Praying for the peace of Jerusalem is an important topic for Christians. The Bible encourages believers to pray for the city’s wellbeing and prosperity. There are several key reasons why Christians should make Jerusalem a focus of their prayers.
Jerusalem Has Spiritual Significance
Jerusalem is a city of great spiritual importance. It is considered a holy city by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. For Christians specifically, Jerusalem is significant because of its connection to Jesus Christ and events in the New Testament. Jesus wept over the city (Luke 19:41) and prophesied its destruction (Matthew 24:2). After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and told them to wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-5). Jerusalem was the site of the first Christian church (Acts 2) and served as the headquarters for the apostles (Acts 15:2). Because of this biblical history, praying for Jerusalem’s welfare is tied directly to Christianity’s roots.
God’s Favor is Upon the City
The Bible indicates that Jerusalem occupies a special place in God’s heart. King David declared that those who love Jerusalem will prosper (Psalm 122:6). In Zechariah 2:8, the Lord Almighty refers to Jerusalem as the “apple of his eye.” Jesus himself reminded the Samaritan woman that “salvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22) and situated Jerusalem as the originating place of the Gospel message. Scripture promises that the Lord will “again choose Jerusalem” (Zechariah 2:12) and shower favor upon it. Interceding for the peace of Jerusalem aligns with God’s heart for the city and desire to pour out blessing.
It Fulfills Biblical Commands
Praying for Jerusalem provides Christians an opportunity to obey clear scriptural commands. Psalm 122:6 instructs believers to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” In 1 Timothy 2:1-3, Paul urges prayers and intercession be made for “all people,” including “kings and all who are in high positions.” Jerusalem, as a physical city and spiritual capital, certainly qualifies. Jesus himself wept over the city’s lack of peace (Luke 19:42-44). When Christians intercede for Jerusalem’s welfare and salvation, they act in accord with Christ’s own lament. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem allows believers to fulfill Christ’s passion.
It Expresses Love for the Jewish People
Praying blessing upon Jerusalem demonstrates love toward the Jewish people. Jerusalem is intrinsic to Jewish identity and serves as capital of the modern state of Israel. Upholding the city in prayer exhibits solidarity with Jews worldwide. It reflects the desire to honor a shared spiritual heritage traced back to Abraham. The apostle Paul maintained great sorrow and anguish over unsaved Israel (Romans 9:1-5) and clearly conveyed that believers are grafted into Jewish spiritual roots (Romans 11:17-18). Praying for Jerusalem’s peace and prosperity aligns with Paul’s own passion to see Israel restored and redeemed.
It Seeks Israel’s Spiritual Restoration
Interceding for Jerusalem ultimately expresses the longing to see Israel turn and receive Jesus as Messiah. Jesus proclaimed he would not return until the Jewish people corporately say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:37-39). The apostle Paul envisioned a future day when Israel would turn to Christ and be grafted back into gospel promises (Romans 11:23-26). Believers who cry out for Jerusalem’s peace help fast-track this prophetic vision. Prayer for the city helps prepare Israel spiritually to welcome Jesus as savior and rightful ruler.
It Hastens Christ’s Return
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem ultimately serves to hasten the second coming of Christ. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10). In the Sermon on the Mount, he promised, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). The writer of Hebrews depicts believers as longing for a “better country” and “heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 11:16). When Christians pray for Jerusalem’s temporal peace, they help lead to its ultimate eternal peace. As the Psalmist proclaimed, “For the sake of my brothers and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you'” (Psalm 122:8). Prayers for Jerusalem help usher in messianic fulfillment.
It Counters Spiritual Attack
Scripture indicates that Jerusalem will be the epicenter of spiritual attack in the last days. The prophet Zechariah forecasted a time when Jerusalem would be “like a heavy stone for all the peoples” sparking conflict and controversy (Zechariah 12:3). Jesus himself warned the city would be “trampled underfoot by the Gentiles” and face devastation (Luke 21:24). Revelation 11:2 depicts Jerusalem under Gentile occupation and oppression. Intercessory prayer for Jerusalem helps counter the spiritual attacks Satan incites against the city. It places a hedge of protection over Jerusalem and offsets negative influences.
It Aligns Prayer with God’s Purposes
The Bible reveals that God will restore Jerusalem’s blessing and ensure its inhabitants prosper (Jeremiah 33:6-9). He purposes that the city becomes “a praise in all the earth” (Isaiah 62:7) and “a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all nations of the earth” (Jeremiah 33:9). When believers align in prayer for Jerusalem’s welfare, they come into agreement with these prophetic promises. They help enact spiritual realities that Scripture states will certainly come to pass. Praying for the peace of Jerusalem involves joining one’s faith with God’s sovereign purposes.
