The Bible has a lot to say about who God is and what He is like. Here is an overview of some of the key things the Bible teaches about God:
God is eternal
God has no beginning or end. He has always existed and will always exist (Psalm 90:2). He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:13).
God is self-existent
God depends on nothing and no one for life. He is self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and self-existent (Exodus 3:14). God has life in and of Himself.
God is omnipotent
God is all-powerful. Nothing is too hard for Him and nothing is beyond His ability (Jeremiah 32:17). He spoke the universe into existence with just His word (Genesis 1).
God is omnipresent
God is everywhere at all times. He fills the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:24). He is able to be present with all His creatures at any given time.
God is omniscient
God is all-knowing. He knows everything – the past, present, and future. His understanding has no limit (Psalm 147:5). He knows everything we do, think, and feel at all times.
God is good
God is the ultimate standard and source of all goodness (Psalm 119:68). He is kind, patient, merciful, gracious, and loving. God is perfectly holy and righteous.
God is just
God is fair and impartial in all His judgments (Deuteronomy 32:4). He administers justice with equity and righteousness. He punishes evil and rewards good.
God is sovereign
God reigns supreme over everything. He is the undisputed ruler of the universe (Psalm 115:3). Nothing happens without His decree or permission. He works all things after the counsel of His will.
God is holy
God is morally perfect, pure, undefiled, and separate from sin. He is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). There is none like Him in goodness, wisdom, truth, or beauty.
God is love
God’s very nature and essence is love (1 John 4:8). Everything He does flows from His perfect, eternal love. He loved the world enough to send His Son to die for sinners.
God is spirit
God is immaterial and does not have a physical body like man. He is invisible and unable to be seen (John 4:24). He is a personal, self-conscious being with a mind, emotions, and will.
God is unchanging
God is immutable, meaning He does not change. His character and promises remain the same (Malachi 3:6). What He was yesterday, He is today and will be forevermore.
God is triune
God exists eternally as three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – yet He is one God. This is a divine mystery. Each person of the Trinity relates to the others personally (Matthew 28:19).
God is all-glorious
God possesses infinite glory and majesty. He is great and greatly to be praised (1 Chronicles 29:11). All glory belongs to Him. His glory fills the heavens and the earth.
God is our Creator
God created everything out of nothing simply by speaking it into existence (Genesis 1:1). He crafted and formed humanity in His own image. He is the giver and sustainer of life.
God is our Savior
In His love for us, God sent Jesus to provide the way of salvation. Whoever believes in Christ will have eternal life with God (John 3:16). He draws sinners to Himself.
God is our Redeemer
Christ’s death paid the price to release us from sin’s grip and restore us to God. He has redeemed and forgiven all who trust in Him (Colossians 1:14). God buys back and frees His people.
God cares about us
God knows everything about us and cares deeply for each one of His children. He values us, sympathizes with us, listens to us, guides us, and protects us (1 Peter 5:7).
God wants to be known
While God is infinitely far above us, He desires for us to know Him personally. He has revealed Himself in creation, Scripture, Christ, and by His Spirit. He wants an intimate relationship with us.
God comforts His children
Just as a good father comforts his children, God is the Father of compassion who comforts us in all our troubles (2 Corinthians 1:3). He wipes away every tear and heals every wounded heart.
God gives us good gifts
Everything good in life comes from God’s loving hand – rain, sunshine, food, joy, beauty, relationships. Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father (James 1:17).
God forgives sins
God pardons all who humble themselves and repent. He removes our transgressions from us, for He is compassionate and gracious (Psalm 103:8-12). His mercy is as high as the heavens.
God disciplines His children
God, as a loving Father, disciplines us for our good so that we can share in His holiness (Hebrews 12:7-11). His discipline proves our sonship and results in righteousness.
God gives us wisdom and strength
For those who ask Him, God grants wisdom to make right choices and discernment to understand His will (James 1:5). He renews strength so we can serve Him in our weaknesses (Isaiah 40:29).
God helps us resist temptation
God limits temptations, provides the way of escape, and helps us endure (1 Corinthians 10:13). He gives strength to stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-13).
God works everything for our good
For those who love Him, God causes everything that happens to work together for good (Romans 8:28). Even trials, setbacks, and suffering eventually result in blessings.
God fulfills His promises
God always keeps His word. What He has spoken, He will bring to pass (Numbers 23:19). His faithfulness continues to all generations. We can fully rely on His promises.
God deserves worship
We exist to glorify God by praising and enjoying Him forever. He alone is worthy of our worship – both now and for all eternity (Revelation 4:11). All glory, honor, and thanks belong to Him.
God is our judge
On judgment day, God will judge every person. Those in Christ will be welcomed into eternal life, while those outside Christ will be cast into hell (Revelation 20:11-15). God’s judgment is perfect justice.
God defeated death
Through Christ’s resurrection, God broke the power of death and opened the way to eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:54-57). For believers, death has lost its sting and we have victory through Jesus.
God reigns as King
God is the King over heaven and earth (Psalm 10:16). He sits on His holy throne, ruling and reigning over all creation. His kingdom shall stand forever and ever. Every knee will bow before Him.
God is our provider
God graciously meets all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). We can cast all our cares on Him, for He cares for us. He gives us our daily bread.
God is preparing a place for us
Jesus said He is going to prepare a dwelling place for us in heaven (John 14:2-3). God has wonderful plans to welcome His children into His glorious presence for eternity.
These are just some of the truths that the Bible teaches about who God is. He is infinitely far above our ability to fully understand, yet through Christ, God invites us into personal relationship with Him. As we grow in knowing God, we learn to trust His goodness and rest in His sovereign plans for our lives.