The Living Church of God (LCG) is a church denomination founded in 1993 by Roderick C. Meredith, a former evangelist and high-ranking minister in the Worldwide Church of God. LCG adheres to the teachings and traditions of Herbert W. Armstrong and promotes his form of British Israelism, observing seventh-day Sabbath and annual Holy Days. Here is an overview of LCG’s key beliefs and practices:
Church History and Leadership
After being forced to resign from Worldwide Church of God in 1992, Meredith established the Global Church of God in San Diego, California in 1993. However, after a dispute over governance, Meredith left Global with about 80% of its ministers and members to form LCG in 1998. He served as the church’s Presiding Evangelist until his death in 2017, when Gerald Weston took over the role.
LCG is based in Charlotte, North Carolina and claims to have over 11,000 members attending congregations in over 50 countries worldwide. It produces a television program called Tomorrow’s World and publications such as Tomorrow’s World magazine, Living Church News, Bible Study Course and commentary booklets. LCG runs the Living Youth summer camps for teens and preteens and their regional Winter Weekends family weekends.
Core Beliefs
Here are some of LCG’s fundamental doctrines and teachings:
- The Bible – The whole Bible is the divinely inspired, infallible Word of God and its teachings are to be obeyed (2 Timothy 3:16).
- God – The one supreme creator God, eternally existing as a family – presently composed of the Father and the Son Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:14-15). The Holy Spirit is the power of God, not a separate being.
- Humanity – Humans were created in God’s image, but have sinful carnal nature which must be overcome through conversion (Romans 8:7; Ephesians 2:3).
- Jesus Christ – Jesus was the promised Messiah, born of the virgin Mary, who lived a sinless life and sacrificed himself to pay the penalty for the sins of mankind (John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4:15).
- Gospel – The gospel is the good news message that Jesus Christ will return to establish the kingdom of God on earth and rule all nations (Mark 1:14-15; Acts 8:12).
- Salvation – Individuals are called by God, repent of their sins, are baptized, have hands laid on them, and receive the Holy Spirit. Ongoing obedience, overcoming sin, and enduring trials are required (Acts 2:38-39; Romans 5:9-10).
- Kingdom of God – The literal government Jesus Christ will establish on earth at His second coming, ruling from Jerusalem over mortal nations (Isaiah 9:6-7; Daniel 2:44-45; Revelation 11:15).
- Sabbath – Observance of seventh-day Sabbath on Saturday is commanded by God and a sign of His people (Exodus 20:8-11; Hebrews 4:9).
- Annual Holy Days – Commanded feast observances outline God’s plan of salvation (Leviticus 23:1-44; Colossians 2:16-17).
- Law of God – The Ten Commandments and biblical laws remain in effect today as a way of life, though salvation is through grace (Matthew 5:17-19; Romans 6:15).
- Tithing – Members are commanded to faithfully tithe 10% of income to support the work of the church (Malachi 3:8-10; Matthew 23:23).
- Dietary Laws – Old Testament dietary restrictions forbid eating unclean meats like pork and shellfish (Leviticus 11:1-47).
- Destiny of the Wicked – Unrepentant sinners will be destroyed in hell fire and cease to exist (Matthew 10:28; Revelation 21:8).
- Three Resurrections – The first resurrection to eternal life for the saints at Christ’s return; the second resurrection of unrepentant sinners to be destroyed; the third to physical life for mortals during the Millennium (Revelation 20:4-6; 1 Corinthians 15:22-24).
- Identity of Israel – LCG teaches British Israelism, that the Anglo-Saxon peoples of Britain and America are the descendants of ancient Israel (Genesis 48:19; Romans 9:4-5).
Church Services and Worship
LCG congregations meet weekly for Saturday Sabbath services. The format typically includes hymns accompanied by piano and choral music, announcements, tithing of members’ income, sermons, and closing prayer. On the annual Holy Days, a similar format is followed with multiple sermons and messages focused on the significance of the particular festival.
Music played in services consist of traditional hymns and songs written by LCG members. Other worship practices include personal daily prayer and Bible study, laying on of hands for ordination and healing, and fasting on the Day of Atonement. The church teaches that God’s presence dwells in LCG and therefore reverence is shown during weekly services.
Pastoral Ministry and Church Governance
LCG has an hierarchical polity with designated ranks of ordained ministers serving various administrative and pastoral roles. These include evangelists, pastors, preaching elders, local elders, associate elders, deacons and deaconesses. Women are permitted to serve as deaconesses providing care and service to other women members but cannot preach or have spiritual authority over men.
Ordained men are selected from within the church based on having exhibited leadership abilities, doctrinal understanding, pastoral aptitude, teaching skill, family values and a good reputation. The top ranking Council of Elders, led by the Presiding Evangelist, guides the operations and teachings of the entire denomination.
Ministers serve members through counseling, marriage services, anointing the sick, funeral rites, baptisms, and administering the annual Passover service. Members are expected to be loyal and subject to the governance of the ministry.
Outreach and Humanitarian Work
In accordance with its mission to preach the gospel and care for those in need, LCG engages in several outreach activities. These include television and print media, regional church campaigns, youth summer camps, leadership training programs, member-funded disaster relief efforts, and support for orphans, widows and less fortunate members.
The church provides humanitarian and development aid to impoverished regions in nations such as Haiti, Ghana, Malawi and Ethiopia. This assistance comes in the form of agricultural training and resources, medically equipped clinics, schools and educational programs, clean water wells, and distribution of food, clothing and medical supplies.
Comparison to Other Sabbatarian Churches
LCG shares its origins with the now more liberal Worldwide Church of God, and split off from the slightly smaller Global Church of God in 1998. LCG rejects ecumenical relations with other churches. It is distinguished from Seventh-day Adventists and Seventh Day Baptists primarily by British Israelism beliefs and observance of the annual feasts.
Compared to similarly sized Church of God, a Worldwide Association, LCG takes a stricter stance on doctrine and standards. It avoids mainstream Christian holidays, believes the identity of modern Israel differs from biblical Israel, and prohibits interracial marriage. LCG also produces more media content and is more visible in international humanitarian work.
Criticisms and Controversies
Like its predecessor denominations, LCG has faced criticism regarding controversial teachings, failed prophecies, authoritarian governance, and allegations of misused tithes. Specific incidents include:
- Prophesying that the end-times Great Tribulation would begin in 5-10 years, which didn’t happen.
- Teachings on racism, interracial marriage, divorce, child rearing, and women leading men, viewed as unbiblical by critics.
- Autocratic and abusive ministerial leadership leading to splits and resignations.
- Spending a disproportionately small percentage of tithe money on aid to the needy.
- Inflated membership numbers and undue focus on statistics.
Defenders of LCG point out that prophecies made by other groups also failed, that controversial social teachings are biblically based, and finances are used responsibly to fulfill the church’s stated mission. Supporters also cite positive testimonials about the church’s fellowship and spiritual benefits in their lives.
The Living Church of God upholds the unique teachings, traditions and leadership legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong. Adherents seek to live by every word in the Bible, prepare for Christ’s return, and proclaim Armstrong’s prophetic interpretations revealed through LCG. Despite controversies, the church continues working to expand its outreach and membership worldwide.