The Bible clearly teaches that human life is sacred and made in the image of God. As followers of Christ, Christians are called to defend and protect all human life, including the unborn. Here are several biblical reasons why Christians should be pro-life:
1. Life begins at conception
The Bible recognizes the unborn child as a human person. Passages like Jeremiah 1:5 state that God knows us even before we are born: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” Psalms 139:13-16 also speaks of how God created our inmost being and knit us together in the womb.
Since the unborn are known and set apart by God even before birth, they have value and a right to life from conception onwards. As Christians, we are morally obligated to protect all innocent human life.
2. Children are a blessing from God
Children are consistently seen as a gift and blessing in the Bible (Psalm 127:3-5, Psalm 128:3-4). As Christians, welcoming children into this world should be our response to God’s gift of life. Aborting children treats human life as disposable and interferes with God’s providence.
Societal problems like poverty, abuse or disability do not make a child any less precious in God’s sight. As believers, we are called to surround children with love and support, not terminate their lives.
3. All life is created equal before God
Many try to justify abortion by claiming the unborn are “less than” fully human. But the Bible teaches that all life is equal before God. Passages in the New Testament explain that worldly differences like gender, race, and status do not determine our value (Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11).
As Christians, we affirm that all life – whether born or unborn – has profound dignity and worth. We cannot discriminate based on size, appearance or circumstance without violating the biblical principle of equality.
4. Do not murder
One of the Ten Commandments given to Moses was “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13). Elective abortion ends an innocent human life, violating the moral law of God. While the Bible shows grace to sinners, it never justifies the sin itself.
As followers of Christ, our calling is to protect the vulnerable and enact justice. Abortion exploits women and destroys defenseless children made in God’s image. Christians should oppose it as an act of injustice and moral evil.
5. Defend the weak and needy
The Bible consistently calls God’s people to defend the oppressed. Isaiah 1:17 says to “seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause”. Unborn children facing abortion are clearly among the weakest and most vulnerable in society.
As Christians, it is our duty to give them a voice and advocate for their most basic right – the right to life. We must seek to enact laws and policies that protect unborn life instead of destroying it.
6. Speak up for those who cannot speak
Proverbs 24:11-12 challenges us to rescue those being led away to death. The unborn children facing abortion have no voice of their own to plead for their lives. As ambassadors of Christ, we must intercede on their behalf.
The Bible calls us to selflessly defend the rights of others, especially those who are voiceless and powerless. Remaining silent in the face of injustice violates our Christian calling (Proverbs 31:8-9).
7. Choose life
Moses set before the Israelites the choice between life and death, telling them to “choose life, that you and your offspring may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19). As Christians, we should likewise choose policies and practices that preserve life rather than destroy it.
Abortion is often portrayed as necessary, empowering or compassionate towards women. However, it ultimately ends a developing human life. As Christians, we affirm with Moses that the choice of life is God’s design and the most loving option.
8. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit
The Bible teaches that our physical bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). As God’s image-bearers, honoring Him includes stewarding our bodies in a way consistent with His purposes. Since all life is made by and belongs to God, destroying it violates the sanctity of human life.
Abortion directly interferes with God’s design for procreation and the family. It damages the woman’s body meant to nurture life. As Christians, our bodies should honor what God has created.
9. Jesus valued children
Jesus spoke blessing over children and demonstrated how they have a place in His Kingdom (Matthew 19:13-15, Matthew 18:1-5). He also affirmed the value of unborn life through His miraculous conception in Mary’s womb. As Christians, we are called to model Jesus’ tender compassion for the powerless.
Our Savior’s example of welcoming and laying hands on children should inspire us to fight abortion. Following Him means protecting the unborn He came to save (Luke 1:41-44, Luke 18:15-17).
10. Subscribe to a consistent life ethic
As Christians, striving to be pro-life means advocating for all vulnerable lives inside and outside the womb. This biblical, whole-life perspective values human dignity at every age and stage.
Upholding certain human rights while denying others undermines our moral credibility. Christians should advocate consistently for the poor, immigrants, the elderly, victims of violence, prisoners, the disabled and all who are marginalized in addition to the unborn.
The Bible calls us to defend life from conception to natural death. As Christians, our pro-life conviction should influence everything from sex to healthcare to death penalty policy.
In summary, the Christian worldview leaves no room for support of elective abortion. The Bible clearly outlines the sanctity of preborn life and our duty as believers to protect the vulnerable. As Christ’s hands and feet, Christians should actively oppose abortion through advocacy, outreach, education, and non-violent intervention.
Our charge is to model God’s heart for all human persons, upholding their dignity from fertilization onwards. Abortion violates foundational biblical values of justice, equality and the sacredness of life. For these reasons, Christians around the world take a strong pro-life stance against destroying innocent life in the womb.