovereignty brings about what is best.
God is Our Heavenly Father
If we have been adopted into God’s family through faith in Christ, we have the immense privilege of relating to Him as our perfect Heavenly Father (Romans 8:15). He tenderly cares for us, protects us, and gives us good gifts.
God is Spirit
God is an invisible spirit with no physical body or limitations (John 4:24). He is not part of creation but transcends it completely. God is infinite, immaterial, self-existent spirit who relates personally with humans made in His image.
God is Light
God is pure light, meaning He is perfectly holy, true and untainted by any darkness or sin (1 John 1:5). There are no flaws, defects, falsehoods, impurities or moral failures in God’s essence and character.
God is Our Refuge and Fortress
God is a secure haven and mighty stronghold for those who take refuge in Him (Psalm 18:2). We can find protection, comfort, strength and abundant blessing when we dwell in His presence and trust in Him.
God Seeks True Worshippers
God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth, with sincerity, passion and reverence (John 4:23-24). We must approach God with humility, awe, gratitude and a willingness to obey His Word completely.
God is Patient and Longsuffering
God is extraordinarily patient and slow to anger (Numbers 14:18). He gives people time to repent, even though our sins deserve immediate judgment. God’s patience reveals His mercy and salvation purpose.
God Hears and Answers Prayers
God invites us to come boldly to His throne of grace in prayer, and He delights to hear from us (1 John 5:14-15). God answers the heartfelt prayers of His children in line with His will and for our ultimate good.
God is Our Helper and Deliverer
When we are weak, burdened or under spiritual attack, God comes to our aid (Psalm 46:1). He will never leave us helpless but wants us to cast all our cares on Him knowing He cares for us.
God is Generous and Abounding in Steadfast Love
God delights in lavishing good gifts on His children out of His vast generosity (James 1:17). His steadfast covenant love and mercy toward us is new every morning and never fails (Lamentations 3:22-23).
God Welcomes Us with Open Arms
Like the father of the prodigal son, God welcomes back wandering sinners with joyful embracing arms (Luke 15:11-32). There is no sin too great that His forgiveness cannot redeem and restore us when we repent.
God Works All Things for Our Good
Even in our trials and sufferings, God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). We can trust His perfect plans even when we don’t understand His ways.
God Gives Us the Holy Spirit
All believers are indwelt and empowered by God’s Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17). The Spirit enables us to grow in Christlike character, understand the Scriptures, overcome sin, and use spiritual gifts to serve others.
God Corrects Those He Loves
Because of His great love, God will discipline and train His children so that we share in His holiness (Hebrews 12:6). His loving correction produces righteousness and peace in our lives when we submit to it.
God Is Our All in All
God promises to be everything we need and satisfy our souls completely (Psalm 73:25-26). When God is first place in our lives, we find purpose, joy, hope and fulfillment that the world can never provide.
God Invites Us to Cast Our Cares on Him
In an anxious world, God invites us to cast all our cares and burdens onto Him, trusting He will sustain us (1 Peter 5:7). He urges us to approach His throne of grace to find help and strength in times of need.
God Gives Eternal Life to Believers
The greatest gift God offers is eternal life through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). All who believe in Christ will experience new resurrection life in Him and spend eternity in God’s presence.
This overview presents a sampling of God’s wonderful attributes revealed in Scripture. Growing closer to God means continually deepening our understanding of who He is and living in light of His amazing character of love, power, holiness, justice and grace.