It Brings Blessing to Those Who Pray
God pronounces favor and blessing upon those who pray for Jerusalem’s wellbeing. King David declared the Lord would “prosper those who love” the city (Psalm 122:6). Isaiah promised the Lord would treat with care “the one who takes hold of [Jerusalem]” (Isaiah 56:6). Jesus Christ himself assured listeners, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9). When believers devote prayer to Jerusalem’s peace, they position themselves to receive divine blessing. They enact spiritual laws of sowing and reaping. Interceding for Jerusalem results in spiritual blessing for those who pray.
It Adorns the Bride of Christ
The New Testament envisions the church as a radiant bride being prepared to meet Christ. Scripture urges believers to be found “without spot or wrinkle” (Ephesians 5:27), shining with “the glory of God” (Revelation 21:11). When Christians pray for Jerusalem’s peace, they actively prepare themselves as Christ’s pure and blameless bride. They rid themselves of all racial, political and ethnic impatience, intolerance or indifference. A passion for Jerusalem’s wellbeing beautifies the bride and readies her for the wedding supper.
It Unites the Global Church
Interceding for Jerusalem provides a unifying act for the worldwide body of Christ. Jesus specifically prayed for oneness among those who follow him (John 17:20-23). Praying in concert for Jerusalem’s peace tangibly answers this prayer. It bridges denominational and ethnic divides as believers collectively appeal to heaven. It binds Christians in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas through shared concern for God’s purposes. Whatever their theological or doctrinal stance, believers can find common ground at the throne of grace praying for Jerusalem.
It Upholds a Worthy Cause
Supplicating God on behalf of Jerusalem’s welfare simply represents a worthy spiritual cause. Scripture depicts Jerusalem as vital to both God’s plans and satanic attack. It constitutes a city destined for peace and prosperity, yet engulfed in intense spiritual darkness and conflict. Interceding for Jerusalem takes up the battle set forth in the Bible between God’s kingdom and Satan’s strongholds. It intervenes on behalf of divine light invading resisting darkness. Praying for Jerusalem invests in, and leverages, Kingdom priorities.
It Sets Events in Motion
When Christians pray for Jerusalem, they unleash real activity in the heavenly realms. God searches the earth for individuals to partner with His purposes (2 Chronicles 16:9). He is looking for intercessors who will stand in the gap before him on Jerusalem’s behalf (Ezekiel 22:30). Believers’ prayers help activate angelic help (Daniel 10:12) and the Spirit’s work in Jewish hearts (Romans 11:25-29). Intercession sets events in motion that bring Jerusalem closer to its destiny as a praise in all the earth (Isaiah 62:7). Praying for Jerusalem fuels spiritual breakthrough.
It Reflects the Heart of Christ
Jesus expressed tender love and compassion toward Jerusalem. He longed to gather its inhabitants under His protective care as a hen gathers her chicks (Matthew 23:37). Jesus wept bitterly over the city’s lack of peace (Luke 19:41-44), rebuked those ill-treating it (Luke 13:34) and mourned its refusal to turn to God. When believers pray for Jerusalem’s welfare, they allow Jesus’ own concerns to shape their petitions. They see the city through spiritual eyes of mercy. Intercession for Jerusalem allows believers to reflect Christ’s heart back to Him in prayer.
It Hastens Fulfillment of Prophecy
The Bible contains over 800 prophecies about Jerusalem’s future in the last days. Scripture foretells that all nations will turn against the city (Zechariah 12:3), but the Lord Himself will shield it (Zechariah 12:8). God promises to pour out spiritual grace and supplication upon Jerusalem’s inhabitants (Zechariah 12:10). Praying for the peace of Jerusalem helps activate these prophecies. As the spiritual climate shifts over the city, it makes way for prophetic promises to unfold. Believers’ prayers help create conditions for Jerusalem’s prophetic destiny to manifest.
It Advances the Message of the Gospel
Praying tangible blessing upon Jerusalem primes the city to receive the message of Jesus. Scripture foretells that when Jewish hearts soften toward Christ, the message of salvation will go forth from Jerusalem to all nations (Isaiah 2:3, Luke 24:47). As spiritual darkness lifts from the city, the light of the Gospel shines clearer. Jerusalem’s prophesied final seasons of prosperity can only materialize if the truth of Christ first takes root there. Interceding for Jerusalem’s peace prepares the soil for the Gospel seed to flourish.
In summary, praying for the peace of Jerusalem carries great spiritual importance, as highlighted throughout Scripture. It expresses love for Israel, aligns with God’s purposes, hastens Christ’s return, actuates prophecy and prepares the way for the Gospel. When believers make intercession for Jerusalem a vital part of their prayer life, they actively bless the city, position themselves for blessing, and help usher in God’s ultimate plan for Jerusalem to be a place of peace and praise.