Hannah was an important woman in the Old Testament. She was one of two wives of Elkanah, along with Peninnah. Hannah was beloved by Elkanah, but was unable to have children. This caused her great anguish and she prayed fervently to God for a child. God answered her prayer and she gave birth to Samuel, who went on to become a great prophet and judge over Israel. Hannah’s story illustrates strong faith and trust in God in the face of adversity.
We first learn about Hannah in 1 Samuel 1. She was one of two wives of Elkanah, an Ephraimite. Elkanah’s other wife was named Peninnah and she had children, but Hannah remained barren. This caused Hannah much grief, as children were seen as a blessing from God and barrenness could be seen as a curse. Though Elkanah loved Hannah, Peninnah would provoke her bitterly over her barrenness (1 Samuel 1:6-7).
Every year Elkanah would travel to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord. One year Hannah was so distraught in her prayer to God for a child that she wept bitterly and could not eat. She vowed to the Lord that if she was given a son, she would dedicate him to the Lord all the days of his life (1 Samuel 1:9-11). This vow shows Hannah’s faith that God would answer her prayer.
As Hannah continued praying before the Lord, the high priest Eli saw her and thought she was drunk. When she explained she was praying out of anguish, Eli told her “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him” (1 Samuel 1:12-18). This blessing from the priest affirms that Hannah’s prayer was heard by God.
After returning home, Hannah did conceive and give birth to a son she named Samuel, which means “heard of God” or “asked of God”. When the child was weaned, as she had promised, Hannah brought Samuel to Eli at the temple and dedicated him to serve the Lord all his life (1 Samuel 1:19-28). Though undoubtedly difficult, this shows Hannah’s faithfulness in fulfilling her vow to God.
Hannah’s prayer and song of praise to God in 1 Samuel 2:1-10 beautifully express her joy in God for answering her prayer. She exalts that there is no one holy like the Lord. She rejoices that though she was weak and barren, the Lord raised her up and made her strong. God had exalted the lowly and filled the hungry in their weakness. Hannah recognizes it is not by human strength but by God’s power that the weak are made strong. Her prayer emphasizes God’s sovereignty and reminds us that He hears and answers prayer.
Hannah bore three more sons and two daughters after Samuel (1 Samuel 2:21). Each year when she and Elkanah would go to Shiloh, Hannah would bring a new robe she had made for Samuel. Her love and care for her firstborn, even after dedicating him to the Lord’s service, shows her maternal faithfulness. The Scriptures say that Samuel grew in the presence of the Lord (1 Samuel 2:21, 26).
Later, Hannah’s prayer is answered again when God gave her additional children. Despite her infertility previously, the Lord blessed her with a total of five more children. This would have been a confirmation of God’s goodness and favor on her life. Even in barrenness and weakness, the Lord cares for His faithful ones.
After Samuel was weaned and dedicated to the Lord’s service, Hannah’s words fade from Scripture. Yet she set in motion much of what was to come. Her steadfast prayers led to the birth of Samuel, who guided Israel’s transition to monarchy. He would anoint Saul, then David as king of Israel. Samuel was the last and greatest of the judges, providing leadership to Israel before the time of the kings. So in many ways, Hannah’s faithful prayer was a pivotal point in Israel’s history.
Hannah’s example provides several key lessons for believers today:
- Hannah persevered in prayer despite her grief and anguish. She did not lose hope but kept bringing her request before God. Her persistence was rewarded with God’s answer.
- Hannah trusted in God’s sovereignty and power. Despite her barrenness, she believed God could give her a child and dedicated the child to His service.
- Hannah remained faithful after her prayer was answered. She cared for Samuel and each year brought him a new robe at the temple.
- God elevated this previously barren woman and used her faithfulness to bring about His divine purposes in Israel’s history.
- God cares for the weak and elevates the lowly who trust in Him.
Although Hannah bore no singularly famous offspring like Abraham or Jesus’ mother Mary, her motherhood was miraculous. God rewarded her faith in the midst of affliction. He used her maternal devotion to set the stage for Israel’s transition to monarchy. Hannah is commended for her steadfast prayers and faithfulness. Though coming from an obscure, small family, God used this once barren woman mightily through her trust in Him.
After Hannah, we hear little else of her life. The spotlight shifts to her famous son Samuel and Hannah fades into the background. Yet she was faithful with what the Lord gave her. When barrenness could have caused bitterness, she praised God in faithful prayer. When her son could have caused attachment, she let Him go fulfill His calling. Hannah knew it was never about her, but God’s glory. This faithful mother gave birth to not just a son, but a prophet and judge who guided Israel’s history. She set events in motion that allowed righteousness and justice to prevail in a crucial time for Israel’s future. All because she never ceased praying and believing God could do the impossible through someone small and overlooked like her.
Hannah shows that God delights to use the simple, humble, and faithful. She exemplifies persisting in prayer when obstacles seem overwhelming. And that letting go can be an act of faith, trusting what we love into God’s care. Hannah’s devotion produced perhaps Israel’s greatest Old Testament prophet. Her surrender cleared the way for God’s intended blessings. This obscure, small town mother changed history through her bold faith in the face of infertility. Her story reminds us that when we feel empty, worthless, or disqualified, God can use our painful places for His glory. There is purpose in the waiting. The Lord sees. He is faithful. And nothing is impossible for the God who answered Hannah.
In summary, Hannah was an Israelite woman of faith and prayer. Though barren for many years, she persevered in prayer and God rewarded her with a son, Samuel. She kept her vow to dedicate him to the Lord’s service once weaned. Her motherhood paved the way for one of Israel’s greatest leaders. Hannah provides an inspirational example of faithfulness in prayer and trust in God’s sovereignty. Her legacy reminds us that God hears the overlooked and uses the weak to fulfill His awesome purposes.