The Blue Letter Bible is an online Bible study tool and resource created in 1996 by Paul House. The name refers to the blue highlighted words in the King James Version indicating a direct hyperlink to Strong’s Concordance and additional study resources for those specific words. The Blue Letter Bible provides free access to many Bible study tools and resources including:
Multiple Bible Translations
The Blue Letter Bible offers over 30 different Bible translations in multiple languages. Popular English translations available include the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), English Standard Version (ESV), New International Version (NIV), and more. Users can easily switch between translations for comparison.
Interlinear Bibles
Interlinear Bibles line up the text of the original Hebrew and Greek with the equivalent English translation. The Blue Letter Bible provides interlinear Bibles for both the Old and New Testaments. Viewing the original language helps gain insight into the meaning of words and phrasing.
Strong’s Concordance
By clicking the blue highlighted words in KJV verses, users can access Strong’s Concordance entries for those original Hebrew and Greek words. Strong’s provides definitions for each unique word and where else those words appear throughout the Bible. This allows for studying how certain words are used in different contexts.
Hebrew and Greek Lexicons
The Blue Letter Bible offers lexicons (dictionaries) for both Biblical Hebrew and Greek. These lexicons provide more detailed definitions and cultural context for understanding the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek text. Popular lexicons include Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon and Thayer’s Greek Lexicon.
Bible Dictionary
The online Bible dictionary contains articles and definitions for thousands of Biblical words, names, places, and concepts. Entries include pronunciation, etymology, meaning, and links to related verses and resources. The dictionary is a helpful tool for learning background information.
Bible Commentaries
Dozens of Bible commentaries are available providing verse-by-verse explanations and interpretations. Commentaries offer insight from scholars throughout history and various denominations including Matthew Henry, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, and more. Comparing commentaries allows studying passages from multiple perspectives.
Maps, Images, and Charts
The Blue Letter Bible provides maps of Israel and other Bible lands to geographically contextualize events and locations. Photographs, drawings, and other images related to archaeology, culture, plants, animals and more help visualize the Biblical world. Charts and overviews simplify concepts like the Tabernacle and the Tribes of Israel.
Word Studies and Topical Guides
In-depth word studies explain the meaning and usage for key original language terms. Topical guides gather related verses across Scripture on common subjects like marriage, forgiveness, evangelism, etc. These resources aid deeper topical and word-focused study.
Audio Bible
The entire Bible can be listened to online in the KJV and ESV translations. The audio Bible allows continuous play in the background while using other study tools. Audio versions are also available for download to listen offline.
Reading Plans
Devotional reading plans provide structure for regular Bible reading. Plans range from 2-week overviews to year-long reads of the entire Bible. Selections include historical, chronological, OT, NT, Psalm/Proverb plans, and more. Reading plans are available by email or printable PDF.
Personal Verse Lists
Registered users can create verse lists to save and organize passages for future study and reference. Verse lists allow assigning topics and adding personal notes. They provide a custom way to compile and track meaningful verses.
Highlighting, Notes, and Bookmarks
Logged in users have highlighting, note-taking, and bookmarking capabilities to mark up the online Bible text for future reference. This allows customized annotation of verses during reading and study. Notes and highlights can be cleared, edited, printed, or downloaded.
Concordances show every instance of a word across the Bible. This helps locate verses and study word usage in context. Concordances are available for the KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, and other translations. Users can also search for phrases to find word combinations.
Cross References
Cross references connect related verses for expanded contextual study. Following cross references allows you to follow biblical themes and concepts throughout Scripture. Many cross references are displayed inline with chapter and verse tooltips.
Original Language Tools
For Greek and Hebrew language students, morphology search finds all instances of verb tenses, noun cases, etc. An alphabet chart aids memorizing characters. Parsing provides detailed grammar data for each word. Transliteration converts between Hebrew and Gentle fonts.
Bible Word Pronunciation
Audio clips provide pronunciation examples for difficult Bible names and words. Hearing proper pronunciation for terms like Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoshaphat, or Golgotha clarifies their sound and improves Biblical literacy.
Copy, Print, Download Options
Verses, passages, and whole Bibles can be copied, printed, or downloaded for offline use. Selections can be shared via email or social media. Downloads include PDF, Kindle, and Word document formats. This flexibility allows customized exporting of resources.
Mobile Apps
iOS and Android apps provide mobile access to Blue Letter Bible tools and resources. Users can login to sync highlights, notes, bookmarks, and verse lists. The app includes reading plans, audio Bible, dictionaries, maps, and more. Offline use allows mobility even without internet access.
Institute of Creation Research
Through partnership with the Institute of Creation Research (ICR), the Blue Letter Bible provides articles and resources supporting young earth creationism and literal six-day creation. ICR defends Genesis as literal history and the Bible as scientifically accurate.
Support and Donations
The Blue Letter Bible is a non-profit ministry supported by user donations. Donations fund technology, resource licensing, and operations. Users can submit prayer requests for the Blue Letter Bible team. Feedback and suggestions help improve site features.
History and Mission
Paul House created the Blue Letter Bible in 1996 to provide free online Bible study tools after being frustrated with limited print resources. The mission is to glorify God by making Bible study accessible so people can know Christ better. It aims to be a deep resource, not just quick verse lookup.
In summary, the Blue Letter Bible provides free access to comprehensive Bible study resources and tools for understanding God’s Word. Core offerings include multiple translations, original language tools, dictionaries, commentaries, audio Bible, and personalized verse management. The site equips users to read, research, analyze, and comprehend Scripture.