Zebedee was the father of the apostles James and John in the Gospels. He is mentioned several times in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John.
Here is what the Bible tells us about Zebedee:
He was a fisherman
Zebedee’s occupation was as a fisherman. We see this in Matthew 4:21-22 which states “And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.” This indicates that Zebedee owned a fishing boat and worked alongside his sons James and John in the fishing business.
He was the father of James and John
As mentioned, Zebedee was the father of the apostles James and John. James and John were two of Jesus’ twelve disciples. We see Zebedee introduced as their father in Matthew 4:21, Matthew 10:2, Matthew 20:20, Matthew 26:37, Matthew 27:56, Mark 1:19-20, Mark 3:17, Mark 10:35, Luke 5:10, John 21:2.
His sons left the family business to follow Jesus
When Jesus called James and John to be his disciples, they left their father’s fishing business behind to follow Christ. Matthew 4:21-22 tells us “And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.”
This must have been difficult for Zebedee to lose his two sons who were vital to the family business. Yet he permitted them to leave everything behind to become Jesus’ disciples. This shows Zebedee’s faith in Christ and willingness to sacrifice for the kingdom.
His wife asked a favor of Jesus
In Matthew 20:20-21 we read “Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came up to him with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him for something. And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.””
So Zebedee’s wife (who is unnamed in Scripture) approaches Jesus to ask that her sons James and John would sit at the places of highest honor next to Jesus in His kingdom. This indicates that Zebedee’s family recognized Jesus’ authority and were eager to be near Him in the kingdom of Heaven.
He was presumably present at the crucifixion
John 19:25 states: “but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.” It is likely that if James and John were present, their father Zebedee may also have been there witnessing the crucifixion along with Mary and the other women.
He lived in Capernaum
Based on the Gospel accounts, Zebedee seemed to live in Capernaum. This was a town on the Sea of Galilee where Jesus made his home during His ministry (Matthew 4:13). Several of the disciples such as Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen from this region.
He likely relied on his sons’ eyewitness accounts
Since Zebedee himself was not one of the twelve disciples, he likely relied on the firsthand accounts of his sons James and John to learn of Jesus’ ministry, miracles, teachings, death and resurrection. This would make him one of the first eyewitnesses of the events described in the Gospels.
His life shows sacrifice and commitment
Although Zebedee himself does not speak or have a major role in Scripture, his life still displays sacrifice, commitment and faith. He gave up his sons who assisted him in the family business in order to follow Jesus. He permitted his sons to leave everything behind. He was likely present at Jesus’ crucifixion showing his devotion. And he raised his sons to become two of Jesus’ twelve apostles who would be critical leaders in the early church.
Zebedee made quiet but important sacrifices that allowed his sons to play a pivotal role in spreading the Gospel. He raised his sons to leave everything and follow Jesus. While not one of the twelve apostles himself, Zebedee played a part in God’s plan through the upbringing of his sons.
Lessons and Applications from Zebedee’s Life
Though Zebedee’s mentions in Scripture are brief, examining his life provides some helpful lessons and applications:
- Sacrificial living – Zebedee sacrificed his sons’ help and presence by permitting them to follow Jesus. We too are called to sacrifice for God’s kingdom.
- Quiet faithfulness – Zebedee never took center stage, but quietly supported his sons’ ministries. We too can serve God faithfully even in quiet ways.
- Willingness to support ministry – Zebedee gave up his sons to support Jesus’ ministry. We also should be willing to support ministries that further the Gospel.
- Commitment in suffering – Zebedee likely witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, showing his commitment even in suffering. We too should remain committed to Christ even through difficult trials.
- Kingdom impact – Though not prominent himself, Zebedee impacted the kingdom through his sons. We also can have kingdom impact by discipling and raising up others for God.
- Behind-the-scenes importance – Zebedee played a vital role behind the scenes. We also fill important roles even if we are not public leaders.
In summary, Zebedee exemplifies the significant impact that ordinary Christians empowered by God can have in the world when they are willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom. Though Zebedee himself was not one of the twelve disciples, he raised up two apostles who would become pillars of the early church. Zebedee made quiet but important sacrifices that allowed his sons to play a pivotal role in spreading the Gospel.
As a father and business owner, Zebedee permitted his sons James and John to leave the family fishing trade when Jesus called them. This must have been difficult and likely put financial strain on him. Yet Zebedee yielded to God’s plan. At key moments in Jesus’ ministry, such the crucifixion, Zebedee was likely present supporting Christ and the apostles.
Zebedee’s life reminds us that we do not have to hold prominent roles to have a powerful impact. By making personal sacrifices to further God’s kingdom, we too can play a vital part in spreading the Gospel. When we yield our lives fully to God’s will like Zebedee did, God can work through us to do amazing things for His glory.